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The dumb cooking related questions begin

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EvianBaby | 08:37 Sun 20th May 2012 | Food & Drink
76 Answers
Ok, let's get the first one out of the way....

How do I know if my oven is a fan oven?

There's no little symbol on the front but everything I've cooked (which isn't much) seem to cook pretty quick and it's quite loud.

There's no model number I can google. Already looked for that to save myself this embarrassment.

I'm cooking a roast for the fam today and I want to give myself a fighting chance of getting it right.


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Thanks! So if I put it on About 170 dg at around 12ish does that sound about right for aiming to serve at around 3-3.30?
It all depends on the weight of your meat, evian....
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Alba, I wish I could take credit but it's the previous tenants who cleaned it. It was two lads so they probably never used it either :)
..and what meat it is, too, some take longer than others, and how you like it served
>>>Next question? <<< I was just thinking about fish fingers, what kind of fish have hands?
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1.9 kilo Boxy. Effing huge!
Yes....I fold in two and have a cheap baking tray on top. The baking tray collects most of any spillages and then I just throw it in the bin :-)
I normally go for 20 mins per lb.
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I'll have to make do with just a bit of foil for now, all my baking trays are brand new and barely used. Lol.

Right, so about 2 hours then.

Thanks again everyone! Hang around to be entertained for more dumb questions this afternoon :)
Don't forget to allow for a 45 minute rest before carving.
what meat is it, anyway?
It's a leg of lamb Boxy.
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My dad will carve, he's got to earn his grub somehow :)

I did put in another reply Boxy, lamb.

Is it best to take it out the fridge for a couple of hours and get it to room temp before I bung it in the oven?
think boxy may be having a senior moment ;-)

I like my meat falling apart - nothing pink for me, so I'd prolly put the joint in now and take it out at around 1.30 pm. Covered in foil for most of the cooking time
Yes, meat should always be room temp before going into the oven.
NoM.........let me worry about the room temperature and i am certain that i could regulate the temperature of the oven for optimum results.

Well done OR just underdone, depending upon preference.
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Brill, lamb now out of the fridge. If the cat attempts anything he'll end up as the starter.

Tin foil or no tin foil.....hhhmmmm.
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I've just realised something.....Ummmm has two ovens. Two!! :)
I always foil and remove it about 30 mins before end of cooking

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