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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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Kit a housewife or hussif is a little sewing kit.
most of the images here are of cloth ones that roll up, but I have a metal one shaped like a champagne bottle, one that is in an olivewood darning egg and one in a wooden spindle case as well.
Jude, my computer went dead the night before last. I checked all my 700,000 cables and everything and there was nothing wrong so it must have been Virgin. It was back after midnight, though.
Yep kip,it does leave that dry feel to your mouth...often my throat feels like a vultures ar*ehole after I ve drunken it..:O)the one I get is suncrest 100%.Trouble with yer putta wanna check robinia' hasnt been hanging her washing on your dish again..(:O)
OMG! Jude! Repent! Repent! omg-omg-omg... this is bad, this is sooo bad...
(thanks Woofy for explaining about hussifs)
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<wondering how Vinny knows what a vulture's a*hole feels like?>

yes, shuttup about the weather jno, it's nothing to be poetic about. It's a very mean 13C & dark...and it ain't even 7 o'clock yet.

Jude I've checked the Virgin status page & it says there are no issues, haha...well I've got a few they can have...Kit what *is* that Jude's got there? Maybe I don't need to know.

btw - if anyone's got too many bluebells I've got a solution...just plant lily of the valley amongst them and they take over instead, haha
Well she *claimed* it to be just a devil costume tail Robi but along with the invocations and the giggling at the mention of Lucifer's name... I thought there was reason for some concern.

I still do.
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Well I thought it looked like a devil's tail but the loop at the top baffled me a little...I s'pose Jude's got a towing hook then? I could do with one to pull my shopping trolley, it'll leave my hand's free for squeeze testing the fruit & veg.
It's been a glorious day here and I've been snipping and dibbin' in the garden Amongst other things I've pulled up loads of those blasted SPANISH bluebells which stink :).God knows where they come from .I never planted 'em .
Oh watch Luther Neti ,he's drool dribbling gorgeous .
He's the actor fromThe Wire.,Idris Elba.
Lucifer can wait until I get there :)

I've received a parcel today all dee vay von Sveeeden with some lovely things in :)
Thank you Kit .Have mailed you xxx

Eat porridge Neti ,good for reducing your cholesterol .You have to make it with skimmed milk or water though which is a bummer .Though a squirt of Golden Syrup livens it up a bit :)
Midsomer tonight .
Oh what an exciting life :)
My doctor recommended that I eat Poltron (Horse) as it is very healthy and marvellous for the cholesterol, when I find a shop that sells it (they all did when you had your beef crisis) I will have a taste, but as I couldn't stomach reindeer (the very thought of rudolph) I doubt I'll be able to eat it, also avestruth (ostrich) so will have to look around! I do love porridge (with cream and golden syrup) but come to think of it, if i'm having tablets to reduce it, why oh why do I have to do a diet??

That satanic "thing" that our jude is holding looks very pornographic to me, is there something you are not telling us jude?? and if its what I think it is, then you will go straight down!!
Spanish bluebells eh? I've never seen them in all my 39yrs here - looks like you've grabbed the lot shaney!!
That thing looked to me like what you thought Neti but it's been that long I can't really remember. Spect Lucifer will sort me out when I get there LOL
My broadbacn is back but very slow again .I'll give it a few days then see what can be done.
Going to MM tonight I thought it was a repeat but apparently not.
Oooh bleugh Neti .Not horse .We had that in Holland .I didn't know it was horsemeat at the time when I bought it .
Paardenvlees.It looked like beef to me .But when I cooked it it was horrid ,all dry and grey looking .Oh yuk and double yuk .There's no fat on a racehorse .Which is mainly where it comes from .No way José .
I was on Statins for a while but they made my muscles weak and achey ,and I ache enough so stopped taking them .It was only a low dose .My doctor would have the world and his wife on Statins if he could !
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Glorious?! How dare you have glorious with me shaney? 'There's no fat on a racehorse',,,haha that's what my uncle says to me, he's a stick as well.
And you can't eat horse! I was born in the year of the horse...tut...

MM, cuppa tea & cherry bakewells time...
Have just watched Luther, and am very confused. Have there been previous episodes cos I didn't understand it much. Is he loopy?

who remembers " I drink Idris when I'm dry"??
Idris is the stuff to buy
you drinks Idris
I drinks Idris
idris when I's dry

and that lovely orange squash the milkman used to bring in glass bottles

oh yes and
I'm a secret lemonade drinker...
My Dh got put on statins and they made him feel dreadful, achey, depressed, tired generally fluey...doc said it couldn't possibly be the statins so why did he feel so much better when he stopped taking them?
Oh dear, my doctor said there are not any noticeable secondary effects!
Tut you wyckede biddies it really is just an innocent tail Speaking of wicked, when I went shopping for groceries an hour ago I ran into the daughter of a friend of mine, dressed to kill. She was on her way to a bar called The Vampire Lounge so I asked do they have oh I don't know, cuckoo clocks with vampires instead of cuckoos, or something. (There used to be an establishment nearby with a COW cuckoo clock, you see: The door would open and a larger than life cow's head would come out and say moo.) No she said but they've got black coffins for benches...! Eeek!

You're welcome Shaney, glad it got there. I got your email and I'll reply some time this week:)
I've never seen as many murders in MM. Just had my sister on Skype and she couldn't get her microphone to work. She's had a new lap top and was trying it out. Wde managed the other night so I don't know what was different. So we've been doing sign language LOL

I'm off to bed now seeyou all tomorrow. I'm going to have a lie in got up at 6 this morning.
Night Night all.....:o)
Haha..Midsomer's hilarious ! I sat there rolling up at them running round the woods .
Huge body count tonight .There can't be many more people left round their neck of the woods to kill off.

Tut ...Do pay attention Neti .
He's a maverick cop .If you watched the bit at the beginning it was obvious he'd caught a child murderer/molester. So instead of hauling him in, he let him drop off that girder after catching him and now the guy's in a coma so they can't charge him or anything and Luther has a breakdown and they send him on gardening leave ..
Now he's been cleared and no disciplinary action taken against him he's back investigating this psychopath woman who's killed her parents, but he can't prove it .
So....he's got a wife who's left him and the guy in a coma hanging over him and this crazy woman after him .
It's a new series so we'll have to see what happens next week .It's a bit dark,deep and psychological .
Neil Cross who's written it has written some good books .So if his books are anything to go by this will be good too .

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