Music2 mins ago
Roast in bag?
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!
http:// a4. sphotos. ak.... 8353050_ 6022379_ n. jpg
I love these boathouses!
16:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
How strange, I took this link directly from AB (my q's in profile) and up til now there wasn't anyone here. Look different link, wasn feeling very dejected and you've all been here all the time!!
Hail, hail the3gang's all here!!
I am so cross with the mobile phone company (mine this time) cos last night they texted me saying that I had been moved to contract instead of payg! How can they do that, I do not want contract, I only spend about 10€ a month, so although it is storming outside I sahll trot down to the office and do battle!
Oh yum, yam! Love them, still have half left over from the moroccan veg so will fry that in butter (Clover actually cos haven't started to diet yet!) and wolf it down at lunch!
So I am not still sitting on my other lonely roasting bag thread!!!!
Sorry you all missed dinner, so to make sure we all get fed today I am handing the cooking over to Robi!!!!!
I am so cross with the mobile phone company (mine this time) cos last night they texted me saying that I had been moved to contract instead of payg! How can they do that, I do not want contract, I only spend about 10€ a month, so although it is storming outside I sahll trot down to the office and do battle!
Oh yum, yam! Love them, still have half left over from the moroccan veg so will fry that in butter (Clover actually cos haven't started to diet yet!) and wolf it down at lunch!
So I am not still sitting on my other lonely roasting bag thread!!!!
Sorry you all missed dinner, so to make sure we all get fed today I am handing the cooking over to Robi!!!!!
Good morning.
Dull here this morning.
Just read your link jno. Master LL had a similar problem. He was going to buy my half of our jointly owned property over a year ago before he was made redundant! His problem was that he wasn't using his credit card enough!!
In the end it didn't matter because he owns 50% of the property anyway as security. But it seemed so unfair that wise young people seem to be penalised. He lived on a shoe string when he was at uni. and came out with minimal debts. He never used a credit card. Apparently, he should have spent, spent, spent and run up debts!!!
Dull here this morning.
Just read your link jno. Master LL had a similar problem. He was going to buy my half of our jointly owned property over a year ago before he was made redundant! His problem was that he wasn't using his credit card enough!!
In the end it didn't matter because he owns 50% of the property anyway as security. But it seemed so unfair that wise young people seem to be penalised. He lived on a shoe string when he was at uni. and came out with minimal debts. He never used a credit card. Apparently, he should have spent, spent, spent and run up debts!!!
Morning all...
Yes, you can only get credit if you're already up to your doo-dahs in it.
What are you like neti? I used the link you sent :o)
And what a cheek! 'Come on over to my place & cook your own dinner'...?! TUT
I've got to toddle off to ye olde shoppes shortly but I doubt I'll find a sweet tater around here...we've only just been introduced to the common or garden spud.
Apologies if you heard me use the f word just are being done next door, apart from thr noise they're letting glass fall over the place & onto gravel.
Can't see your pic Kit...I don't like tinypic 'cos of those silly captchas. I can read doctors scrawl, I can do magic eye but I'm boogered if I can decipher those things.'ll have to make do with this 'til I get back...
Yes, you can only get credit if you're already up to your doo-dahs in it.
What are you like neti? I used the link you sent :o)
And what a cheek! 'Come on over to my place & cook your own dinner'...?! TUT
I've got to toddle off to ye olde shoppes shortly but I doubt I'll find a sweet tater around here...we've only just been introduced to the common or garden spud.
Apologies if you heard me use the f word just are being done next door, apart from thr noise they're letting glass fall over the place & onto gravel.
Can't see your pic Kit...I don't like tinypic 'cos of those silly captchas. I can read doctors scrawl, I can do magic eye but I'm boogered if I can decipher those things.'ll have to make do with this 'til I get back...
G'day biddies, is there a cat in any of yours garden (gr?), if so I think it might be Zingo. He's been out since midnight! His Mummy says not to worry but I do anyway.
Poor Jno Jr, I feel for him, and for you jno. Look at me already worrying about Swede Jr (Zingo), what must it be like when it's your child in tears.
Robi have you cleared your cache and cookies as that made all the difference for me a while back when I was having problems with TinyPic. I don't mind if YOU use ImageShack, lol...! ...I'd just rather not use it myself as that would mean having to rename my saved images, which all have silly names ha ha. On the other hand, I do want everybiddy to be able to open my links of course, so I'll use ImageShack if I must. But could you first try clearing your cache and cookies pretty please? (PS TinyPic aren't fussy about their captchas, anything remotely similar will do.)
Poor Jno Jr, I feel for him, and for you jno. Look at me already worrying about Swede Jr (Zingo), what must it be like when it's your child in tears.
Robi have you cleared your cache and cookies as that made all the difference for me a while back when I was having problems with TinyPic. I don't mind if YOU use ImageShack, lol...! ...I'd just rather not use it myself as that would mean having to rename my saved images, which all have silly names ha ha. On the other hand, I do want everybiddy to be able to open my links of course, so I'll use ImageShack if I must. But could you first try clearing your cache and cookies pretty please? (PS TinyPic aren't fussy about their captchas, anything remotely similar will do.)
This should be the boots, yes I knows they are very similar to others but they aren't so clompy!
I took the chains
and padlocks off of the other boots and I sounded like the "ghost of xmas past" clanking and banging with every step i took!!
This should be the boots, yes I knows they are very similar to others but they aren't so clompy!
I took the chains
and padlocks off of the other boots and I sounded like the "ghost of xmas past" clanking and banging with every step i took!!
Have just seen this. Does anyone know exactly what area Dolly lives in.
Australia certainly is having a tough time, I hope Dolly is ok but as jno says she's further south....don't know if I posted an update to my son's approaching cyclone but it all passed without any trauma.
Well I can see your pics now & I haven't even flicked a microfibre over my cache..and to prove it, I see a woman with sharp implements, eek!...neti's boots which are lovely...and Mousey all snuggled in an orange box, so cute.
s'been a lovely day, bit cold but nice 'n bright...the winter honeysuckle's out & it smells heavenly
I don't 'alf ache though..
♫...I beg your parding...
......I never promised you a rose garding...♫
I love that song :o)
Well I can see your pics now & I haven't even flicked a microfibre over my cache..and to prove it, I see a woman with sharp implements, eek!...neti's boots which are lovely...and Mousey all snuggled in an orange box, so cute.
s'been a lovely day, bit cold but nice 'n bright...the winter honeysuckle's out & it smells heavenly
I don't 'alf ache though..
♫...I beg your parding...
......I never promised you a rose garding...♫
I love that song :o)
Nice Boots Neti.
Nice Cat too!!
The sun came out at about 2.30ish. I went for a walk!! It was the most arduous walk I have been on in recent times. I went uphill (yes we have hills!) in thick freshly ploughed mud gathering most of the field on my boots and almost falling over at every step. It was only about 300 yards until I found some better ground but I was worn out!! Megan thought it was great though!!! Not going that way again until the field is harrowed and the footpath reinstated!!! Hmmmph.
Woofie, have you tried Shoe Tailor. They do calf widths in very wide fittings for lickle feet!!
Nice Cat too!!
The sun came out at about 2.30ish. I went for a walk!! It was the most arduous walk I have been on in recent times. I went uphill (yes we have hills!) in thick freshly ploughed mud gathering most of the field on my boots and almost falling over at every step. It was only about 300 yards until I found some better ground but I was worn out!! Megan thought it was great though!!! Not going that way again until the field is harrowed and the footpath reinstated!!! Hmmmph.
Woofie, have you tried Shoe Tailor. They do calf widths in very wide fittings for lickle feet!!
Afternoon each. I've just added something to my diet. A rice pudding made with evaporated milk, no sugar, and nutmeg. When cooked I then added puréed eating apple with a spoon of crême fraiche on top. (I used a small can of milk and made it up to ½ a pint with water). It was lovely. I really miss my rice pud with sugar a dollop of jam but haven't had it for over 12 months now, so today's effort was a treat.
Robi did you get my email about sending pictures by your imageshack or whatever it's called.. I got as far as transferring the photo to the thread but didn't know how too. Can you tell me what I have to do. On TinyPic it automatically copies it so all I do is paste it wherever I want it to go.
I hope Dolly is alright too, give us a 'hiya' Dolly if you're around.
You have that many pairs of Boots Neti. I have difficulty finding ones that fit me properly as well like you Woofy. My legs are too thin and i hate them when they flap about. Not my legs - the boots. :o)
It has been a lovely day Robi after the drizzle at 6.30 this morning. I had to go to the cryo clinic to have a thingy zapped on my back and tomorrow I have to go and see the Doc to review my Colitis medication, but I am going to insist I don't want to take anything yet cos I haven't had any signs or symptoms even though he stopped my other tabs over a month ago. do you think I'm wrong doing that. I can't see the point in taking anything if there's no signs.
I'm off now for a cuppa - see yer later 'gater(s)
Robi did you get my email about sending pictures by your imageshack or whatever it's called.. I got as far as transferring the photo to the thread but didn't know how too. Can you tell me what I have to do. On TinyPic it automatically copies it so all I do is paste it wherever I want it to go.
I hope Dolly is alright too, give us a 'hiya' Dolly if you're around.
You have that many pairs of Boots Neti. I have difficulty finding ones that fit me properly as well like you Woofy. My legs are too thin and i hate them when they flap about. Not my legs - the boots. :o)
It has been a lovely day Robi after the drizzle at 6.30 this morning. I had to go to the cryo clinic to have a thingy zapped on my back and tomorrow I have to go and see the Doc to review my Colitis medication, but I am going to insist I don't want to take anything yet cos I haven't had any signs or symptoms even though he stopped my other tabs over a month ago. do you think I'm wrong doing that. I can't see the point in taking anything if there's no signs.
I'm off now for a cuppa - see yer later 'gater(s)