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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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yup, George, Freddy, Phil Lynott, voices like angels and no judgement whatsoever
I'm off to watch the Bill now then I'm going to bed So I'll say thanks for the chat and hope you all have a good night.

See yer later 'gater(s) x
goodness, people do have problems with Christians at the door! I hardly ever get any (I've had no election candidates either) but when they do come I'm very polite and they're very polite and go away again.

That's right, neti, pretend you don't understand what's on the banned list and then you'll only put on Spanish fat, not English. What's that, lardo do porco or something? I'm sure it'll look very becoming.
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Don't worry about going to hell, it's not far, it's right here on earth...I've been there. Not too sure about heaven, I think I've seen it through the gate.

Mention the JW's and it sure brings out the best in folks...the best rants, hahaha...actually the ones I've had have been ok but we usually warn each other when they're on the prowl & we don't answer. I wonder if they hear the phone ringing inside as they approach each door? We haven't had a single canvasser for voting (don't speak too soon Robi)...the only famous one I've ever met was Edwina Currie who came some years ago. Just let Margaret Beckett knock at the door...I'll dump my hanging basket on her head....

ooh Kit you are a worry... so it's people like you who cosmically order people like me to help them is it? There's often a little voice from a minibiddy or one on a mobi scooter who waves at the biggest item on the top shelf & asks 'could you reach one of those for me please?' I don't have the heart to say 'well actually my shoulder/tennis elbow/neck is stiff' so I grit my teeth & do it...then I go in the next aisle & silently scream... :o)...Can't you get one of those window cleaner cradles as a permanent fixture so you can go in & out of your apartment through the window?

Right, I think I'll have a wander round the garden, quarter to ten & still bright sunshine...what's Wooly got in store for tomorrow I wonder?...erm, hailstones the size of tennis balls....oh dear.

He he yeah Robi I'm a worry to myself even, good thing I don't have any children, I'd drive them up the wall... but on the bright side, my bald spot is becoming less bald by the day! I.e. the hair is growing back where my head hit the ice. My hairdresser wasn't sure that it would but it is:)

Look closely Shaney
Hahaaaa..he's hiding behind the curtains ....that's tickled me .

I'm also one of those people who other people come up to in shops and ask if I would be so kind as to either reach up for them to the top shelf or contort my self and practically lay on the floor to find something at the back on the bottom shelf .
"oh you're a nice tall person ...could you possibly ....." Then you get the life story !
I must have a kind face :))
I get 'em on the bus as well ,they hone in .
Kit you'll have to get a stair lift or a shopping trolley :) I can't lug shopping these days .

I've just watched that Luther ,he's rather nice . Mmm.....
I think I'll go to bed now I'm starting to ramble .Night all.Sleep well.
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haha, that's Vinny hiding...sweet dreams all
Morning all - what a lot of heathens we are!!! Of course, as I said, I'll go down below if we have too, but I don't like the heat, brings me out in a rash , and I don't really want to spend all eternity being spotty and itchy, so jude, could you try to behave a bit better, then maybe, just may be, we'll be saved!!!!
Morning...lovely and sunny ere.
blimey netti..if you can get through the pearly gates weve all got a chance..hehe..!
Ive been drinking pomegranite juice fer ages now and I still cant suss out the reminds me of summink but I cant put me finger on it..?bloomin good for you though.later dudes..:O)
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morning all...Vinny it'll remind you of those funny things we used to eat with a pin...eee, by heck, no nanny state in't ode days... :o)

Apparently if you have less than 6 hrs sleep per night you'll get to to heaven/hell sooner rather than later and you may suffer overly high optimism & delusions of grandeur. Based on the past few months I'll be heading there very soon but it'll be a wonderful land with flowers, music, sunshine & blue skies, I'll have DD bazooms & be treated like the fabulous princess that I clearly is. It must have been a joy & a privilege to have known me.

Love that song Vinny, Oh happy days, takes me right back!!
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yes neti, (curtsey please) ....great song & it always goes hand in hand with this one
well, it looks sunny outside but I'm not fooled. As the old country saying goes

'When blueness fills the air
It'll soon be peeing down on your hair'

or was it...

'If the sky is coloured grey
It'll be peeing down all the day'

or maybe...

'When partly cloudy is the sky
It'll be peeing down by and by'.

That seems to cover most eventualities correctly.
shaddup jno!!!!

Oh robi I love Excerpts from a Teenage Opera, I always wanted to hear the rest (except it dosn't exist).

Have just spend another hour with my own doctor who has promptly put me on pills to reduce my cholesterol., and then I had to chat to the nurse who has given me a diet all in piccies, with a plate showing what I should have! The brekkie is more than I ever eat, yuk 2 yogurts! I have put on 7 kilos in 5 years which seems fine to me, as most old women get fat don't they (well apart from stick insect type people!!) am really gonna try to stick to this one. Have to buy a plancha which goes over the hob and grills veg etc. Am having the cat's fish for lunch with salad, I always buy good fish for the cat anyway, so don't groan, although the cat will be miffed!!!! I shall end up as Robi's dream, slim with bazooms!! Jordan eat your heart out!!!!
Angels and Demons Ahoy. Have no idea where I'll be going but I've always liked camel toe boots if that's a clue...?

Here's an old country saying about you jno:

When stately clouds do fill the sky
It's Eyjafjallajökull ash - or Legal Eagle whizzing by

Ever since your courtroom revelation a couple of weeks ago jno I've been trying to figure your username out but - alack - I don't know Latin but I'm thinking along the lines of JURIS and perhumps NOBILIS and O-something, am I right am I right am I right?

Vinny I drink pomegranate juice from Organic Village - they sell it at the deli down my street - and the taste doesn't remind me of anything really but there's something about the astringent feel to the tongue that reminds me a bit of cranberry juice, don't know if that's it? http://www.organicvil...omegranate-juice.html

BTW a while back Woofy you had mentioned something about collecting 'housewives', what IS that?

Aww Neti's cat!! Watch out Neti or next the cat will be having afternoon drinks with your gay friend to complete the swap!
some people's mothers name them after rice steamers and some don't, that's just the way it is

No way she'd name me after a juvenile nuisance offence.
So jno is the criminal and not the lawyer! Oh lovely sushi, am I allowed it, actually I prefer Macki but things are looking up if I can eat that, am off for a siesta (whist the cat is drinking with my gay friend - that made me laugh!!) and gonna watch either Lewis or Luther! (or in jude's case Lucifer!!)
LOL Neti Liked the Lucifer....tickled me that did.
Having a chronic time with my putta. Apparently there is an internet fault in the Derby area and I reckon it's right above my bl00dy house. Sometimes I am only connected localy and have to wait for it to connect with t'internet. It ain't my putta because my man has been down to have a look and says it's virgin media.
The dieticians have left my dr's surgery Neti. I think it's a money saving project so I don't have anyopne to refer to so I'm now just getting on with it.
Have to go for my 3 monthly Blood test tomorrow.
Take care all I'll say tara now in case the connection above my house isn't for the rest of the day......byeeee x

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