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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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That does sound scarey. I had a cold one winter that had me fighting for breath and its no joke.
I gave myself a good scare this weekend, started the hot and colds and achey joints, but no cough or actual temperature on saturday night. Was soooo relieved when it turned into food poisoning over night...never been so happy to stagger to the loo and back multiple times. Spent sunday asleep and pretty much recovered today.
Sis goes home tomorrow but back again soon. My other sis lives in Kent near her son so Sis and I can bubble together without causing family ructions.
That sounds very worrying Jno and even more worrying that they couldn't get tested or get any help.I hope they've recovered somewhat by now.
I remember that Woofy.I had the same thing round about the same time if I remember rightly. The doctor gave me an inhaler.It started before the Christmas,cleared up a bit then came back with a vengeance.
Bed time for this exhausted shopper. I had to have another browse,as you do.99p Kindle books and a Sainsbury's order.
Night all.
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yes, Shaney that's right, it was a feature of that year's virus. Ever since then I have kept a ventolin inhaler handy. They have a long shelf life and I never want to feel so helpless again. It looks like Sis will have a fine day for travelling today. She is back in 5 weeks or so to go to the hairdresser.
Morning...overcast and heavy. My sister sent a video of the terrible storm they were having last night but we didn't get it.

That's very frightening jno and terrible they couldn't get any help.
I panicked a little when I didn't feel well last weekend too but I think it was a form of migraine. I'm struggling with hayfever which doesn't help either.

Better check my stockpile to see if I can leave Sainsburys until next week.

Hahaa..I think I'll have to come round to you and shop Robinia.We can form a bubble by the tinned tomatoes.
Lovely day here.Warm,sunny ,bit breezy.All change tomorrow though according to the forecast.
Hope all are well.
Please help yourself shaney :)
I nipped to local shops for bread and yoghurts....and spent about £18. How did that happen? I bought a lovely silicone spoon for stirring it. :)

I'm trying to motivate myself to do some clipping and snipping...maybe one more chocolate biscuit will do it.
Are these thunderstorms ever going to arrive? There were three drops of rain an hour ago but at this rate I’ll be out watering the garden again soon. I’m very disappointed by this warm dry summer weather.
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middle sis in kent has got them
Hi! Same old same old here. I have to admit that when first in lockdown march 14 when I got sniffles or a sore throat ism pop some anti bios. I honestly never thought we'd get through it. So well done woofy for not being too ill! Apparently Spain is allowing UK tourists in but I am very doubtful. I know people need work but look at the second wave in Beijing. It's funny as flu doesnt worry but this covid does!
I’m getting a new drive tomorrow ... well, the computer is, I think my own one has gone for good. More T storms on the way they say, but they’ll probably all stay in Kent too.
Antoine will be here with my drive about 3. I am feeling quite lost without a computer in these troubled times. This iPad is not really the thing for fat-fingered me.

Still no T storms.
I do everything on my mobile phone which explains the undecipherable (!)text! Even had and download pdf today when discussing our portfolio with financial adviser from uk. Clear as mud anyway. Bit overcast now. Must get my laptop and tablet sorted as they are so slow to use and unreliable.
We had a thunderstorm after all, so the garden will like that . Antoine has brought my drive an I just need Stan to fit it tomorrow. Plus the gardener and greengrocer will be dropping by. A frantic social life. I hope everyone sleeps well.
Morning's raining and the grass is riz. We had the mother of all storms yesterday teatime to make up for those we'd missed.
I'd had a good dose of vitamin D before that snipping and clipping in the garden. The tree fellas are coming next month to do my big jobs, I'm having the robinia and tall holly pruned and the crown raised on the cryptomeria which should give me a new area to work on.
Apologies neti, I know that's all foreign to you :)
It’s been raining nonstop here. The garden must be loving it. I’d go out and check but I think the boat has been washed onto the rocks near the clematis.
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lovely man turned up to do my gutters and it immediately started to seriously tip down. "Oh that's fine" he said "I can tell where the blockages are"
Excellent - so much better than the rattles vanishing the minute you drive into the repair shop.
Hello all
Raining here too.Not exactly sloshing down though and no thunder etc as yet.My neighbour was going to do garden work for us today but that's on hold for now until it dries up a bit.We've come to an arrangement as I said that he can't pay his bills with beer and dog biscuits.
As I type the sun's come out ..hooray.
Hope you're all ok.
We went out en famille for brekkie and shopping wearing masks. Mr N had mended a couple of things for me my lidl vacuum cleaner charging post for one. It's very hot now. Hija is leaving in 2 weeks so peace and friendship will reign throughout the kingdom or at least the villa!
He’s had to take my computer home with him as the new drive still isn’t right. Another night of staring at a blank screen and quietly weeping.

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