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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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You crept in there Jude ! Night night ,Sleep well .
Question Author
well I don't know why I bother...fell asleep for last half hour of MM...I'll watch it tomorrow. P'raps I should drink Idris whatever it is...passed me by that one did. last comment to you shaney should have said
How dare you have glorious withOUT me shaney?

...what a rigmarole this getting ready for bed is, I wish I could just press a button & be whooshed off ...
I think I shall stay in hiding all tomorrow as I don't want to hear any more about the election; I cast my vote in postal fashion days ago, for a candidate I liked regardless of party, and I don't really care who wins. It would be nice if someone would remove the extortionate Air Passenger Duty that gets put onto air tickets and is such a trial to us frequent travellers, but none of the parties are planning to, so that's that.

However, my robinia has come into leaf and is looking very pretty despite the dodgy weather. Must be all the volcanic ash.
Well Robinia....
I've had a word with the weatherman and the the weatherman says it going to be Glorious as it's your Birthday **..HAPPY BIRTHDAY **
Have a lovely day and Many Happy Returns.xxxx

HAPPY BIRTHDAY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii now blow
Happy Birthday x

Happy Birthday dear ole stick insect!! What would we biddies do without you!!
Vinny!! are you posting rude greetings cos that one is forbidden!!!
Well, I don't think Luther should be let loose on the streets, he's not well and he's not coping!!! Bring back Dixon!!

On the other hand I am enjoying Lewis, cos its all sort of normal!!!
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good're lovely people thank you kindly...I can't see Vin's greeting either :o( probably says happy 80th, haha. Thanks for the ecard too shaney, they're always beautiful. Don't know about the weather, I think we're due to see the sun at 7pm, just in time to watch it set :o)
(I set George M as my wallpaper last night & forgot so it was a nice surprise when he popped up just a bl00dy miracle if he did, hahaha)

Now, where are those swifts? Surely ONE can make it here for my birthday?
Question Author's George 'Flintsone' Clooney's birthday today too...and Tony Blair....tut
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ooh here comes another lovely ecard...yes neti, I do/did love Elvis, one of the most handsome men of all time....thank you! x
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OI! how come no one saw this??!!


nooooo, surely not?! hahahahaha......

Happy birthday Robi Have a good one ~ Jude xx
We didn't see it robi, because we are all too busy to sit round the computer trawling through the debris!!! ( but as it's your birthday, we'll forgive you for having a lazy day)
Happy Birthday Robinia! I really can't stop laughing at you and our friend the doctor, it's priceless! I always knew there was chemistry between the two of you ha ha ha ha! Here's another one of your favourites I do believe, I beamed him down just for you
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thanks Jude! oooh, intit cold? I've just been down to vote with my neighbour, the wind makes your eyes water.

Stop pretending you're busy neti, you've got plenty of labour saving devices
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oh I just knew it would amuse you Sweedie...good job I don't know your phone number, I would have rung you & screamed, hahahaha

thanks for the darth...<bl00dy hell, how bad can this birthday get....>
Hi Robi It is cold. I walked down to vote at about 8 and I think it's colder than then.
Had to go for my 3 monthly blood test. You know the place tound the ringroad. Couldn't be bothered to walk there. Then I went to see my niece who is 49 today.
Next year I have 3 50th birthdays. My brother in March my eldest in April and my niece in May.
Just doing a carbenara pasta with extra ham and really looking forward to it.
See yer later 'gater(s)

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