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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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shaney, I had oodles of tests about six months ago when I was last treated - I think basically, that treatment failed; so I'd like someone down under (so to speak) to do it again. It's quicker and cheaper here, but I don't have time for any more tests befor eI leave so I'm hoping he'll just agree to inject more peanut butter or whatever it is. (Actually almond oil of some kind, I think.)

Went to dinner last night with an old friend I used to know in the typing pool; she's since shed her husband and become an art collector (and on the board of the local arts centre), keen netball player, local historian, food connoisseur (she used to own a deli that had David Bowie as a customer whenever he was in town)... etc etc. Makes me feel my life has been all rather quiet.
Morning all, lovely sunny day here today. Have to go to our accountant's this am to do our quarterly tax return, he waffles on, I look intelligent, he says how much we have to pay him, we shake hands, both smile, and I leave without a clue as to anything he said!!

I've had heaps since I was 22, hope there's nothing untoward going on. They are calmer at the mo, but can be so painful and bleed sometimes, if one pops out I pop it back and it's ok. Got me worried now!!

I sold lots of gold things last summer and got around £500, the continental gold is 14k and not worth much, my wedding ring (an heirloom) is 24carat but I rarely wear it, but wouldn't sell it. Whta else can I sell now??? I got a tv from the ibiza site for the computer room and finally got it tuned in yesterday, well pleased.
morning all busy busy day yesterday. Dogs showed me up rotten at the vet, wouldn't get on the scales in the waiting room, yelled when the needle went it, behaved as though they had never walked on a lead before. I take them in in a soft muzzle which they don't mind at all. We practice at home and the muzzle means treats. They have never bitten anyone and are great with people but HATE going to the vet and as she has her face close to them, I wouldn't want there to be an accident and I figure then the vet can relax and get on with the job. Anyway i got my share of dirty looks off the other pet owners and guess now the whole of the area thinks that I am an abusive and incompetent owner and the dogs are dangerously out of control.
We went on to town, I needed baskets from ikea for shelf storage and they had orchids in pots for 3.50!!! Our local posh nursery has the same thing for 15 quid.
Ha ha jno, loved the email, "wake up Gay" hilarious!!!!!
and did you spoil the boys with a Macdonald? Little b's, they sound so sweet!
Typical boys Woofy!!.

Meggie is just a wimp at the vets. She hates anything being done to her, but does cooperate. She just shakes and shakes and shakes. I have to carry her in and she has to sit on my lap. She screams when her claws are trimmed. I can't do them because the quicks are right down to the end and it's a precarious job.

She even shakes when I get the brush out to groom her and it's a very gentle brush. And if she gets stung by a stinging nettle on a paw it's like the end of the world and she refuses to walk!!

Am taking Alice next week for her boosters. She is great in the vets and good in the car too, bless her.
Just going over to see if I have jno's email!!
Great Ads jno. I love the ideas for Christmas presents for wives. Wake up on Christmas morning to a lovely hoover - great!!

And Wake up Gay is so funny.

Am going to make the most of my day. Gonna through on some old clothes and take Meggie for a walk; then have a shower and go to town, then the shops, then home to do some chores.

These ideas might fade as the day goes on!!
such a shame they don't advertise clothes for chubbies any more, I have to go through all the racks by hand.
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Morning all, bloomin cold again.

Love the ads jno! "Cocaine toothache drops...For sale by all druggists..." haha
Yes Neti, they got their hamburgers not that they deserved them. Its grey and cold here today...nice man is putting preserver on our window frames today. Yesterday he put power to my shed and put preserver on the sheds and then he's going to put some more light fittings in the garage. Dogs are snoozing Dh is out buying light fittings.
My dogs have got black claws, happily they wear them down so its rare to need to clip one.
Good morning All. It is really cold and no sunshine here today. Never mind I'll get cracking in a bit.
Had a 'busy' day yesterday. Went to Tai chi, then pub for lunch for 2 hours then home. We were in this very small room at the pub and there were 8 women and this one man. We know him well as it's a regular haunt and I asked him how he was going to cope with the bevy of beauty around him and he said he had had plenty of lessons. Bless him! Then last night I went to see Derby and you'll never believe it we won so I went to bed happy.

Very funny ads Jno. The wake up gay one had me laughing out loud. I have had all those tests for my nether regions as well Jno. It's just irritating (literally) that I have the heaps and a fissure. Hope your medication works for you. Mine isn't at the mo but I'll give it time.

On Sunday my friend's grandaughter and partner brought their little Border Collie to see me. She is 6 weeks old and so good. I couldn't believe, she would just sit when told. Brilliant! Mind you she did run around the garden like a little mad thing but it was lovely to see, made me want one. By the way her name is Lola.
Hope your day goes well Lottie. That's at lot of shopping. I bet you come back with something.
My sister is meeting me in a couple of weeks to help me buy something for my plumber's wedding in June. I need a Jacket to go with my dress these colours hope you can see them after I've posted.

Hope everybody else is ok and coping with health problems which we all seem to have in one way or another.

I really am going to get cracking now Laters 'gater(s)!
P>S> I meant to say I would welcome any suggestions for the colour of jacket to go with my dress....
Oh dear Jude, your lovely weddingy material puts my outfit for July to shame. I would try to get a jacket in the pink/purple colour of the dress, perhaps a slightly deeper colour.

I haven't even thought of a jacket for my outfit!! Oh, I do hate weddings and I do hate dressing up. I don't really want to go at all.

I don't own a dress. I haven't done for years and years and years :o(
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What a lovely fabric/dress Jude. Is that a purple shade 'cos on my screen it looks like a denim blue? I love dusky/airforce blue for weddings, for some reason it looks good on photos...and doesn't stand out from the crowd! At my son's 1st wedding a chief guest wore bright, bright green...the bridesmaids were in burgundy, the clash was horrendous & the photographer kep moving her away from them :o)
pretty pretty dress. I reckon a dusty lilac jacket. Including my wedding dress I own 3 dresses. A red needlecord evening pinafore dress (full length) that my Mum made me about 30 years ago and a long kaftan in Singapore Airways fabric that DH bought me in Singapore on my first visit the year we were married. The wedding dress has a fitted bodice so that is kept for sentiment but the other two fit where they touch and I still wear them. I had a sage green suit to meet the Queen in but it wasn't me so i got rid of it but kept the hat and gloves.
Oh I have got those two off the market kaftans which are full length, but not dresses as such. I did wear dresses when I was young and slim but would feel really frumpty in one now - not that I am suggesting you are frumpy Jude, they look great on some people, but just aren't me. Besides which, with dresses go things like tights, which I simply am not prepared to wear and my legs are blotchy these days so are not for display.
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funny thing is, for the first time in years I thought I might buy a couple of summer dresses ... I think very fine tights/stockings should be compusory for formal occasions, like they are when going into the royal enclosure at Ascot! :o)
Have just casted my clouts. so many winter clothes and boots, have left some out just in case. Then I discovered boxes and boxes of summer gear, have no idea where I am going to put it all. Thought I had it all neatly hung up in wardrobe!!
Robi, I have a real problem with tights and stockings, I just cannot bear the feel of them, never have. I hate the feel of nylon anything. It's not just that I don't like it, touching it has the effect that a knife scraping on a plate has. putting them on is a nightmare and if anyone scratches their legs whilst wearing tights and stockings my teeth go on edge. Unbearable.

When I was younger bare legs were fine, but too blotchy now, so trousers it has to be I'm afraid.

Neti I have the same problem - I just found loads of summer clothes all packed up. I think the charity shop might be getting quite a lot of them. I tend to live all summer through in combat trousers, long or cropped and T shirts with Berkenstock sandals.
If I go anywhere smart, then it's linen trousers and a nice top.

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