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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
I went to St. JA a few times but they didn't like me saying put some zambuk on it and stop whinging :)

It's Fed for me, let battle commence :)
Honestly we are a lot of rebels aren't we? no wonder we stick together, I'm sorry shaney but I keep giggling at the thought of you dancing with a skeleton.

Back home in the bedroom so Mr N can watch the formula one, BBC is not being received, so cannot watch the tennis, I could on the laptop but am not too bothered.
I was asked to leave the Guides when we were living in Barrow nr. Newmarket, it was one of the times when mum had left dad, so guess I was beginning to play up a bit, I thought I was a very good Girl Guide!!
Am watching the tennis, Fed for me too.
Aww they both deserved to win, good game!!
Yes it was Neti I got home in time to watch the last 3 sets. I wanted Fed to win too.
I was really dizzy on Saturday night Robi. I'm happy to say it was the bottle of Chablis plus a lovely Chinese meal starting with Crispy Duck. M & S do fantastic Chinese meals. Well I think so.
Hope you've sorted it out thing that really makes me dizzy is the sweetener Aspartame. I had some diet tonic water with it in and I nearly fell over. Read up on t and it can do that. Fuschia says it did the same to her.
I was in the brownies and the guides. I really can't remember a lot about it except to get our badges the brown owl who was a vicar's wife had us go to her house and clean shoes and other jobs for her.
I hear my plants had a good watering on Saturday night Robi. All I have to do now is dead head and mow! That could be tomorrow morning's job cos in the afternoon I have an appointment with Carlos my wrist man.
Off now to unpack and then pack again at the weekend cos I'm off to York for am week.
See yer later gaters...
I don't think it was diet tonic but it was diet something or other in a bottle!!
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Yessssssssss! Well done Novak . Great match .Both played so well .
Really entertaining .
I was dropping stitches all over the shop
My Mum and the SJA leader used to go across the road for a bottle of stout and while we were supposed to be practicing bandaging I used to whip the skeleton out of the cupboard ( it wasn't a real one I hasten to add ) and dance around with it .
Jude I never touch anything with aspartame in it after having read the dire reports.

I'm still getting dizzy spells, but guess it's the heat and am so thirsty, I should always carry a bottle of water with me.

Weren't Fed's twin girls lovely!
I can hear another photo coming on, hang on...................

My 21yr old mother with her 2 sets of twins!!
She looks like she has her hands full Neti. I don't do sweeteners either. I can taste all of them, including stevia, and saccharine and aspartame make me feel nauseous. I sent the Pimms back when Flying Virgin upperclass because they had made it with diet lemonade. Poor attendant said that she was sure they hadn't, went to check and came back and apologised.
I do like M and S lazy beercan chicken, its 3 half chickens for a tenner at the mo, do try it if you get the chance.
good morning all, another bit of normality here. We have been OUT running in the forest and everything. It has taken me this long to get Rab reliably jumping in the car so I could risk it alone at stupid o'clock. There has been much doggy grinning here and now much snoring.
Good morning woofy and biddies, my you are up and about early. Glad the doggies are enjoying there leapings again. Tell me woofy do you also run?

can't wake up this am, but will shake a leg, I have to stop myself from stretching as this brings on cramp. My leg iz sfkll paincul after fhe last cramp, bos lonv does it last?

Horrible hot days, hate them. Have a good day biddies, I'll br back later.
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Morning all
Lovely bright day so far .
Hope you're all ok. Just waiting for my brother and we're going over the border to the bakery .
No Neti, I don't run. Point one is that my knees wouldn't stand it and point two we go over very rough and steep ground and its not good for running on in daylight when you can see the rabbit holes and so on, let alone at dawn or before. I stride along behind looking like I am in charge and the dogs tear around and come back to me then run off again.
As I have mentioned before, I take calmagzinc for cramp which works well if you can swallow house bricks.
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Got bread ,got cakes . Bun round with jam and cream anyone ?
Just secretly wrapped Mr N's birthday presents, he'll be 60 tomorrow, young fellow!

I have something in my eye feels like a brick and now nose is running like mad, eye all red, looks like I've been in a fight with Mike tyson.
Am trying to buy some bed linen on amazon and keeps mucking me about, first it was an old credit card and now the address wont match, driving me MAD!!
ooo bun round.....creamy jammy bun round......
I foresee a young lady flouncing again in the not too distant future......

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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