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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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This is all very sad. If it were me I would push him back down the shaft again.

Only joking, honestly I am!!

New sewing machine has turned up. Only a basic machine - but I wan't to get back into making things again. I used to make all my own clothes because I wouldn't wear anything anybody else had and used to make some weird and wonderful outfits. However, nowadays I only seem to wear jeans, joggers and tops.

It's Neti's fault. I ordered the machine yesterday after Neti's hints on altering jeans. The machine only cost £109 and came with a free gift of 5 pairs of expensive Frister and Rossman scissors of different varieties and a box of 50 coloured threads and a nice machine holdall, plus various other bits and bobs.

I am getting rid of a single bed from one of the bedrooms (I don't need more than one spare bedroom) and I am going to have a hobbies/ironing room, Woofy style. It's the sunniest, warmest room in the house and is a pretty room. I shall stay there all winter!!

Jude, I didn't have a sleep in the end - just as well because the delivery man t urned up (he was meant to be coming tomorrow). So you had sunshine all day, eh. We had none!!

Hello Dolly xx
Ooooh, the wife and the mistresss look the same!!
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Hello Dolly! Glad you made it, I was wondering where you were a few days ago. You've got a lot of catching up to do, you'd better make some sarnies & a flask of soup :o)

Oh neti, I'm glad you're under control! I hope it's good for you tomorrow.

I'm laughing Lottie 'cos that was my first thought about the miner too, (shove him back in) haha...what wicked biddies we are. Mind you, by the time I'd finished with him he'd be looking for somewhere to crawl into of his own accord. Hope your cold is short lived & not like this Derbyshire version, I still have bouts of a tickly cough.
Great mind and all that jazz, Robi ;o) LOL
What a story Neti I feel sorry for the wife. What a ratbag he is. Lottie I put all my coughs and sneezes down to Hay Fever so I have it nearly all year :~) Get a good sleep tonight having not had one this afto you should sleep right through.
The weather here is now going to be dull and cloudy until Sunday then it's going to be glorious. So I can get the last bit of ffencing painted.
Going to watch Midsomer tonight I missed it last week.
Just found out my mobile has got a split in it where I dropped it so I've got the new one out they sent me in Feb (New contract) and discover it hasn't got a proper plug on to recharge the battery. So I rang and the bloke in India said I have to go and buy a universal socket. Cheeky B. I shall take it down the Orange shop and see what they will do for me.
Have a goodnight all of you.See yer later 'gater(s)
hello all, Hi Dolly, have just skimmed the thread. Spent the morning catching up around the house, checked on DH who didn't want to go out then spent most of the afternoon out on errands....vets for repeat prescription, 2 different chemists, buy a birthday gift for a friend of my late Mum, massive shop in Tesco. While I was out, DH got himself up and dressed and downstairs, dogs were delighted and very good.
oof, very weary.......
<<<< Cooeeee >>>> waves to Dolly x

Oh Lottie, fancy buying a new sewing machine, now I feel terribly responsible, what if the ruler down the hip doesn't work for you, but of course it will, just tack it first and try them on before stitching (this is something that I never do and consequently spend days unpicking the (too) tight stiches!) My machine is a Jones & Brother (yes it's that old, at least 23yrs) so sometimes the tension goes wonky and I just plough on!! Mr N has mended it again for me and at present it's working smoothly!

Yes woofy, you take it easy too, DH would be upset if you collapsed!

Hi shaney and mr s x

Hello everyone else that I haven't mentioned.

PS I rather fancy that Mining minister Laurence Golbourne, bit of alright methinks!!
Evening all
Just crawling past on my to bed .
Yoohoo Dolly nice to see you again .
Yes I've been watching bits of the mine rescue today in between dong some much needed household engineering .Somebody must have been watching over those men . Mind you I would have given the one who was carrying on a big shovel and told him where to poke it :)

Glad to hear you are OK Neti ,I take statins .I use them as an excuse to stuff cream cakes :)

Mr S is doing Ok but he's very tired .He was out of bed today sitting in a chair but still hooked up to all his drains etc though . .I took him up an eye mask and some ear plugs as he's not sleeping and refuses to let them give him a sleeping tablet . He was very grumpy today but then so would I be after that lot .
I've just watched Midsomer Jude .It must be getting to the last ones now with dear old John Nettles .
I'm so pleased my friend has got a new sewing machine .As you know Lofty I'm no good at sewing .....could you just run me up a pair of curtains and a few cushion covers ..oh and I'm desperate for a pelmet .....I've got all the material ..

Hope you are all OK and that colds and coughs soon get better. It's grand to hear Mr Woofy is doing well.
Take care you lovely lot .Nite nite ,sleep tight xx
Woke up a while ago and switched my telly on and saw the last 2 miners come up. Had to get up and make a drink. So pleased they are all out safe. They are all brave men but one of the bravest must be the last man up.

Hope you're all sleeping really well. See yer later 'gater(s)!

P.S. Shaney ~ I thought Midsomer was a bit of a weak plot this week. Almost guessable from half way through!!
When I said the last man up I meant the last rescuer who would have been down there all on his own.,
moring all, all well here. Shaney tired is normal after a big op and yes, not sleeping well doesn't help. Mr S will make up for it big time when he gets home. I slept like a hibernating tortoise last night...very hard getting space between the back and the mattress this morning but i did it....anyway way less busy days today and tomorrow. Is Mr S being sensible about pain relief? he won't be able to get up and moving if he's in too much pain and that will slow his recovery...tell him the biddies say so :-)
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Morning all...what a dreary cold day, only just into double figures.
shaney, I think grumpy is good isn't it? It means he has the energy to be bothered by something & he's not just in couldn't care less mode :o)

Had me hair done at long last, hi/low lights & cut. It's a lot shorter but I couldn't cope with drying it as it was even though I quite liked having it a bit longer. I'm really tired now, I think it's sapped my strength, like Samson, haha. Actually I didn't sleep very well and I was listening to reports of the miners. Fantastic news that they're all safe, I hope they're allowed some time and space.

Have I got to borrow my sister's sewing machine to keep up with you lot? Nice pair of crimplene slacks anyone?
Hi All. Don't worry about sewing machining Robi. I must be the worst of us cos I wouldn't know where to start. Fuschia has an up to the minute computerised machine and does all my alterations for me. Bless her. We saw one in a Craft Show in Birmingham and that set her off so now she's bought one.

Off to catch the bus to town now
Take care all
Later 'gater(s)
I can barely work out what to do on my bog standard new machine let alone cope with a computerised ones. I presume they do everything for you. You justs insert a pattern, enter your size and they the machine does the rest. Cuts it out, sews in up and presents the finished garment!! ;o).

Just to let you know how far behind the times I am, I didn't realised that bobbins were now made in plastic, and that the needle gets threated automatically!

I am feeling quite a bit better today, but still tired and ran a temperature again last night. Did sleep reasonably though. It's cold and the sun keeps trying to get through.
Gonna just hoover and then settle for a read, or a knit, or something that doesn't require using my poor arthritic feet. They have been exceptionally bad lately and I need to go back to the GP to get referred back to the rheumatologist again. Some days this week, I have been close to tears with the pain at night.

That's enough moaning missus!!!

Love to all of you and special thoughts to Shaney and Mr S and, of course, Woofy and Mr Woof.


My machine doesn't automatically thread the needle, should I take it back and complain, its 23 yrs old! Mine had all bells and whistles and I never use them. I loved my old Singer with a handle, although it was motorised but couldn't handle that! It used to be kept on a chest of drawers in a spare bedroom (when we had one) and I could nip in and out doing the little repairs as they cropped up. Now it's a matter of waiting til everyone has gone out, hauling it out of the cupboard and putting a mat under so it doesn't scratch the table, then plug it all together and hope the bobbin tension is alright and off I go. My bobbins are metal although I do use plastic sometimes! For years I hand stitched, made all my clothes as a teen, inc. trouser suits with long jackets (but I think I've told you that already.) Dad was a master tailor and would hum and hah at my cabbagy knots and haphazard method, but hey it worked!!
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Oooh, same here re the feet (and ankles) Lottie, I'd done so well in that area for quite a while but it 's been like drilling through the bones lately.

I've got a really heavy old hand singer (I used be quite good at sewing - self taught) and I either have to wait for a muscley man to lift it onto the table or make a series of steps & lift it one bit at a time...small stool> tool box> chair> step-stool> table....hahaha. I'm very inventive, I'm working on a mini-crane for domestic uses, look out for me on Dragon's den :o) I did a bit of hand sewing for my neighbour on Tues funnily enough, she seemed pleased & it saved her a trip into town to change the item so I feel my existance has been worthwhile this week.
Possums, I'm moving to Britain. Or are tradesmen the same all over the world? Is there any other category of people who would not have turned up a month later after having notified everybody involved that they would? There was a note a month ago for tenants to remove their stuff from the balconies because of imminent demolition, then nothing, then some light plaster knocking for a couple of days, then there was another note on Monday that demolition would start on Wednesday. I've been getting up at five cos I want to be out of the way as I've decided to turn the ventilation off and just roam the streets and haunt the libraries while they do what they do. Lets put it this way, I don't normally get up at five, so my body clock is now totally out of whack. The other day I was up for 36 hours, then slept 5, and so on.

The good thing about it, I got to see the first miner being rescued. My god, that guy looked infinitely much better after 69 days below than I do after staying awake an hour too long ha ha! There was live footage from when the first rescue worker "landed" with the capsule down the collapsed mine and got out and hugged everybody. I haven't felt anything similar since the moonlanding and that was a while ago and not as emotional either.

Agree with Robi, Shaney: Grumpy is good! :))

Radio's been playing this one a lot since Burke kicked the bucket
Dragon is about right!!! <<< ducks >>>

I prefer to hand sew, more reliable and more convenient!
Ob btw, the letter from the Council was just to inform us that the rateable value has changed!!!!!!
We went out for coffee today...lovely sunny table in a local nursery...looked at the plants but I have a load of loyalty points for the nursery we are going to tomorrow so didn't buy owt.
I agree that grumpy is good but very wearing on the long suffering partner......

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