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Weird meals

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mollykins | 10:54 Thu 28th Oct 2010 | Food & Drink
49 Answers
What foods that are considered quite normal have you eaten together in n odd combination?

I was round a friends house and I was given; jacket potato, noodles, beansprouts, sausage and This mediterranean vegetable mush, that iduvidally tasted ok but was really weird eating it together, not mentioning all the carbs!


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Mollykins i remember reading a fitness magazine about bodybuilders in the 70's before wheyshakes they used to get orange juice and put two cans of tuna in, blend it up, hold their noses and choke it down! Ewwwwwww!
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Yuck, what about those 'shakes' made with raw eggs, milk, vitamins and stuff?
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I'm now leaving before I puke over my best uniform . . . .
Raw eggs going down are likely to make some people hurl people don't realize that raw eggs are not absorbed as good as cooked eggs so those that want protein are better of cooking them.
Anyway back to your interesting topic, lets talk oysters, now I've never had them but wouldn't swallowing one be like swallowing a giant booger? What's that all about? Why don't people cook them? And then they complain about the worst food poisoning ever, no wonder!
Vindaloo with mash, chili con carne with mash, salad cream with mash.
I like mash.
Whitebears is that real? Nasty!
Im surprised no one has mentioned any weird marmite combinations yet, I've had it in a sandwich with philadelphia and cheddar ans was contemplating using it in gravy once.
Mash potato and salad cream! Something i was recently introduced to, and was sooooo good!
Cheese and jam sandwich.
magicstick, yep its true!! chicken custard exist :S yuuuuck!
Magicstick, I lurve marmite though don't think I use it in any weird combos. I do use it in gravy (not that I make it very often), I've added it to soups, and love it in a mug with just hot water - great alternative to tea or coffee when I want a hot drink.
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That chicken custard sounded disgusting but if you read the recipe, it isn't sweet and doesn't have vanilla in it, so it's similar to bechamel sauce I think.
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Cheese + onion crisps in a ham sandwich.
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It wouldn't actually taste of custard though.

that's not that weird sandy.
Chicken with bechamel sauce and chicken with custard? Who eats these things? Drunk students for a bet maybe?
marmite and peanut butter is lush and marmite with eggs, in fact marmite with anything
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You can behcamel sauce in chicken pie.
I like celery and peanut butter. I also like choclate with salt, not tried that new bar yet.
Other half has marmite and peanut butter on toast - i won't try that though urrrgh.

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