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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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oh, just in case anyone wants a free luxury holiday, Channel 4 would like to hear from you

jno. Well I wouldn't mind that holiday at all, what I would mind was being televised. Nothing whatsoever would get me to appear on television!!!!

So I won't be applying....................
Hi to the rest of you.

Shaney, the weather was quite fine here yesterday, the sun even tried to come through a couple of times. Spoke to Mr LL in North Walsham and it was raining, so just your side of the county must have got the rain. It has rained overnight though.

I am feeling very pleased with myself for having planted loads and loads of bulbs yesterday afternoon - however, my hip is not so pleased.

Hope your cold clears quickly Neti. I still have a weird cold which keeps coming and going - bit like Robbi's. I keep getting earaches with it and going deaf and sneeze, sneeze, sneeze all the time.

Hope Mr Woof is feeling even better today Woofie xxx

See you all later. xxxxx
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G'day all...Hope you're all as well as can be & that poorly husbands are holding on in there.
I'm fed up with this cold Lottie but the sun's come out so I must carry on where I left off yesterday. Just tidying up pre winter & I've got a few bulbs to plant, white minnow & actaea, I've got enough yellow ones already. I could sit and cry at the thought of winter actually, feels like I haven't had a summer & I feel so low...hey ho, nowt I can do about it.

<pokes Sweedie> wake up! haha, sorry if the game driving you nuts, you have to be good at those sliding tile puzzles to be able to do it. I've found you some to practise on...

> > > > > > >
Robi that's why i love my mimosa. As we speak, its full of buds that will open end december early january. They sit there and promise me that the cold and wet won't last forever. I really like autumn...when it doesn't persist down. If you are sneeeze sneeze sneezing, maybe you have an allergy to fungal spores? My nephew has, as a child he got autumn asthma.
Stupid start to the day today. Went back to bed around 06.15 as usual accompanied by tired ass dogs. around 07.00 all hell breaks loose with a duck quacking right outside the window (we are nowhere near water). Dogs go crazy so I dragged myself out of bed and looked out the window, nothing, shut dogs in living room, open front door and there on the doorstep is a duck!! yelling his/her head off.
I shooed it away and it took off and flew so not hurt...I wonder what it was selling.....
Oh bless Woofie, a dear little duck on your doorstep - how lovely.

Robi, I have planted loads of white daffs with a pale green centre - like you I have lots of yellow ones. We have just planted a new section of hedge (orange pyracantha) and exposed a new area of garden which will increase the lawn (well grass!) I have planted about 100 bulbs into the corner of it - a mixture of yellow with orange centres and the white which I hope will sort of drift into each other.

Woofie. I have an allergy to trees in the early spring, so perhaps my 'cold' is due to the fungal spores at this time of year as well.

By the way Robi, it has been tipping it down here, but this afternoon is promising better things.

I won't be gardening today though - I ache!!!!
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I'm still here, I decided to put some washing in & have a tea + toast break...burnt me bloomin toast, had to make some more...I'll leave the black stuff for Vinny. Speaking of Vinny, the duck wasn't a sh1tehawk in disguise was it woofy? The wind's coming from Wooly way today apparently...

I have wondered about spore allergy & whether that's what was causing my headaches prior to this cold...this is definitely a cold at the moment though.
hmmm... watch thosse mallards, woofgang...

The sky is now blue!!

I have a Mystery Shopper assignment which involves buying clothes and getting to keep them!! Yippee. I can't say any more as I am sworn to secrecy!!
P.S. I don't get many assignments as we don't have many shops within 25 mile radius!!
Dear little ducky my parson's mystery shopper sounds exciting Lottie, I started to apply once but things got busy at work so i had to pass it up. DH just texted, he is out of intensive care back in his room and has been allowed to eat lunch.
Yes hay fever can give you stonking sinusitis and resultant headache and if your sinuses are rough then colds come along and roost like doves. I know I have said it before and its a yucky idea but I find sterimar brilliant.
Yeah I'm a mystery shopper too Lottie, never can figure out why I buy the things I do... Well whaddaya know, looks like I made tenth level in the dog house last night - but I didn't really understand what I was doing till the last few levels. I much prefer games where I can shoot at something ha ha - like Zuma's Revenge. Memory Matrix at Lumosity is fun though, I made ten tiles also last night which was a first. When I was young I used to think I was clever but with the internet I've realised I am not...

...and the other day I was speaking to my friend on the phone, the one who's a mother of five, and I "showed" her Memory Matrix as we were speaking. Guess what happened, well she reached 1400 points on her first try AT THE SAME TIME as she was talking normally to me and shoving kitttens down from the table cos they were threatening to knock down a vase. I Wonder if you develop an ability to take mental snapshots of an area every five seconds to monitor where your five kids are at...? Or perhaps it's just that nobody who didn't already have that skill would be daft enough to have five kids;-)

Oh I do apologise Woofy, that must have been my duck escaping! I'm reading a book called Animal Omens (I'm interested in animal spirit guides) and last night after going to bed I fell asleep during the duck chapter...!! Duck is represented here (our Devon readers will note also that Gull is on a mission to teach people how to behave he he he he he...!) http://www.mookychick...imal-spirit-guide.php
Achooo, oops sorry!

Henry has apparently given up on the fishing and is awaiting delivery tomorrow (hopefully)

Did I tell you that Mr N was asked to appear on a Spanish plumbing tv prog as he was recommended by several people and shops and of course he said no, I would have done it with my trusty screwdriver!!

Hope you are feeling Ok.
very sensible of him, neti, it never pays to advertise. It would only result in him getting more money and raising your standard of living, which is far too high already.
Did I do my plumber impression
...he he... I should have added a ;-) there, Neti! :)
ha ha swedie, love it!

Oh gosh jno, imagine having to have Beluga caviar 3x a day, just could not stand it
Henry has arrived at my daughter's office! where he will spend the night cos she hasn't got the car!!
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<crawls in on hands and knees>...been a lovely day... <gasp>...overdone it...<gasp>.. oh well the feeling of actually getting something done will compensate, I daresay a fit strong gardener would have done it in a fraction of the time.

I wouldn't want caviar 3x a decade, I don't think it's anything to rave about, but then I have cheap taste :o)...I'll be quite happy with my omelette & fried taters tonight.

haha, love the plumber cat Kit. You did well on the doggy game, I'm on level 24 & I swear it's impossible. I think my animal guide's a bloomin sloth, it keeps nodding off and leaving me stranded.
Sloths are funny. I saw some footage where a sloth was going about his business, very slowly. Suddenly there was birdsong and when he turned his head to the sky to catch a glimpse of the bird, he did that too at the same, almost non-existant speed. Looked very cute.

Neti Henry is quite the celebrity on YouTube but if I told you some of things he does there you'd sue me for defamation of character. Anyway... are we all just gonna pretend like George never existed?? Somebody disappears off the face of the earth and we let it go?? Robi you need to write a Pneumatic Poirot about it.

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