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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Question Author that .
I'm still not dressed and now a fly has had the audicity to fly in here and is buzzing around me ...where's me thwacker .
I'm keeping out of it before I go in with all guns blazing :)
please do woofy...I love the swear version better, more impact, lol
yes but I am "nice" hahahahahahahahahahah
but we know what you're thinking woofy...... :)

shaney just take it out on the fly. Actually I discovered if you swear at flies/bees/wasps outside they go away....and the neighbours tut.... haha.
Morning all. Rain all last night here but lovely and sunny again now but much fresher today.
Off to look at Tu sale in Sainsburys this morning. Then just lazing about I guess!
Home tomorrow for another busyish week.
See you soon.
yoohoo Jude... :)

I'm not getting much done... sigh
I feel rather saintly, as I have sorted my summer shoes out from the bottom of the wardrobe. I had already put winter boots away but kept a couple of pairs out in case, and then I could not find any matched summer shoes so have had a good sort out, lovely feeling. Same with the clothes, but still have some to sort, but another day!!
we have rolled up the smelly carpet, but didnp0t know what to do with it so have left it on patio, I really want to scrub and disinfect it, but way too hot. May just store it until autumn then get it cleaned. House is smelling better, just have to ensure Mousey doesn't pee on the bedroom carpets!!
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Just watched the tennis . .Bouchard played well to reach the final but she was no match for Kvitova .
I hope you are all nicely dressed today.I don't want to see any flabby bits :)
I'm wearing a vest top and cropped trews .No bra ..hahaaa.
I hope the fashion police are not patrolling my road .
Just back from lugging a large satellite dish home, it is 1.3m may not be big enough but we'll see. Mr N had to carry it on his shoulders and I carried the bucket of tools which wasnt necessary, he only needed one spanner grrr! Just jumped in the pool, as keep getting dizzy but guess it's the heat. Non stop sweating, and although it was stinking hot in Eastbourne it wasn't at all humid so slightly more bearable!
I bought a couple of those £1 bras from Poundland, really comfy, but I never wear one around the house, too restricting. Actually shaney I found some good bras in Tesco for £6 each, so got a couple of those too.
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They never have any left when I've looked in Poundland .
I can't be doing with bras indoors either .I probably look like a slob but who cares .I'm too old now to care about what people think . I can scrub up well if want to .
I was so vain not using a stick to walk and struggling around when I could have had it easier .

“There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors.” ...Tennesse Williams

Evenin wasn't very exciting was it?

Are there storms about? I'm bloomin dizzy too, my head's spinning & I can feel pressure and ringing in my ears. I went in the garden for half an hour but it didn't make me feel any better and I got bitten 4 times! Grrrrr......My sis says she's got a fat arm from insect bites...hope she's not been showing it in tescos, haha.

ended up quite a successful day. Bought some undies on the M and s website, filled my garden waste bin with prunings tidied the garage, took the dogs out for a drive. Might go shopping tomorrow if I can keep the dogs awake long enough.
Good Sunday morning biddies.

Have to say the house smells better without the carpet, bloody cat!!, but I do miss the fresh smell of England (well sister's garden!) when I open my windows as there is not a nice smell coming from this island, too dry and cat ridden!!! You must all think I am obsessed with cat smells but I do have an exceptionally strong sense of smell and it's not nice!!

Must make some breakfast, hope you all enjoy your day.

Middle sis and me as Brownies, how sweet is that???
Morning...that is sweet neti, I was a brownie, a sprite...that's not a posh sprout.

Hoping to stay upright today, the dizziness and out of it feeling got really bad so I took a stemetil and went to bed, it was still light :o/. The bites have flared up too, hope the antihistamines kick in soon. Two of them are on my collar line, I'll have to wear a scarf and waft about like Isadora Duncan...If it ain't one bloody thing....tut.

Weather report: Bright, sunny.
lovely picture Neti. I was a Brownie but got thrown out for swearing. Honestly.
That sounds awful doesn't it? We had a teenaged helper (we thought she was a grown up) instead of a Tawny Owl. She wore her sea cadet uniform and we called her Wren. We were doing country dancing and I made a mistake so she took me by the arm to pull me into place. She had those long manicured nails and they dug in so I said something to the effect of "that bloody hurts" because it did. Brown Owl came round to see my parents and they were asked to consider my continued membership because I was a bad influence. Upshot was I never went back.
We had an early start here, one of the neighbours has got some kind of house party happening and the kids were out in the garden at 7am. I don't mind at all and the dogs thought it was lovely to have someone in the garden to talk to at that time in the morning! Sadly I know my other neighbours don't agree. Decided I cba to go shopping and the freezer is full to overflowing so we will have a lazy day. Have had to murder a few buzzy type flies this morning - did you know that buzzy flies EAT dogs?
I sympathise about smells Neti.
Just been on beach for a couple of hours with Mr N, but got bored so now on other beach having (ye gods!) A hamburger! We go to the far end of den Bossa cosbits full of Spanish and south American families and not a Brit in sight. Plus the mothers make me look slim.
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Hello all
Weather report ...hissing down and has been since early doors.
That's lovely Neti .I never was a brownie or a guide but I did belong to the St.Johns Ambulance brigade .I got told off though for dancing about with the skeleton .
Nothing doing here .Going to watch mens singles final shortly .I want Novak to win .
Hope you're all as well as.

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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