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The dumb cooking related questions begin

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EvianBaby | 08:37 Sun 20th May 2012 | Food & Drink
76 Answers
Ok, let's get the first one out of the way....

How do I know if my oven is a fan oven?

There's no little symbol on the front but everything I've cooked (which isn't much) seem to cook pretty quick and it's quite loud.

There's no model number I can google. Already looked for that to save myself this embarrassment.

I'm cooking a roast for the fam today and I want to give myself a fighting chance of getting it right.


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I use gas, not that I do a great deal of cooking now...kept leaving the
electric one on,when it had been on simmer, thought I'd turned it off...nearly a kitchen fire.
You could at least have washed the parsley ... and removed the stalky bit ... that is going to chafe later

Ahem :+)
I don't mind putting an apple in Dave's mouth but I am NOT going to volunteer to do the stuffing
it's very tricky to get the stuffing into the trunk properly. Best way is to put your mouth to the other end and blow really hard.
I'll let you demonstrate that one jno lol
I think this could be the first 'X' rated cooking thread ... (sorry EB)

Right - I won't talk about trussing the roast, then... <]:-)
Fortunately JJ is obsessed with the netball, so we are spared jokes about Stuffing and Olive ...
yes, and remember putting a roast in a fan oven isn't strictly the same as giving it a ***.
well that was bl0w j0b but I can see why the particulate filter objected
True jno - but anyway I find a full 90 minutes a bit taxing these days :)
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Evening all!

Just wanted to let you know dinner was brilliant. The lamb came out perfectly and my dad was very complimentary about my roast spuds.

Thanks for all your help!!M x
Hi EB... I am pleased that your meal was a success and I hope your spotless oven has not been blemished from what may have been a new experience for both you and the appliance concerned.

Keep up the good work and by the time the oven needs cleaning you'll be producing meals which are fit for a king....... our Ed of course :-)

HI Evian
I'm really pleased it all went well. Onwards and upwards on the cooking front!
How was Dave? Did he come out nice and tender too?
mmmm Dave cheeks in gravy........

Well Done Evian xx

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