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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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that's it...just tomorrow to get through, stitches out monday and back to normal.
Oight oight all.
My Grandmother died in St Helier back in 1984. A horrible hospital, as Shaney says.

Oight oight, I have had a really lazy boring day, but we had a takeaway Chinese this evening and it was lovely.

Son's wedding is 21st July - not long now!!!

See you tomorrow.

See you
Yes dreadful place Lofty .Mr S was there briefly when we had the first prostate troubles .Needless to say I shiffled him out to St Anthonys pdq.
Hope you have your posh frock and hat :))
Mr S has been shuffling back and forth on the sofa with the phone clamped to his lug ...but Chelsea have slaughtered Bayern on penalties and he's pulling a face ...dear oh dear :)
Football crazy ,football mad and football it has taken away the little bit of sense he had !
Oight Oight sweeties :)
St Anthony;s is great, my m-i-l worked there for years and then she died there when she had a anuerism in her brain. My best friend works there and her daughter is a theatre nurse there, nice place.
Lovely hospital Neti .Had a hysterectomy there .I was well looked after .
Never forgotten Sister Kathleen .She was lovely to me and they looked after Mr S. too .
Sister Mary Perpetua used to come round and see you every day .I had another friend who died in St Raphael's Hospice. It's a lovely place .
Posh frock and hat, ha, ha!!!

He is not wearing a suit - just casual gear!!
ii can loan you a posh frock now that i have one!
Morning from a wet and overcast Eastbourne.

Yes Sister Mary Perpetua was lovely, m-i-l loved her.

We are supposed to be going to an country fair (Brownbread street, I can't believe it myself) it's near In a Pickle's house, hope I don't bump into him! But he'll be someone else anyway!!

Will try to stay off the booze today, imagine me saying that, I hardly drink at home! but if there's a fiesta going I will join in!

Lucky I do not live in this country, with all the cakes and sweets and liebfraumilch(sp) i would be an enormous fat slob!
watch out for Elsie on your day out...

Woke up with a shriek this morning as cramp hit my leg. I am still limping; it is very sore and stiff. Never mind, I am not going anywhere.
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good morning. I woke with a migraine, not a bad one, I get them very rarely. Took some paracetamol and now I feel all woolly. Shughy is digging in the garden and rab is guarding a bush cos he us sure there is a monster in it.
Morning all...I still haven't woken up :o)

I'm a bit sinussy/headachey too but it's probably because I slept heavily, through exhaustion aftter two bad nights probably. Plus the weather's on the change and a rise in pressure.

I hope I never have to go into hospital again...the slapdash state of some of the wards these days gives me the horrors.

Have a good time neti...beware of gherkins.
ha, you can see I'm ga-ga...load of gobbledegook ^ ^ ^
Damn - Wrote reams and lost the lot. So now all I am saying is Good Morning. It is still bloody cold here and grey!!!!!
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I managed to find some get up and go. Did a it of gardening, cleaned out the fish pond filter and have just had a shower.
I've been looking for my get up and go ever since it got up and went .
Nothing doing here .Another grey day.
Hope you are all ok though .Looking forward to a nice steak dinner later ..the highlight of my day :)
I am freezing. I was warmer in the winter than I am now. Because it is meant to be late spring I hesitate to have the heating on during the day. I know that I am stupid. We should have heating when we need it, as dictated by the weather, not by the season.
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Its gone cold and grey here too but in the tortoise pen its still nice and warm. I decided to get straight into my jammies after the shower. The tortoise is happy to finally be outside and the fish can see where they are going again.

I just had a bowl of eton mess, waitrose frozen. It was supposed to be tonights afters but what the heck.
And yes Lottie, if i am cold i put the heating on!
ha, snap! I've just put the heating on and I've got my aching hands, well just one at the moment, around a hot cuppa. I'm frozen despite the fact they said it would be warmer today (it isn't).

A right barrel o' laughs aren't we? Never mind, my new t-shirt should attract some lively company next time I can be bothered to go out of the door...
Lol..Mr S wanted some air and a stroll so he went down to Iceland and brought back..

A box of Cadburys chocolate fingers
A bag of mixed peppers
A bag of spuds
Greggs pasties ( they're "new in " he says)
..and .....a bottle of whisky .
So bgr the weather ..cheers M'dears :)

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