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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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TMI Neti. (Kidding, just kidding!) Wow, you must have a really good musculoskeletal system. I couldn't work on a laptop half an hour without the ergonomic extras.
yup, gave up on the new Reggie Perrin...much as I love Martin Clunes...I thought his programs about dogs and horses were brilliant. Its COLD here heating has been on all day. Just been out shopping, spent my loyalty points on 4 cyclamen hederifolium corms and a double red amaryllis and we had coffee and toasted tea cakes in the cafe.
Slow improvement every day.
Shaney i am glad to hear that the tubes are coming out, Mr S will be back on good food before he knows it (and hopefully less grumpy lol).
I curl up on the settee with mine but its a small one...I like the look of yours Vinny....this thread is coming over all carry on ish
I know, Woofy. Horrible, the Spaniards;-)

Aww Martin Clunes, I didn't realise we were talking Martin Clunes here. I like him, wish we had got to see that dogs-and-horses series over here. Woofy there was a thread about shooting a husky... was it removed?
Hi All. I've been busy today. Had my ex neighbour over and took her out for lunch. We had a real good natter and I took her all round the new road at the by-pass and she was totally lost.from what she remembered of it.
Loved the Evans tunics Lottie. I.m going to have a look at that site in a bit.
Vinny you win It's Hey Jude by you know who. Highly original I don't think :o)
Your new 'puta' looks fabulous. I use a HP Compaq lpa top, Love it. It just sits on my kitchen table and I have been know to take it in the lounge I don't watch a lot of telly but I did enjoy Law and Order last night Shaney. I don't watch the American version though.
Robi I coiuldn't get on to this link today. It kept refusing to open my shortcut from my desk top and even when I restored an old page out of Recycle bin it wouldn't open so I had tto open AB and go into you profile to fine the link that way. I just put in Robinia and potatoes Hey presto:o)
Swedie was is TMI and if it's rude then you'd better duck!!

I have a small notebook laptop computer (Samsung) and it is brilliant, never any probs only things that I don't know! Goes everywhere from Bedroom, to Lounge to Dining Room but never in the kitchen or bathroom (yes I've been tempted!) We have a desktop like that one in the link, and daughter has a fullsize laptop. I like leaning up in bed with it on my knees and tummy, makes a bridge! and when it get chilly the lappy keeps me warm!

Daughter has just eaten her first homecooked curry I made it quite mild but there was still a bite, I mean why bother otherwise? and she ate the lot. I have washed up and washed the litchen, bathed me and am sitting in my bed waiting for 10pm to watch Dancing with the Stars on Watch! Mr N will depart like a shot once that comes on!
*what is TMI*
Silly swede! I've just googled and it's too much info, what!!!!
I carry my computer around on a wheelbarrow :) It's one of those Heath Robinson contraptions .
We've had a wobble .Tubes back in again .Well for piddle anyway as he can't pee.
He may have to have another operation for the prostate .Never rains but it pours at Shaneytowers lately and it's doing just that outside at the mo'. Really cold and wintery out there .
I'm well piddled off and can't be bothered to cook so am ordering quarterpounders with cheese and chips from the takeaway and will flop in front of New Tricks .Naughty but nice .
I love Martin Clunes but not keen on the Reggie Perrin thingy . His horse and dogs progs were very good .
Have a good evening folks and take care xx
Shaney be cool. retention after having a catheter in is not unusual.....annoying but not unusual. Hypertrophy of the prostate, when the urine tube gets narrowed as the prostate grows, is not unusual in gents "of a certain age" either. He is in the right place to get it sorted. I am still bothering God about you on a nightly basis. ((hugs))
Shaney, after every operation I have had, and there have been a few, I have had to have a catheter. It's because my bladder takes ages to get going after general anaesthetic and is done routinely now for me. I have had catheters taken out and reinserted on several occasions. When I had a caesarian as an emergency they didn't do the catheter thing and I ended up blowing up like a baloon and totally unable to pee until they inserted one. Don't worry!! xxxx
Thing is Woofy they operated on him for an enlarged prostate seven years ago .We had a right palaver then as I'd been nagging him to go to the doctors and he wouldn't until he couldn't pee at all and I ended up having to call an ambulance as he was on the verge of kidney failure .
He's on some medication now to try and sort it out but he may still have to have the catheter when he comes home .
My brother C. has had two prostate ops .When they did his knee replacement they couldn't get the catheter in at all because the gland had grown again .So he had to have another op more or less straight after them doing his knee .
Ooh these men are a worry .
I'm gonna wake up with white hair one of these mornings .
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well I'm back in business...that comodo anti-v had gone into overdrive and blocked all my mail & was causing havoc with other things...anyhoo T disemboweled it or whateva you say & reinstalled a new windows antivirus. All working much better now so will catch up tomorrow & reply to any mails...nite all.
Coming home with a catheter isn't unusual either, you need to practice scrupulous hygiene with it but that becomes a habit too. Its very unusual these days for it to be permanent, just need to get him sorted.
Know what you mean about white hair, mine seemed to appear over night. Am home early today, the forest was full of men and cars and vans, all with their lights on, filling the carpark where I go and strung out up the roads away into the distance....not sure what it crew, lost person, night sports thing of some kind...bloody nuisance as i has to come back home without walking the boys. They have just had breakfast and are currently ridding the garden of monsters so they aren't too bothered luckily.
When I was having a miscarriage in the late 80's (the year not me!) they wanted to do a scan so they put a catheter up my private bits and pushed water up into my bladder, boy was that uncomfortable! Then they had to wheel me miles away to the radiology dept, well, I could hardly hold it!!

Overcast here. Have just put most summer shoes away and summer trousers. I still wear moccasins and cannot wait to wear my boots, although have worn them here 2x already!!!
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Oh are we moving again at last, I've spent ages trying to move from page to page without losing the site, grrr...once more I'll re read the last 2 pages, I was so mad I couln't concentrate
Yes Neti I've worn my Adidas up till now but I think it's time to go boots. I was just thinking how much more quickly the laundry bin fills up now, it is getting colder. Could you possums start each day by posting what the weather is like in Stockholm cos I sure as hell don't know with all this plastic. The other day I walked out into a rainfall I had no idea was happening. Sorry to go on about it but it's really getting me depressed not being able to see my little world and the dogs on the outside. PS only joking about you doing weather posts - but I WILL start googling the Stockholm weather myself from now on, before I go out.

Shaney that's a bit tough but will be all right in the end. I had a colleague who was operated on three times in a row (colostomy) and the second and third operation were just to somehow adjust the first one. I don't remember the details, it was a long time ago, but it was horrible at the time that she had to go under the knife again, particularly as at least one of the operations had to do with some kind of mix-up or mistake or something. She's doing extremely well and it's all in the past now, as will this troubled time soon be for you xxxxx

How are we doing for homes, shall I send you a suggestion, Headmistress?
Woofy did you see that thread about shooting the husky? I saw it early in the morning and meant to draw your attention to it as you often reply over at Animals & Nature, but it was a while before I could get around to it and then it was gone. Please, if you saw it, was somebody able to give him some GOOD advice? (or if anybody else saw it, of course)
for god's sake this site is soooo slow, whenever I submit, it takes so long I get connection timed out! grrrrr!
see, my previous post isn't there, so here goes again!

I was sympathising with Kit for being stuck in a clautrophobic atmosphere at home and you should go for walks while the weather is still clement and not slippery!

Hope mr s is Ok and if grumpy is good, then I hope he is grumpy!

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