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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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morning... ☼ ..<< ssshhh! :~O)
its bootifull at the mo.I managed to find jnos son between the flowers, nice looking guy jno...I always thought that jno was Majorie proops.!but upon googling it cant be so.owing to the fact she's brown bread:O(perhaps its her sister..!magic sunset last night at about 9 lot wouldnt see it cos it gets dark about seven where youes live hehe..!(:O)whoosh>>>>>
dark??? When does it ever get light? The most I can hope for is the occasional star reflected in the pond. (The pond that used to be my lawn.)
chilly and bright here today. Took the tort in last night and this morning at 08.30 she was bumping and banging to go out. I must have the only antarctic tortoise in the world
Chilly here too.Gardener here at the crack of dawn ,bless him .He's done a general tidy up for us so all we need now is some warmer weather to enjoy it .But doesn't look promising according to my frantic Googling for long range forecasts .

It looks like all systems go again Jno .I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get to sunny Cyprus somehow .
We'll get Big Chief Wooly Bear to do an ash cloud clearing dance .
At least its stopped raining now! Have been to thyroid doctor and all is well but my cholesterol is sky high (first time ever) and my blood sugar is up, so it's a damned diet for me! he did offer pills to lower chol. but that seemed a bit lazy so I've 6 months to turn it around. Bye bye everton mints and wine gums. Feeling rather miserable now. good heavens when I was a child we couldn't get many sweets, then as a hippie typw thing we had alkiehol and fags and then couldnt afford them when we had the daughter AND NOW FINALLY WHEN I CAN PUT MY FEET UP AND BUY THEM I can't have 'em. Where's the justice in that? and no crisps and no mayonnaise (I love them together) <<< trots off in very glum mood>>>
Oh Neti,....been there done that ,got a Tshirt for it :)
I put on a lot of weight with the thyroid malarkey .I got told off and had to diet ,which I did .But it all went back on and I go up and down like a yoyo. My cholesterol was a bit high but it's Ok again now
.It's not the sweets as in confectionary so much It's butter ,cream,cheese and sweet cakes etc which are my downfall .
All things that we were denied as children .Well.,not denied exactly,just the fact that they weren't there to have .
I think it's psychological to make a pig of oneself with Golden Syrup :))
And , like you the fags and booze were there later on :)
Totally unfair old girl .I quite agree .
Afternoon each. Robi I never thought George would make me weep. What a sad song and I'm still full up Nice to see a piano played well ~ think he really was thinking about someone special when he was singing that.
To stop the brown bin getting wet at the bottom I screw separate pages of newspaper loosely and put them in the bottom until it's covered and it helps to minimise the wetness that can collect. I also put the same in the blue and the black then I don't have big cleaning job when they are emptied. Newspapers are degradable. I wrap food waste in them as well for the brown bin which we have been told we can do.

Ooo Neti are you on a low fat low sugar diet now then. I've just about got used to it. I have a treat now and again like today I went for lunch and after had a latte with cream on top.
Don't know if I've told you but my gardener has moved his job to somewhere in Ilkeston so he doesn't do gardens very much only a few that side of town so I have to do my own. He's also become quite religious. He rings me up occasionally for chat but doesn't try to convert me.
Anyway I was talking to a Christian before Christmas and she insisted she was going to Heaven when she died and she asked my where I was going and when I gave her what she thought was the wrong answer I looked at her and I could see it in her face and I said 'You think because I'm not a Christian you believe I'm going to Hell' and she just looked at me and gave a very little nod of her head. I laughed and said 'I can see it all over your face' Takes all sorts doesn't it. I think whatever people believe in that helps them through their life then so be ti.
That's enough of that I'm off for my tea now - I hope I've not upset anybody ~ didn't mean to.
See yer later 'gater(s)....
Oh yes shaney, golden syprup isn't on the forbidden list at all!!! Its funny really cos my dos and don'ts list is in Spanish, so of course there are several things that it wouldn't dawn on me to eat, and there again many english things that I like which aren't mentioned, so do I play dumb and still eat the lot or be honest and cut them out. As you say shaney, it's the cream and butter etc, but I am allowed olive oil everyday and I always use that to cook and dress food. I shall miss red meat , and I hate fish but Mr N is concocting delicious menus with fish and grilled veg, so at least it's got him back into the kitchen! I di need to lose weight and the bazooms could do with deflating a bit!!!
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Please send all surplus calories to Stik Woman, Derby...I am without cake, crisps & choc :o(

George makes me weep every time I look at him Jude...I could sort out his unhappiness for him if only he'd get in touch :o) Yes, I did put newspaper in the bin but the grass was so wet when it went in I think it just mâché'd it to the bottom, haha. I've always wrapped food scraps but I don't have many. I saw a man over the road emptying a tupperware box full of something sloppy straight into their bin recently...yuk, no wonder people get flies.
I wish I could recommend my gardener but I've sat here all afternoon & he's a no show, tut..if you want a bloomin' job doing.... And if you're going to hell I'll see you there! I'll bring the cakes, I don't suppose diets will be a requirement.

crikey they do breed tough torties round your way don't they woofy? they are in the sauna
Who is this singing George that is affecting you so??

Ha ha at Gherkin, Oh to be as honest as him!!
S'ok I have re-read the post and seen the George vid, he's alright I suppose!
Evening possums. Ole back's getting worse instead of better, I'm starting to wonder if it's another herniated disc rather than "just" a put-out back. (Don't see much point in going to the doctor to find out though.) Went shopping for groceries today (carrying is bad but walking is good) and of course I couldn't bend to get to the bread paper bags. Hate asking for help but I knew that I had to so I just decided "the next person that turns round the corner I will ask for help" and lo and behold the next person that did turn round the corner was a little person ha ha ha! ('Dwarf' to the lesser politically correct of you *tries to avoid looking in Ibiza's direction*;-) Felt like a cosmic prank somehow. She helped me easily and I'm sat here trying to figure the cosmic message out:) "We all complete each other"...?

So sorry to hear about your new, forced regime Neti:( Don't give up, these things are often possible to affect and then you'll be allowed a few venial sins again:)

I see you found yourself some Danish beer in your avatar Vinny - don't you know it's Sweden that sports the best British pub *gloats*

Woofy she's getting away!

LOL@ the thought of Jude going to hell ha ha ha! These people would be tragic if they weren't comical but I agree Jude "whatever gets you through the night". Here old girl you need protection
Well I suppose being all biddy friends, that we'll have to stick by jude wherever she ends up!!!
Yo kip...
that pub looks fantastic..!I knew you would suss me poster out.I love old beer posters etc.Ive met christians and most off them are down right two faced hypocrites and dont get me started on jehovas....I caught this old lady kicking my door saying "come the bloody door"(there were 5 off them and I could hear them from upstairs )When I threatened to pi** over them from the upstairs window they soon took off.!bunch off barstewards.!I need a cold drink now..(:O)
Thanks folks pleased you saw a funny side cos I did. I was having lunch with the lady and we still parted friends Lol!! Pleased I didn't upset anyone. I was a bit worried after I had written it.
Going to watch Children's Hospital now.
Take care with your back Kit. can't you get a wheelie shopping carrier. to help you.
Well if you head on over here to the best pub Vinny you may be just in time for the sunset WHICH IS AT 20.49 where I live thank you very much:) http://www.timeanddat.../astronomy.html?n=239 (Is it really at 19 for some biddy locations or was that just biddy wind-up again? :) Can't stop laughing at the Jehovas lady kicking your door in ha ha ha ha ha!
Hi Jude, where did you come from! Thanks for your good wishes. I'm afraid one of those gadgets wouldn't help me, they just twist my spine and then I have to carry them up a flight of outdoors stairs to get to my entrance anyway and so on and so forth. No I'm just a-planning on getting better:)
Don't get me started on those bloody Jehovahs.
Years ago some knocked on my door .It was a freezing day ,piddling down and there stood these two women all muffled up in scarves ,hats and what have you with a poor little child in an open buggy ,no hat on her head and her little legs all uncovered in sandals and short socks ! Not even a blanket over her . Swines .
Her poor little legs were red raw from the cold . I'm afraid they got the very,very sharp end of my tongue .
Some of 'em who call round here are really bolshie and I lose my rag ,especially when they want to talk about Jesus at eight o sodding clock on a Sunday morning after I've hobbled downstairs to answer the door .Bah .

I somehow think ,that if there is indeed a heaven, I shan't be going :)
So don''t worry Jude .I'll keep you company wherever we end up .Hahaaa.
Thanks Shaney LOL!Jehovas whatsh1ts get me mad too.
Did anybody else watch Children's hospital. Puts things in perspective dont it.
Hi all. Jude the best (only) good thing i ever heard an RC priest say was "God made hell but He makes it very hard to go there"
DH had a good chat with the doc today. Apparently his poor old tum is stress related and he's got some meds to ease it. I know I shouldn't laugh but its low dose and three times a day. I know a bit about this stuff from my work and when he told me I said that he needed to be patient as it would take a day or two to kick in. Anyway he takes one and half an hour later is getting wound up because nothing has happened yet....bless still he has eaten a bit more so that's good.
Don't laugh, I have just about cut dairy out of my diet except for soft lo cal butter on my toast and milk in tea and coffee cos the dog can't have it. You get so used to sharing as you eat..happily DH uses olive oil spread so the boys cadge off him...we eat chicken frankfurters too cos he can't have the pork ones...mad or what?
Yup doorstep evangelists and political canvassers get short shrift and my door too...I don't even buy cleaning products at the door so I an certainly not going to buy my religion or politics there.
time for beddybyes i reckon

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