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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Bordid...why do colds hit you on day three? I was doing reasonably well, it was mostly the nuisance factor, but since last night it's in every cell of my aching bod. Be bo belly bub....I fed up fed up.
I saw lots of digital numbers last night, in particular I remember 4:11. None had faces but I swore at them anyway.... I don't eat at bedtime, a bowl of cereal maybe or some biscuits if I'm peckish.
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I know Robi, day 3 is when you feel totally like poo... all you can do is rest and wait for day 4
my sister said a cold, 3 days coming, 3 daqys here and 3 days to go, and there you are!

Morning, was nice, now overcast yet again and more rain due.

Done the shopping with Mr N, had brekkie with Mr N (well coffee only today, no croissants or ensaimadas), unpacked shopping, met my gay male best friend for 2 more coffees and a good old saucy natter, went for a walk in my new wedge trainers (and other clothes!)which are so comfy, joggled along
to Rainbow Valley and Rehab, now home to be lazy as it is getting very dark here!

Hope you feel better soon Robi, just look after yourself, or I'll send Jude round to swear at you :-)

Hope jno and woofy are recovering, and shaney and jude feeling fine.
Hello snufflies
Not a bad day here ,bright and breezy .I've washed anything I can find as it's lovely to get stuff out on the line after what seems like years of indoor airers .
Sorry you don't feel too good Robinia .Keep warm and drink plenty of soothing fluids .I'll be round with the tea trolley and 60omg later .I'll slip you a custard :)
Hope everyone else is ok .KBO.
3 weeks to go more like, I am still having little coughing sessions, but not enough to keep the whole street awake at night any more. However, one of our guests has a cold so I may re-catch it. Nice sunny day here but rather chilly. A day to look at the garden but not to work in it (well, aren't they all). I hope other ailing biddies can shake off their problems.
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hello all, I am much better today..we've had brilliant sun and hail here..Tomorrow my mate down the road and I are going to a Red Cross open garden so its bound to be freezing again.
Hi woofy glad you are feeling better today. Miserable here.

Now if any of you want to try the digital clock faces thing, it has to be 12 hr clock not too good with the 24hr one.
Just seen "Quartet" it's a lovely film.
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It's cold again here, night night coughers ans sneezers and clock watchers sleep well all
It's turned very chilly .Heating on again this evening and the kettle's on for my hot water bottle .Hope all snufflers get a good night and feel better tomorrow.
No Neti ..I won't be clock watching but I may sing hymns if I can't sleep .I used to do that as a child and drove my Mum up the wall.
Either that or I used to pick the wallpaper off ...where the join was ,it was so tempting :)
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
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Good morning. We have been out. It was frosty but two of us enjoyed it muchly. And now....zzzzzzzzzz
Good morning, woken up finally to a day with no rain, although I could hear it in the night, even though I wasn't digital clock facing. Hija out all night, still is, but she lets me know and phoned again this am so no probs. Aren't I awful?

Hope Robi and woofy are feeling better today.

Off witrh Mr N to get a rental van for the golf trip to Valencia tomorrow, he's offered to drive all the equipment and suitcases, the others are flying.
Morning...oooh, stand back....

oh buffer it....
Dull and cold again.
I used to sing in bed too shaney. Nowadays we'd be shoved onto Britain's got talent...all I got was told to be quiet and get to sleep.
grrrr.... I keep losing my internet connection.
Just back from collecting the van, going for a trip and having lunch, we had arroz la banda

Which is paella without all the chewing, just mouthfuls of delicious rice. Only had 2 glasses of wine, but am sleepy now.
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Its still cold here but my mate and I enjoyed our open garden visit. The garden is beautiful, very old and has be neglected but is now run as a day centre for people with learning difficulty and they are gradually getting it sorted. They sell lovely plants, mostly hardy perennials that suit the area well and are really nice people. We had coffee and home made cake, it was pretty chilly but still enjoyable.
Hello all
We've been out for lunch .Only to the little restaurant in the High St but very nice .I had roast lamb and Mr.S had beef .That's twice in a week .He's either fed up with my cooking or after something !
Hope you are all Ok and colds have cleared up or are on their way to clearing up.It's not a bad day here weatherwise ,bright and breezy but on the chilly side with that east wind.
Happy Sunday all. Guess what I'm watching.

Had a lovely day in Linconshire yesterday. Saw some beautiful floral displays
but got bored and tired coming home. We were brought through every village the driver could get the coach through. Anyway it was good being with Yachts.
I'm going to see Carlos at the hospital about you my wrist tomorrow. It's been giving me jip lately. I can cope with the stiffness but not the pain.
Anyway I'm off to make a cuppa now. See yer later 'gaters
Yachts. Should have been Fuschia. That comes up as Russia and yachts in predictive depending on me tapping a different key or 2 :)
Hi jude, I give up posting on the phone, says what it wants and it's so difficult to correct it in the right place, here's hoping my new phone will be better, it's dual core and 2x faster, it's jelly bean not gingerbread (which is really slow)
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Lol Jude, if you search online for predictive text goofs, there are some that wouldn't pass the swear monitor on here. We have a marks roast turkey joint for dinner with marks frozen rosti. Tomorrow I must shop though, we are running low on bonio.

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