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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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Woofy are you aware you haven't set your gender, in your Profile? I was just thinking, as the arm and hand and watch on your avatar are so clearly male, people may assume you're a guy and Robi may ask you over to lift her sewing machine for her;-)
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Be afraid neti...

Crikey, up at 5....I wish I could but my body just won't do it. 7.15 is about as good as I can do & that's a struggle on dark mornings. Some builders are a law unto themselves, just hope & pray they don't don't go on strike Kit. Have to say the builders over the road are really cracking on...and if I need my machine moving they're the men, they've got an old cast iron bath out (down a flight of stairs!) in one piece! How the hell they managed that I've no idea.

btw, did I mention I've got 2 extra mouths to feed? I've told, it's not the builders...hedgehogs! :o). There's a good sized one & a little one - I'm a bit worried he might not be big enough to hibernate. They were both together last night so I put some food on a saucer...big one legged it but little 'un just closed his eyes 'til I moved away & tucked in...dreadful table manners, haha

the non gender used to be on purpose Kit. I date from the days (as i have said before) when the net was populated by spotty hormonal undegrad geeks and letting it be known that you were female opened you to all kinds of comments and I just can't be asterisked.
We just had home made cottage pie and carrots for dinner

Bring it on, if you think you're hard enough! Grrrr!!! Dragon slayer!!!
Snap woofy, here too, plus peas and served with Baked Beans. If you had said earlier, it would have saved me the bother!!!
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well I had pie, mash & mushy have been warned, fire at one end & wind at the other....I leave you to do the water neti, hahaha
Err, you've lost me there Robi, water, what water???
Hello again Everybiddy. Lovely pic of your hedgehog Robi. I wish I got wild life like that in my garden. Mind you my 'white tail feather' Blackie is still coming every morning. He looks really sleek now. He's recovered ofter having his babies. His wife's B******d off with someone else :o)
I have had a new mobile since Feb but never used it, but now I'm forced to as my old one has split, I've put my sim card in and that's ok but I'm struggling to Blue Tooth my ring tone. I bet you can all guess what that is. I bet Vinny can. I've ripped the CD to my PC just can't get it to connect to my phone somehow. I'm just going to recharge the battery till it's full then have another go.
Going to watch Law and Order UK tonight. I like that programme. Hoping I have a better night's sleep than last night. I've found out the name of the last rescuer up from the mine, Manuel Gonzales, He was the first rescuer to go down as well. He deserves a medal as big as a dustbin lid,that man does.
I had an unusual dinner today. I really fancied bacon as I haven't had any for weeks and weeks. So I had it with mushrooms broc, carrots, mash and home made cheese sauce made with very mature cheddar.
I'm ok at getting up early Robi. I'm usually at the paper shop about 6.45. I was that used to getting up early for work it's hard to get out of the habit of waking up early.
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Once they've done with their families the blackbirds go all hoity-toity Jude :o)
I've got a lovely bright orange red robin who comes with the flock of sparrows.. he probably thinks no one will notice him. :o)

Clue neti

legs it.....> > > > > > > >
^^This is war then;-)

Sweet little hedgehog, Robi. My sis has them too, and feeds them too, much to the annoyment of their dogs throughout the times.

Bet it's this one, Jude

Speaking of sewing machines, I never had one and couldn't use one I am sure of it, but a while back when I tried needle felting (which I didn't enjoy btw) I discovered there's a needle felting "sewing machine" on the market. That tempted me!
Oh how very dare you Miss Robinia!! I have no need of such things, nothing makes me laugh!!! Big heft thwack coming your way >>>>>> THWACK!!! AND TWICE THWACK!!!
**hefty** that should read!
....and it's Earth, Wind and Fire, nowt to do wif water!!
It's a common problem
Wrong Kit It's a song...... Off now to watch the telly laters!! as the youngsters say.
good morning all. By nature i am neither an owl nor a lark but a bear...want to hibernate, get up starving and in a bad mood...but Dh's job required early rising and then there are the dogs so I have to do it and that's that....going back to sleep again is wonderful though, and its a good excuse for going to bed early....talking of which...Kit I am sorry to hear about your recalcitrant workmen...should they be warned to leave big heavy tools out of your reach?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! :-D that's it exactly!
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Morning tout le monde...very strange to see Sweedie here in a morning, I see it's a lovely sunny day in Stockholm...not sunny here.

<breathes fire & roars in neti's ear>...have you seen this?
I saw him & he does look odd but his singing wasn't that bad.

So that explains your love of bears woofy...have you seen what they do when you're asleep?
Morning lovelies
Had no internet all morning but it's just come on again.It must be something in the water hereThis happens a lot of a mornng lately.Probably because it knows I am up and about really early for a change :)
Hope you are all OK .How's Mr Woofy ?
Mr S is holding his own .Very ,very grumpy though .He's had some food now though so perhaps that may help although he says it's not enough to feed a bird and could really kill someone for Kartoffelsalat mit Würstchen :)
They've taken his catheter out and the other drain should come out today .One day at at time .
Otherwise not much going on at Shaneytowers .Weather ,dull and dreary and a tad chilly Heating on of an evening now .
I watched Law &Order Jude .Love it . Bradley Walsh is sooo lovely :).Have you seen the American version ? I'm addicted to it and spend all my ill gotten gains on DVD's of it .
Ronnie Brooks counterpart is Chris Noth who is also yummy .
Take care all ,I'll report back later when I've been to see grumpyknickers .
Hi everybody.

My cold seems to be gone(ish). I was prepared for a restful day yesterday, but decided to totter round the garden in the afternoon and ended up with a wobbly attack (low sugar) and came in to get a drink and biccie to find out it was 6.15pm. I had been planting more shrubs and bulbs. Trouble is with me is that if I really get involved in something I don't know when to stop. When I used to make my own clothes, I would sew for hours and hours day and night and then end up being sick!!

However, I do not envisage sewing like this now!! My first job is going to be some new curtains for my kitchen! Easy peasy because they don't need lining (only there for effect - we never close them!).

Lovely picture of hedgy Robinia. So sweet!!

I think I must be a bear too in some ways Woofie. I can take to hibernating and like you, love going back to bed and going back to sleep.

Shaney. Poor Mr Grumpy Knickers. He must be so fed up. He has gone through a lot and kept a very brave face so perhaps he deserves to be grumpy for a while - and to be deprived of sausage and pickled herrings is dreadful. Make sure you are looking after yourself though, you have been through a lot too. xxxx

I have discovered that Meggie is frightened of big spiders. A big one ran straight past her last night and she jumped up onto my lap quivering and needed a cuddle. She is such a wimp!!

I have just ordered two items from Evans - naughty!!

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