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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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Question for Swedie.

What do you know about IKO clogs. They look great and are advertised as having a footbed and what's more are a great price. Just wondering if the footbed is a proper shaped footbed, like Birkenstocks?

Evening all. Not so cold here yet but I wouldn't not not wear a jacket. What I like about this time of year is that I can wear scarves (around my neck - not Queen Elizabeth style!) Autumn would be okay if it weren't followed by winter. They can send a man to the moon but they can't send winter to Ibiza, strange, that.

Oh Robi-inia... where aaare you.... MWHAHAHAHAHA poor hand is actually mouse-sore today ha ha ha... I think I'll probably give up soon as I can't seem to get past that level (no clues please - if I change my mind). Don't tell me - you're on level 32 now...

Tut Jude, writing to Johnny Depp and signing it with the name of one of your pupils... (if you clicked the info under the YouTube clip you'll know what I mean). I've forgotten what's wrong with your glasses, is it the lenses or the frame and why is it so impossible for them to get it right, seems very odd.

Aww Vinny... ...speaking of fat *** he he you had me confused with that quote till I saw it was in one of the comments...! /Me, when I give directions I tend to refer to objects that will potentially move - not so smart... "Walk past the red car" (that was parked there yesterday..)

Can't stop thinking about your duck, Woofy, come to comfort and protect you. I've heard about the wolf at the doorstep but the duck at the doorstep ha ha... I was gonna say what Lottie said about the compulsory wobbles. Never had surgery but I've seen that happen and heard about it happening - more often than not:)

Lottie, never heard of them. Some of them look very nice indeed but I can't find IKÖ googling in my
(cont.) ...can't find IKÖ googling in my own lingo. I can see where it says IKÖ with an Ö on the inside of the clogs on one of the pictures, is that why you have them down as Swedish?
Swedie, another site I was on said they were Swedish!
They may be, sounds Swedish enough Lottie. I'll try some more. / Why can Vinny say ass in the singular but I can't say it in the plural!
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Not a glimpse of sun all day, tut. :o( Hope we see some tomorrow.

Oh Sweee...dieee! No I'm not on level 32, see this and weep

Sorry it's driving you nuts Jude. I'm hoping when I've finished it there's a prize of a months rest in a luxury home for bewildered game addicts.
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ps, have you seen the Google logo today? Happy 70th birthday John.
SCREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! (not at the logo - at the doghouse!) I hate you so much Robinia

Sorry Lottie but I just get a lot of Turkish search results about islamic conferences and stuff... You sure they weren't referring to the fact that Sweden is one of the "clog nations", like Holland, and those clogs are emulating that?
Woof Woof Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesase will someone tell me how to get past level 10. I don't know what to do.

Specs sorted I think at last. After they had seen to them I went and had a latté and a cheese scone in Thorntons to give them time to see if they started to hurt again but they didn't so I was home on the next bus.
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Jude - level 10
●Move the bone to the lift above doggy's head, he'll go up to it
●Then you need to get the board to look like this (you don't need the stairs)
●Move the bone to the bowl & Bob's ya dog! :o)
Thanks Robi x
I'm rubbish at the dog thingy Robi I'll have too stop it. It really aggrevates me. :~)
Managed to do level 10 with your help but I'm stumped on my own.
Think I'm going to watch that drama on 2 at 9 tonight with Alan Rickman I think he's a good actor and it looks quite good.
Level 12 HereI come. What a sad B I am.....but not until tomorrow.
I did watch Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson. I thought it was brilliant acting and thought provoking.
Have a goodnight all.
See yer later 'gater(s)
darn it I think Alan Rickman is brilliant, what was the program and channel pls, maybe I can to the watch again thingy? All quiet here this morning dogs still clean and I am....zzzzzzzzzzz
Question Author
Morning all...dull & breezy here.
Don't worry Jude, it's not compulsory, we won't move to the next home without you if you don't pass all the levels :o) I don't think I'm going to finish the last two anyway, this level 38 is infuriating.

Ok, was it you? £113 million?! That's obscene...unless one of my family have won of course. And it's the only reason that the £$%^&@# who were letting off fireworks at 4am could be forgiven. It wasn't just odd ones either, it was a whole damned display judging by the noise of it....grrrr. They need fining down to their last bl00dy penny.

Sweet little hedgie right outside the door last night, I love the way they scrunch up & then peep with one eye to see if you're still there. When Chas had come in I put a few of his tiny kibbles of food out & hedgie came back & had a feast. Not hot on table manners tho'...'crunch, chomp, snuffle...' haha. I'll try & get a pic.

Hope you+husbands are all as ok as possible...thinking of you shaney, have a peaceful weekend if you can. xx

woofy -
I haven't watched it yet either.
Hello, been a bit busy here today. I think cold is waning although when I cough I cough up blood, but I seem to remember when this happened before the doc said it was Ok it was caused by the coughing (not coffin!!)

"It wasn't the cough, that carried her off
twas the coffin they carried her off in!"

Have just installed my new Bt freestyle cordless answerphone with a lot of probs cos the cable wasn't long enough and this darn phone won't use a spanish cable (all the rest of my English phones do). Have been trailing and hiding cables all around the room!! Then just made some sushi cos can't get it here at a decent price, was Ok! Love the stuff.

My arm, yet again is tremendously bruised from blood test and swollen, must be me! doesn't happen to anyone else.

Horribly humid here; so sweaty with every move.

Hope DH is recovering well, and mr s is relaxing and shaney do not get too stressed out! x
I also adore Alan Rickman! and Henry is legal now as Mr N knows about him (still doesn't know about George though!) and Henry has already cleaned the house, good lad!
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I have to state here and now, that I am way too busy to indulge in childish games and for this reason, am a non-starter.

Have just scrubbed the pool out as cannot stand mud etc in it and it's empty now!
Congratulations Robi I am stuck good and proper on level 15 and it's driving me insane.....Heeelp Do I have to get the bluudy dog to go downstairs twice.
I've sent it to Fuschia. I bet she copes with it alright very patient is 'our Fuschia'
Don't work too hard Neti. I've cut my front grass and left the back for tomorrow if it dries up a bit. That might be the last time this year.
Had me flu jab this a.m.
The Rickman play was a poem turned into a TV play and like I said I did enjoy it. It was only 50 mins long and made me laugh in parts.

Off to chuck some chips in the oven. Thick cut ones - I love 'em.

Take care all this weekend and all the very best to Biddyhusbands and Wives.

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