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The dumb cooking related questions begin

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EvianBaby | 08:37 Sun 20th May 2012 | Food & Drink
76 Answers
Ok, let's get the first one out of the way....

How do I know if my oven is a fan oven?

There's no little symbol on the front but everything I've cooked (which isn't much) seem to cook pretty quick and it's quite loud.

There's no model number I can google. Already looked for that to save myself this embarrassment.

I'm cooking a roast for the fam today and I want to give myself a fighting chance of getting it right.


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Don't forget to pre heat the oven
Use tin foil
Have you got the mint sauce sorted?
What are you serving with the lamb?
Are you inserting sprigs of rosemary too, and garlic if liked? mmmmm

can you set an extra place please, I don't take up mushroom.
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Lol, I think that's the opposite of what my dad does OJ.

Just very basic Mrs_O. Spuds and a variety of veg. Got a big jar of mint sauce so they can cover up the taste if I stuff it up :)
GAS, No mercy? does anyone still use gas ?
Yeah, I have 8 burners as well :-)
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If I even considered garlic my dad would remove me from his will (not that he's got anything to leave me). He can't stand the stuff.

Don't be in too much of a hurry inviting yourself over, this is the trial run. We don't know how many survivors there will be yet :)
I'm sure you will do just fine Evian - have confidence in yourself!
What are you doing about gravy?
certainly, venator! (how else do you think we light the ceremonial flame for Ab Editor?)
I use gas. Oven is temperamental tho.
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I'm cooking on gas! ;)

Just some bisto granules for Thr gravy and mix it up with some of the meat juices.
Sounds good.
I hope your family enjoy it - let us know how it goes xx
Four electric ovens and six gas burners here ... I love my aga :+)
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Thank you!!! I'll report back later.

Right, I better go, got a whole fields worth of spuds and veg to peel.

Thanks so much for the help everyone!! X
Just a shame you can't cook Dave
Sorry, Boxie - perhaps we should borrow that mirror the Greeks used? Or maybe it needs sunshine...
Gawd ^^^ she's got some lip lol.
how would you cook dave, mrs_o? Sprig of parsley?
I use a gas hob and electric oven, with a microwave hidden away. The only bit of junk is an induction cooker plate, which has been used a couple of times for cooking at the table.

I used to have an AGA, but it wouldn't go in the van when we moved house.
Apple in the mouth and plenty of stuffing, jno <]:-)

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