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rozmercer | 14:08 Mon 30th Jul 2018 | Food & Drink
23 Answers
Is it possible to freeze bananas please? And if so, how?
Thanks in advance


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Yes. I remove the skin and freeze them whole in a freezer bag. I would imagine that you could also chop them up.
1. step: buy bananas
2. step: peel bananas
3. step: cut bananas at least in half
4. step: put the cut bananas in bags
5. step: put the bags with bananas in the freeser
Apparently frozen banana makes brilliant ice cream.
If you chop them up and freeze in a single layer they are easier to store.
Then put in a food processor and blitz - bannana icecream.
I chop mine like rockrose, leave them on parchment paper on baking tray, put in freezer for about half an hour and then when they've frozen I place them in ziploc bag, easy to just grab a handful when I want them, I freeze rhubarb the same if there is a glut of them, saves dumping them, and they do make for gorgeous ice cream
Why on earth would you want to?

There are always fresh ones available.
As said Hopkirk, if you have a large bunch of bananas and they are already ripe it saves them going over - not everyone can get to the shop daily.
Hopkirk...frozen bananas make great ice cream.

Grapes are good to freeze as well. Freeze and put them into your wine :-)
/// Why on earth would you want to? There are always fresh ones available.///

Here's one reason. Approximately 1.3 billion tons (according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation) of food worldwide is wasted every year.

At the same time, 795 million people around the world were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2014-2016.
Lakeland do a bag that keeps bananas fresh for a couple of weeks.
Frozen bananas can be used for smoothies, cake, muffins.
Years ago when going to Weightwatchers, a summer time tip was to freeze bananas and then you could eat them like an icelolly. Because they were so hard, it took ages to eat them and you didn't feel left out when others were enjoying ice cream etc.
I tried freezing bananas but when I took them out to make a banana sandwich - they were too yucky.
JJ...when they're frozen it's best to use them in something cooked/baked or smoothies.
Yes they change texture etc when frozen which is why you use them to cook or for frzen stuff
yeah you're right - that's the only time I eat them as in a sandwich so won't be freezing anymore
the food of the way, not to me and I also know, Lady J.
I freeze them and make ice cream with them. Absolutely delicious.

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