Hello possums. Marvellous day here but I'm staying in to get the place in order - landlord paying a visit tomorrow. No it's not a rent thing ha ha.
Yes isn't he handsome,
Woofy. The last morning I woke up in their house I found him lying on my arm, purring and staring intently at me as if he adored me. Had an email late last night from my friend saying one of the kittens had died :-( and another one had been born :-) Woofy don't forget to look for pictures of the dresses your mum made for Wallis Simpson (or for anyone.)
We'd better shape up, you and me both
Robi, 'cos I've found us a couple of guys to take us to the good ship with the swellegant name.
one for you and one for me /Did your bro get home alright?
Missing you too,
Neti. Make husband stop. They're always at it building something or other aren't they, ha ha ha, they're incorrigible.
This loads slowly and starts with a commercial but it'll get there:
sherkane the eagle learning to fly. (He was raised in captivity.) Be sure to catch the landing. There's an idea
Vinny... imagine you paragliding with a sh1tehawk ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, OMG I cannot stop laughing...!