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Jamie's 15 minute meals

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diddlydo | 13:56 Fri 30th Nov 2012 | Food & Drink
30 Answers
Anyone else fed up with Jamie's 15 minute meals? Everything whizzed through the food processor, expensive cuts of meat and more asparagus each week than I get through in a year. All the dishes end up very same-y. And as for the time factor - just don't get me started! Please can someone do a "slow meal" series?


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Added an answer to what?

To the drivel on here For Funks Sake
don't like him very much, I'd also prefer a rough price shown rather than 540 calories.
Also, as Unlce Ben sponsors it, what one earth are those little vibrators doing in the sponsor part of the show?
Do tell - what are they doing??
Just a bit of filling in albs
dickythecook, if you read the replies to your posts you would see I was not criticising you ( would I dare?) but one of the replies to it, and how many times did I have to retype your username to get rid of the typo?
lol Dicky.

Mamya, they seem to be diving into a plate of vegetables, some are even wearing hats. (I really must stop having a vivid imagination)
Ive never watched the programme as I simply can't bear the guy. Some of his recipes are quite good though, although I can't understand the rush! I love pottering about the kitchen, even though I work full time.
I thought your post funny and on a humour level on par with mine. The typo one I thought was extremely good, but, I didn't want to call attention to the fact that I mispelled my user name when I signed up. I think I already upset SK so I will slink off into the background now and try to be a good boy
DTC ;o)
I like Jamie Oliver and his style of home cooking but his lemon juice, olive oil and chilli fettish is driving me nuts.

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Jamie's 15 minute meals

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