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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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that's sweet Kit...creepy about the pub glasses though
No no no Robi, I will not have that!!!!! I did not moan about the cold temp! I loved it! It's just the temperature with the cold that I have that is uncomfortable. Mr N is home this afternoon which means I cannot get on with anything cos he's stuck in the lounge which is in the middle of the house and one has to pass through it to get anyway. Grrrrr!
Afternoon yokels.
lovely weather...feels like summer again.Get yer self down the tudor arms kip...♫♪have a drink have a drink have a drink on me♫♪robis paying:O)jno's won another bloomin holiday?I demand a recount...hehe..!..(I personally think its a cover...she's an international she works for the man from uncle)love this haunting tune.
later must catch some rays>>>
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oh, funny how I was strangely drawn to that place Kit, haha..I think it was the sight of lots of empty chairs & tables outside which looked inviting, Stockholm streets go on and on and on...

Love that song Vinny, it's sometimes used as background

Never mind getting on neti, just go and sit next to him & listen to this nice tune that I keep playing over...

Sun's come out, better go shop...
Rumer is brilliant isn't she? AND she looks normal
Hi everybody.

Mr LL got home at 11.35 in a breakdown recovery vehicle with his car on the back. He broke down at 2.30pm on a roundabout near Oxford and had to direct the traffic until the RAC man turned up an hour or so later. Said car was towed to nearest RAC approved garage who advised they couldn't do much about it, the clutch has gone and they hadn't got the parts. So RAC man phoned headquarters and was advised (after about 2 hrs) to transport Mr LL and car to Cheltenham (in the opposite direction) where they would meet another RAC man with transporter who would transport Mr LL back home!! They left Cheltenham at 6.30pm and stopped twice for coffee and once for something to eat. He was a very nice man and stayed for coffee, (not RAC just contracted to the RAC). Car and Mr LL now at home. Car has to go to Norwich to be repaired but RAC will only cover a 10 mile journey. Mr LL's opinion of RAC service would not be repeatable on here!!

I now have a grumpy Mr LL working at home. He is going off in my car shortly to arrange transportation of his car to Norwich with local company.

Anyway, at least he got home safely, even if it did take 9hrs.

Poor Shaney, I am thinking of you. I carted Mr LL off to amend wills etc after he recovered from his heart attack. I am the one who does all the organisation financially and otherwise in our household. It is Mr LL who will be completely lost if I should disappear!!

Anyway, take care of yourself and you know we are all thinking about you. Mr Shaney will be OK, honestly he will. Keep your *** up xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

See you all later. Off outside again - I am still planting bulbs and have some shrubs to plant as well.

Afternoon Biddyfriends. Not been on for a couple of days as have been out and about. Yesterday I was in North Derbyshire. What a lovely day. We went to Buxton via the Via Gellia road and across the moor. Stopped there for lunch after a walk around the town. then we went for a drive over the Snake Pass and down into Castleton of Blue John fame. We had a lovely walk round there and stopped in a cafe for some tea. I had a little confrontation in a cafe with a waitress. She charged us 50p for the use of a cup by one of my sister's relations (she has serious kidney probs and has to watch her fluid intake, and I mean watch it, she can have a couple of sips of water or milk and that's it) Anyway the waitress said well the cup had to be washed etc and we should consider that.. We paid up anyway then as we were coming out she had the cheek to ask us to take a scarf with us to see if it was anybody's on our coach as it had been left. So I held my hand out and said 'that will be 50p please'. You should have seen her face.
I'm not an argumentative person but I thought the use of a cup in that instance didn't merit a charge of 50p.
Didn't spoil our day though we had a lovely time.
Today I've been to Belper to go walking with my friend. We walked over The Chevin down into Milford and had a meal in The Holly Bush pub then we walked back to her house over The Heritage Way.That's across fields and stiles.Beautiful scenery over the Vale and the sun came out as we were leaving the pub. Got home about 3 and my Mr. Odd Job had almost finished putting preservative on my fence and Gate. He had brought his wife with him to help so it didn't take him as long as he thought.
So now I'm going to sit and relax for a bit. Cont.......
Have a good trip Jno. You are lucky winning all these things. I'm never likely to win anything as I don't enter them :~) I have won a couple of CD's from Radio Derby a long time ago. That was for answering daft questions.
Good that Mr LL got home safely. I don't think my breakdown covers me enough to do all that for me. I think the nearest garage or home depending on the mileage would be it.
I think Rumer's a brilliant singer too Woofy. Wish I could sing like that. To hear me now you wouldn't believe I used to sing in the School choir and on my 18th I sang Who's Sorry Now in a pub. What a plonker I was :~) Still gave everybody a laugh. Better than making them cry.
Enjoy your shopping trip Kit. The boots I wear for walking are all muddied up after this morning.

Shaney ~ You and Mr S. are in my thoughts.

See yer later 'gater(s) x
My friend has just emailed me to tell me we walked 6 and 1/2 miles. Phew !!!
ooohhhh... back from the osteopath, who has been massaging me with his elbows so he could get deeper... my neck and shoulders have been really seized up and painful (along with pretty well everything else, I suppose)... I hope that's sorted it out by the time I clamber onto Eurostar bright and early.

The hotel looks quite passable

I have one dinner at a restaurant and the other at an estaminet, whatever that is... doesn't Au Vieux de la Vieille mean 'At the Old Man of the Old Woman'? Is that like 'Mum and Dad's'? Probably no better than the Holly Bush, only more sauce.

Anyway, if you're passing by while I'm eating, drop in and I'll throw you an escargot.
Have a great time Jno....
Have a good time jno, don't eat too many snails!!
50 p, ha ha good on you Jude. How utterly stupid of them. / I've got a good mind to go to Lille just to see you without your mask on jno:)

Looked at Cozy as I passed it today. They've redone it again, it's now a bar and bistro and the new name is - wait for it - CHILL. How ironic, considering the history of the place...!

I bought these, Rieker again, same as my gladiator sandals. Not the purdiest boot in town but note the wide base of the heel:)

Wasn't allowed to view your YT clip whatever-it-was, Vinny, but I was very impressed you remembered The Tudor Arms - have you been there yet ha ha. Robi I didn't know Rumer is a singer, not half bad either.

Shaney and Woofy, hope you are both okay xxx No ducks today Woofy? (nah she's asleep at this hour) Hope you get a cough-free night's sleep Neti.

Swear it wasn't me who filed the complaint, Lottie... Should I go have a look at him for you, he he...
Good morning all. BOTH darling dogs rolled in poo this morning so I have smelly collars, leads and dog towels from the car clanking around in the washing machine. The dogs are now sweet smelling sleeping angels courtesy of dog wipes which are like baby wipes and I am finally sat down with my coffee. DH had a bit of a wobble yesterday. He had one of his drain lines changed which meant nil by mouth most of the day which made his kidney play up so he's back on a drip to rehydrate one is worried and I have great faith in his consultant. Immediately post op he had 3 lines in to give saline and meds and a total of 10 actual plugs coming off them. he's down to one line and 2 plugs now so looks a little less like a moulting christmas tree, AND back in his own pyjamas which is a great moral boost as those robes do no one any favours.
anyway zizz time...
Morning woofy and everyone else. Ah poor DH, I actually do not understand much of it all (or mr s's) but will worry and smile along with you both. When you worry, I worry, when you smile, I smile!
Mornin peeps.
lovely sunny day ere.At least he's got back his pyjamas woofy,when I was in the hospital they gave me a gown with me bum showing..very cheeky.:O)"It is actually pretty fun to watch a movie made in your city. Its two days, her fat ass has to walk a couple extra blocks for two days. Clearly she has nothing better to complain about. "hahaha...brill kip.Yep Its weird I always remember pubs names.I f someone asks me for directions I always say go past the red lion ,when you reach the volunteer turn left and walk past the white hart..:O)well you know what I mean..Get yerself down the beach week snow>>>>whoosh.jude...I would have nicked the cup..(:O)..
Vinny when i was a kid and Dad used to take us out, he used to navigate round the whole of the south and midlands anywhere within a few hours drive of London, by the decent pubs and loos...south for the beaches and to visit middle sis in kent, midlands to visit big sis in Leicester and later on because I was in college in Northampton. I love the boots Kit. I've got suede hiking books and hiking trainers that i wear in the winter with grippy soles, was never big on heels and just can't do it at my age lol.
I think that is a bit steep for the use of a cup, Starbucks will let you use an empty cup for nowt.
gotta go and shop now, DH has texted me a bring me list which means he is feeling better :-)
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Morning folks...<checks woolywebcam>...grrr, he's tellin' the truth, it isn't sunny here, it's misty and dark.
Ha, I did the bum flash I stood up to get on the trolley the nurse said "Don't turn ro.... too late, you've just mooned the whole ward". Actually I hadn't, I'd got me bloomers on.
Hope hubby's ok woofy

and it's not gonna snow! You bad hippy, tut!
Morning All the Dog puzzle is driving me bluudy mad. I'm on level 10 and just can't see the way. I've switched the sound off cos that's sending me wappy as well!

Yep I've had my fill of back to-front gowns in hospital. Not very elegant are they!
I usually get one that is missing a tie. All the best to Mr W.

I bet Mr LL has had a good sleep after his escapade Lottie. Hope so.

I'm having a bit of a lazy day today. Just going to have my hair tirmmed at 2. The only other nuisance thing to do is my specs.I'm beginning to think they're never going to be right. Still will nip down again this afto to get them adjusted once more and not coming home thil I'm satisfied.

Have you seen where my fave man has been into a school to see the children. It's not a very good video but he's there alright!!
This is just a short version.
Good afternoon folk.

Woofy, I have always found that the wobbles come a few days after any op. I am sure he will be OK. After an op. there seems to be an initial stage where the patients feels great and then it comes as a disappointment when the wobbles come. Same actually with Mr LL's heart attack. He felt great within 2 hrs of it after they fitted the stent and then came the wobbles.

Jude, Mr LL is still in a foul mood. We have had 'words' this morning because he is driving me mad. He was last seen half an hour ago being towed away to Norwich. The car that is, with him inside it.

Swedie, like Woofie, my hiking boots are just my favourite footwear. I would wear them all the time, but am told they don't look very good with my ball gown and tiara!!

If you are about Shaney, lots of love to you both.

To all I haven't mentioned, I love the lot of you. I now have to go and steam clean my floors - I have been putting it off for far too long!!


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