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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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hello all, Neti my paella sounds more like real paella than most of the recipes you see over here. I do chicken, prawns, onions, maybe some fish, onion garlic and peppers and I cook the rice in fish stock (knorr not home made) with quite a lot of saffron. Just before dishing up, I stir in some lemon juice. The leftovers, cold make a superb salad lunch. If there's not enough meat or fish left in it, then I stir in some more.
Tonight I lit the barbie for the first time. I bought it last year its a posh aussie one called a Cobb. Its brilliant, all packs away and the dirty bits go in the dishwasher. We had steak and salad and jersey potatoes.
hello all, went to an exhibition of Heath Robinson drawings today, got all carried away and bought a couple, one for self, one for jno jnr (it is a bonfire-night-specific one, which is his birthday). Phew... they are originals not prints, and cost a lot of money. But I am sick of spending all my money on teeth.

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wow a real Heath Robinson, fantastic gift. I know what you mean should give pleasure....
Am fed up with getting no or limited internet connection, I shall haveto see if I can buy a booster somewhere. Is it possible does anyone know?

Yes woofy your paella sounds delicious, do you know that my almost favorite one is Arroz la banda, and it is paella without all the gubbins, just beautifully flavored rice, in yellow and red stripes (Spanish flag - la banda); so much easier to eat, and there is also one with pasta called fideua, that just slides down, and that is my favorite.
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I must find the recipes....I love the flavoured rice too.
Hi All have just caught up with all your posts and now I'm ready for bed. Pardon my ignorance but I've never understood the saying It's a real Heath Robinson. I suppose I could google it but I can't be bothered now.
I've had a couple of busy days with school yesterday and Live at Lunch in Notts. today.It was absolutely brilliant. A classical pianist playing Rachmaninov and Beethoven. The pianist was Alexander Panfilov from Moscow. I love classical music as my Mum was a classical pianist and teacher. I am really proud of her as she became (at the time) the youngest Associate of Trinity College of London. It was in the Autumn of 1930 when she was 15 years old that she received it. This is her being presented with her Diploma.

Off to my bed now.. Have a good night all my Biddyfriends everywhere. Love you all and may all your aches and pains subside...See yer later'gater(s)
hello again folks
Just popped in to say goodnight and say that I have never ever cooked paella
I have eaten it though on hols and it's very nice .
I like Heath Robinson drawings. It's anything held together with string and makeshift bits Jude ,like my computer :)
Lovely picture .You are like your Mum .
It turned out a beautiful day here after all ,really warm and sunny and got all washing dry and put away .Hope you have all had a good day ,vests back on tomorrow though by the look of things .
Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
Question Author
That's a lovely picture Jude, your mum looks so serious and young. Shaney I had never cooked paella till recently when my nephew posted a picture of what h had cooked on Facebook. It looked yummy so I asked for the recipe...he calls it fake paella but from what Neti says, it actually isn't fake but quite authentic.
I will bung the recipe on here if you are interested?
Can't sleep, won't sleep. I do not usually give up and get up but have this time.

Jude yes your mother was lovely and so talented. I also like classical music but not Wagner, Bartok or Webber (Vaber), too heavy.

Well have finished my coffee, that should make me sleep.

See you all tomorrow,, night night hopefully.
Question Author
hope you are now dreaming happily Neti. WE have been OUT!!!! properly out for long lovely running (dogs not me) for the first time in ages. After sub zero temperatures, I did my knee again, then we had dogs being poisoned, then I had a cold, then I had the cold again, then they replaced the cattle grid so the road was closed for two weeks but today.....normal has returned.
Morning all
Back to normal here .Raining and a sharp drop in the temperature.
Hope you got some sleep Neti .You sound perky Woofy ,the outing has done you good .I would like the paella recipe please .

Happy Birthday Lofty ,if you are looking in .Hope all is well .Have a lovely day and Many Happy Returns xx
Morning all...cold and showery here too.

Ooh, that's a lovely pressie jno, my kinda thing. My life's all Heath Robinson, held together by bits of blue tac and elastic. I love this one

Lovely pic Jude. I love the way everyone was serious and sombre on old it's all whooping and punching the air. My mum loved classical music & knew all the names and titles but she didn't play. My dad taught himself to play piano. I got shoved out of the school orchestra cos I couldn't ting! the triangle at the right moment (probably too busy daydreaming).

Happy Birthday Lottie if you're looking in.
Have a lovely day whatever you're doing.

Hi All Thanks for your kind words about my Mum's photo.
Thanks too Shaney for the Heath R. explanation. I think I may be capable of them sometimes in my life..or perhaps they should have been called 'ham-fisted' attempts.
I've put my washing out and then had to fetch it back in and now the sun is shining again... Do I-Don't I? is the question.
I've just taken the space bar off my lap top to clean out the mess underneath and it is now sticking worse than ever. Boo-hoo! Allmy typingis likethis.
Have a good day all- laters 'gaters.

P>S> One day I'm going to leave all my typeos in just to show you what corrections I have to make. INCLUDING THE LANGUAGE. I'll never forget that! But it has given all my friends a laugh.
Question Author
Happy Birthday and love to our Lottie.....

Paella recipe, a big portion for one

Basic paella
generous half a cup of long grain rice
1 scant cup of boiling water
a quarter of a small onion chopped fine (small squares)
about the same amount of sweet pepper, I only use red because I don't like green chopped fine (small squares)
half a fish stock cube or a pot of the jellied fish stock stuff (knorr)
a good pinch of saffron
a few cooked ordinary prawns, not king prawns
a little olive oil
juice of half to one lemon to taste
garlic to taste, I use granules

meat and fish
Your choice of
raw chicken breast chunks or goujons, or skinless boneless thigh is nice either way have it in pieces that will cook in around 15 minutes
raw king prawns
any meaty fish, monkfish is good, no skin or bone
frozen roeless scallops.
cookedmussels if you like them

Heat a large shallow covered pan and put in the oil add the raw chicken and brown well then turn down the heat and add the onion and pepper and fry gently till the onion is translucent.
Add the rice and small prawns and stir.
Turn down the heat and add the boiling water with the fish stock and saffron stir again.
Add the scallops still frozen and or the monkfish NOT frozen and/or the king prawns not frozen. final stir, cover and adjust the heat so its just bubbling.
leave for 15 minutes and check, rice should be almost done, chicken should be done. Lay the mussels over the top to warm through for five minutes.
Check the rice again. If there is too much liquid in the pan, take the lid off and turn up the heat, allow to bubble without stirring.
Either stir in the lemon juice just before serving or serve with lemon juice or lemon wedges for people to add their own.

On reading the recipe it sounds more complicated than it is...once you understand the cooking order, you just keep bunging things in. Leftovers are delicious cold served as a rice salad.
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chilly and bright here...I was a triangle tinger, I wanted to shake a tamborine but had no rhythm whatsoever
A secret spanish tip that we all do here, when almost done, turn off the gas and lay sheets of newspaper over the pan, sounds unhygienic but has worked for centuries. Also prawns take so little cooking I would cook them in the paella. Sounds good though woofy. The whole thing should take 20/25 mins start to finish.

Finally went to sleep at 3:58, I know cos when I cannot sleep I make faces out of the digital clock. 2:38 (sideways) is a man with a quiff, a handlebar moustache and a bow tie. I spend ages doing it.

We woke to a horrendous storm, really blowy and rainy, but we all went to Ibiza town to get hija's uniform, only to find that they had given her a man's outfit, she thought it strange to be given trousers, so now have to return again on Monday. Couldn't find any shoes for her to work in, but o the plus side I have got a ticket to the Moscow Ballet for May 6, 21hrs for 35€, it's Swan Lake again, I keep asking for Giselle but think out stage is too small.
Happy Birthday Lottie, hope all OK with you x ♥
In junior school I was the important triangle tinger, but in sec school they thought I could sing, so it was Ave Maria (both versions) I hated it! Also had a tambourine without those metal bits on the side!!!
jude I also make so many typos, as you can see but some I do not realise until I have posted!
crikey neti, Swan Lake for 21 hrs? Better take a flask and some sarnies. I've seen Giselle, a long time ago.

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