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Cups Of Tea - How Many?

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Smowball | 09:21 Mon 18th Mar 2013 | Food & Drink
53 Answers
Just wondering how many cups of tea(or coffee) you normally drink a day?
I was speaking to a woman the other day who said she has up to 30 cups a day!! That seems a ridiculously high amount.
I dont think I have more than 4 - one when I wake up, maybe one before I go to work, one at work and one when I get in - thats it.


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About 6, sometimes more depends when I have classes to teach (too much liquid gurgling!!). Our family were always massive tea drinkers. Drink one cup of coffee a week or more if out for an evening meal.
15+ Skimmed milk and no sugar.
Usually just the one mug of coffee, and then a few cups of green tea during the day, and cammomile at night.
If people aren't drinking much tea how are they making up their fluid intake? 6 or 7 pints of Guinness of an evening?
I drink lots and lots of bottled water.

6-7 In a day I would think
Just the one when I get up in the morning.
mostly water, sandy. Glasses of the stuff, from the tap.
4 not counting herbal drinks (no milk or sugar)
I drink herbal teas - 4-5 huge mugs,plus 1-2 decafs,and sparkling water. The tap water here is vile.
I use one of those "giant" cups (half a litre) and have three or four cups of coffee, one or two of tea, and sometimes one fruit/herb infusion.
1 or 2 at the most.

But I probably get through about 10 coffees.
None... I don't drink tea or coffee... Boak! =s
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Generally about 5 or 6 I think.
"I was speaking to a woman the other day who said she has up to 30 cups a day!!"

She must spend most of her days and nights in the loo.
Like Murraymints I probably drink 15+
No tea. Loathsome taste here.
1 coffee on waking.
! Coffee 5 Tea's. Glass of Pepsi Max with dinner.

1 when I get up, a coffee with breakfast, coffee mid morning, another tea with my lunch followed by another tea mid afternoon and tea or coffee early evening......if were out and about maybe a pot of tea while we rest the old legs.

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