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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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Mr LL has broken down in Oxford (well, his car actually not him!). RAC is bringing him home. I might just go to bed shortly. All that gardening yesterday has made me exceedingly tired.
lol at Kit the mystery shopper...DH is doing well....night night
Night night Woofgang and bless you both.
Night Woofy, sleep tight, don't let the bed ducks bite;-) Robi I'm on level 14 but it's not as fun when you can't see the whole house at the same time:( What was that game (I lost my bookmarks) where you also had to build paths with tiles and if you made one false move you fell down into an abyss...? Rings any bells with anyone? The sound effects were sinister.
woofy should really be training the duck

let it earn its keep.
Still waiting for Mr LL :o(
Evening folks
I've had a ghastly day .Been to the soliciter to change our wills ,well not change them but make some alterations .Then Mr S sat me down and we went into all the financial details etc .
I have to say he's a practical man and i can see his point but it's so upsetting .He's drafted letters for me for the Germans (pensions etc ) .He has every eventuality covered just in case .
The nearer it gets to Monday the more uptight and stressed I'm getting. When I get stressed I get nitty so it's best I avoid AB .
So I'm signing out of here for now as I don't want to bore you all with my worries and I'm not good company at the moment . I just can't grin and bear it anymore .

Woofy I am so pleased that Mr W. is doing well and I wish him a speedy recovery .

Take care folks .Love to you all, look after yourselves ..see you anon xxx
That's horrible for you Shaney but it gives him peace of mind - and that peace of mind will work wonders for his recovery. Now don't you dare disappear from us - grinning is not required in the biddy society, just think what happened to your old teacher and the top plate and you'll see why we'd much prefer a non-grinning biddy;-) Stay with us, Shaney.

Good night biddies and hippie, Lottie, hope your broken down man;-) has returned safely.
Shaney we spent last week doing all the same needs doing but its sure as hell no fun. We said its like taking an umbrella, if you take it it won't be needed, and yes it made DH feel less frazzled and more in control so worth doing. Goodness knows I haven't been a barrel of laughs on here, of course you don't have to stay if it makes it harder but please don't feel that you have to leave, come and be as sad, snappish as anything as you need to be, that's what friends are for. Stay or go, you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Lottie has your wandering boy returned? It turns me cold to think that when we were younger, DH and I had really bad cars and couldn't afford breakdown membership.
Kit I remeber that game too, DH got hooked on it, I will check the other computer later and see if we still have the link.
Hello everyone.
Take care shaney and mr s, I do understand and sympathise, but you'll both be OK. Positive vibes to you both. I wish Mr N was so careful, I mean we have English and Spanish wills but no life insurances, and there's much I would like him to change!

Glad DH is doing well woofy, positive vibes to you both too!

Cold is stinking and I coughed all night which is very wearing and just when I finally fell asleep it was 6.30 and time to get to doctors for blood tests, and now there's a huge blue lump in the crook of my arm!!

Even had to put a extra cover on the bed last night, Gr8!!
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Morning all...foggy here athe moment, outside & in :o)
yes, this was me too first thing...

Kit it was bllx or something like, haha...Bloxorg?

Shaney don't despair, there's no need to hide away because you feel grouchy, we're big biddies, we can handle a few snips. (just stay out of the other categories on here & you'll be fine) I suppose sorting out wills etc seems worse at the moment because of your situation but I'm all for having everything in place, down to the last details. After having to sort out our mum's & brother's affairs me & my sis talk about things a lot. In her job she sees so much angst & bewilderment, not to mention arguments, that could have been avoided if people had made arrangements. Hang on in there, you'll get through this. xx

oh dear neti, you're full of cold, complaining about the cold temp...I think you turned into one of us on your visit. Get well soon.
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ps Hope Mr LL made it home ok
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oh yes, anyone seen Mr LL?

I am packing to head for Lille tomorrow, which is a free trip I won in a raffle a while back. I very nearly won another holiday last night - just one number away, I was 119 and the winner was 118... and then 118 didn't turn up to collect the prize so they redrew and it went to 111. Soooo close but no cigar. Then when I get back I am off to inspect monasteries in Bulgaria for a week so you won't be hearing from me for a while. Hopefully everyone's husbands will be getting better by then, or their cars will.
jno, where do you get the energy?????
Hiya possums. Oh look, there she goes again... ...bye bye jno, see you soon... but no more raffles for you ever when you return, you've used up your quota, it's spooky how much you have won! Have a good time!

Shaney, my friend who's a mother of five, couple of years ago before having a big operation she made sure there was a used sweater of hers lying around that didn't go in the laundry cos she wanted her kids and husband to have it to nuzzle if she didn't come back. But guess who's back and being nuzzled first hand:)

Good-oh, that's the game, Bloxorz. I'm at level 16 in the doghouse but it's tricky. Hate that cat licking it's paw endlessly while I sweat it out ha ha, do you have to start from scratch at the level in question if you run into him or does he just quietly block the way? Aww the sloth - she wasn't just being a sloth, she really was sleepy. So funny it should say SHARP on the box:))

Going into town later to look at some boots that look non-slippery on my screen here, at least as far as their design goes but it's also a matter of material of course. I too could cry at the thought of winter Robi, it's not fun being afraid to fall. And the wind is a-blowing in the plastic... (scaffolding plastic)... don't like the sound, it's gloomy... come on Kit you need a cup of coffee!
Nobel Prize in literature goes to... I hope Tomas Tranströmer, a brilliant poet. We will know in a couple of minutes!
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Bon voyage jno...yes, you have far too many voyages, tut.

I love the way the cat hisses & the dog trembles Kit, haha...and no you don't go back to the start, he's just an obstacle.
Now can you please heyulp, I've been zooming through the streets of Stockholm (Södermalm) & I'm lost. Can you meet at a place called Cozy please? I'll get the coffees they do cstrds in here I wonder?
I think I can make it that far, Robi... except it's not a cozy place anymore, it's gone all slick and smoooth. They have a long tradition though, used to be Cafe Eden years ago and a pub centuries ago at that same address. The executioner's wagon used to stop there for the convict to have a last drink before he saw the gallows. The glass he had his last drink from was then engraved with his name and placed in a special cabinet with other glasses like it, and if you were a VIP you migh be allowed to drink from one of those dead man's glasses, for a thrill... Can you tell I've been writing about this pub before ha ha... I wrote a piece for a magazine or so I thought, but in the end nobody bought it. My subject really was this paving stone, which is just outside of Cozy
PS Lukas and Carmen aren't celebrities, "nobody" knows who they are, the stone just appeared there one morning maybe fifteen years or so ago. Illegaly, but there'd be an uproar if the city council removed it!

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