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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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ah, Robin Gibb has died, expected, I suppose.
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Yes, only a matter of time but still sad.
I see it's supposed to warm up this week. I might have known, as I am orff to deepest Italy for the week. Where it is allegedly going to rain every day. I hope everyone is jolly grateful that I am taking the weather with me.
Good morning. shame about Robin Gibb, beautiful music.

Well the weather for this week is supposed to be good, hope it holds out for street party, otherwise what's the point?

Am actually missing my hubby and child and island (prob cos I am running out of money) Just want to go for a lovely spanish lunch.

Don't think we are doing much today, I may go for a walk through the local park with my mp3 and remembering all the childhood antics we got up to there! There used to be huge stones from a fallen down house and we would scamper up and over them and graze our knees and scrape our elbows and have a wonderful time. But now elf and safety has ruled that they begone! poor kids today, no fun!
Morning all...yes, it's very sad about Robin. I heard it on the 1am news this morning...and then on the 2am news...etc... :o(. I couldn't get to sleep when I went to bed, so I watched some tele for a while, it was a 'Barry Manilow over the years' type documentary would you believe! He does have a good voice and I liked him a lot in the 70s/80s.

Well I was going to go to the doctor's (he's away for 2 weeks after this one) but I'm not well, lol. Actually I'm due an armful of blood tests so it makes sense to have those done first and I'll go to see him when he comes back. I know this 'algia' encompasses a lot of problems but I really do feel crip.The nurse is doing the form for me to collect.

jno I hope the earth's not moving where you're going...terrible news for Italy today.

I seem to be on a winning streak...another £2.50 last night...woo.
ps Hope Rab goes on ok woofy..

Excuse me...did I hear the v e t word?!!
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We are back. Rab was Very Brave. the nurse who took the stitches out was the lady who ran his puppy class. She was very pleased to see him and made a huge fuss. Then she had trouble getting at the stitch so went for help and the help turned out to be the chap who had taken the lump off who made a huge fuss of Rab again. Anyway we are now all signed off and enjoying ginger biscuits from lidls.
We were going out later but the car scratch man can come today so we are going out tomorrow instead.
Sorry you are still feeling crip Robi. Yes I think you are being sensible about getting the blood results back.
Its chilly here too, wasn't supposed to be.
well done Rab, stay healthy!

It's a long time warming up, we've only just nudged into double figures.
wait till I'm gone, it'll be lovely
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My get up and go got up and went....lunchtime I think.....
I think I accidentally put my get up and go in a charity bag some years ago...
Hello all
No warm weather here. Cool on eastern coastal districts .
Which means it's blowing a gale and another grey day.
Pleased to hear your woofer was brave Woofy .Well done Rab.
Sorry you still don't feel well Robinia .Hopefully it's nothing We need warm sunshine .That will cure all ills .
Sad news about Robin Gibb .

I want some help please ...I've just tried to order some things from Debenhams .I've never shopped on line there before but I get to the end and it comes up with this card verification thing .I fill it all in and then they tell me me theres an error and my card hasn't been accepted which is nonsense because the card is good .I can't seem to get past the damn thing .Every time I press continue it chucks me out .
Any ideas ?
Do they mean the last 3 numbers on the back of the card?

I've also tried to go shopping but all I wanted was some white straight leg cotton jeans. Tried M&S jeggings - awful although size12 fitted the torso well. Will have to look around!

Too warm here for me, am watching Countdown and that awful woman is trilling My love is like a red red rose, can't stand her, although I love classical music. Apparently it is leslie Garrett or is that a footballer!

Am boiling in this conservatory, all glass and no shade, hate it, hate all things conservatory!!!
shaney it looks like verified visa site has a problem...
Thanks so much for that Robinia .I was stamping my feet and getting very vexed :)
Usually you can just click on thanks .. with sites that have this but there was nothing there for me to click on .
Mr S rode to the rescue with his M&S card with no problems .

We've got the heating on here it' s so chilly :(
Yes shaney I had to go right to the bottom of the garden for a warm in the sun, it's still cold at this end thanks to a north wind swirling round.
Be aware that if you need to return anything to Deb's they don't always include a returns label in the parcel and you have to call them...they either send a link to a downloadable/printable label or they send one in the post. It's still free to return but you have to go to the PO...bit of a faff.
Lottie, crawls in shivvering!! At least you saw the sun Robi!! We have had cold and mist all bloody day - it is just awful!! I want to be warm, I want sunshine!!! Moscow was up in the high 20's when I looked and St Petersburg was in the low 20's and here we are on the North Norfolk Coast with an icy wind and temperatures that are just about in double figures.

Even my conservatory ain't warm Neti due to lack of that round yellow thing that used to appear in the sky. And what is more the forecast for here is not good for the whole week. I am going to Eastbourne!!!

I think I am going to hybernate!!
or even hibernate!!
still too hot here!
Bloomin' awful here .Dull ,dreary and cold all day and that chilly east wind .
My sun room is like a fridge !
Gawd ..enough to drive you to drink :)

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