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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Ooh ..I've found a pidgin dicaberry
Just imagine the fun we could have with that !

Hope you are all OK . My phone isn't and I'm still simmmering .If Mr. Branson wants to go Mars I'll willingly light the blue touch paper :)

Your dogs are funny Woofy .When I read about their antics I picture Shaney, who had naughty behaviour at the vets down to a fine art :)
Lovely day has turned cloudy and dull .
Hope you feel better after your treatment Jno and that you have a comfortable return flight
Take care all xx
Yes shaney we could have a lot of fun with that dictaberry, but it would take me at least a whole week to make one post!!!
mi laikim yumitupela + olgeta - yay 1!
I added the + cos it was for us all!
Ya ya neti ...Mi
Now look ere Biddies I'm avin truble speking meown langwidge ere.
IVe just scoffed two toasted hot cross buns with this lovely butter which is on offer in Morrisons at the moment .Brittany butter .Tumas traiimy :)
mi yesa tu

(OK ok that's enough)
Now they are all talking in foreign tongues!!

Anyone seen our Robi?
Question Author
Evenin' all...haha, I haven't been doing anything exciting at all, it was just a vanman & house stuff day...and I was determined to have at least one day off the internet this month to do some sorting. With having Charlie to consider anything that got him over excited had to be postponed or put off altogether, he liked things to be the same everyday, bless him. I need a bit of decorating doing too so I'll drop a hint to Tarquin, haha, and if there's no reaction I know a man who does odd jobs at 'pocket money' price.
I've been doing the same as everyone else too by the look of it...spending ages on the phone sorting things out! Even when I was married I was the one who sorted all the money/bills & it didn't worry me but now I think I'm fast becoming finance phobic, everything that includes a bill is so bloody complicated these days. Press 1 press 2..... If you want to sit and sob about this Press 9!!! aaagghhh!

I'm hobbling too, the back of one of my heels is soooo painful & I can't even bear to touch it. I've no idea why, no injury or anything visible. Oh booger it, haha...take it easy everyone...and neti please stop snapping things.
Hi Robi this may sound daft but I'm pleased it was something boring and not Hospitals Drs. or Dentists. Hope you got all sorted ok.
I called into the dentisit today to make an appointment after I got one of those messages on my phone. Wondered what it was. My appointment is in June they can't do it any earlier.
Have you noticed we have aquired 2 foreign Biddies. I don't understand a word of it. Even when I try to translate it with the help of Shaney's link.
I'm off now to wash the pots before Mastermind Final comes on at 7.30.
Bye for now everybiddy!
Question Author
They're just gettin their owun back Jude for all me Notting'am speeyak :o)

Actually I forgot to say ...I'm due a dental check up (I've not rung yet, are we waiting until June?!!), my eye-test is due...and I've got to go for an armful of fasting blood tests. Don't these people know I can't do everything at once?! :o)
All I said was "I love you (you as in three people, which is why I added the + to include everyone) all" and I think shaney agreed and I agreed back. It too hard to work out what others are saying cos the pidgin is not alphabetically listed, only the English, so all I say is Oh I agree!!.

Oh Robi, there was I imagining you frollicking through the fields with a chappie!!
rainy here today - as far as I'm concerned it can rain till I leave on Tuesday; if it gets hot and sunny again, I'll have to be dragged onto the plane kicking and screaming.

Girl from over the road came visiting yesterday to explain she was holding her 18th birthday party at home last night until 11pm, at which point it would head for a disco downtown. She would do her best to keep noise under control until then, but gave us her phone numbers to call in case anyone thought it was getting too noisy, thanks for our forbearance, and some chocolates by way of compensation. Now how's that for good-neighbourliness? (And the party wasn't specially rowdy anyway.)
what a lovely neighbour jno...gosh are you on your way home? where did the time go??
bit of a bump yesterday...DH not too well but okay today so it must just have been tiredness. He says "oh I am fine forget it" and I spend a sleepless night. :(

will catch up and play pidgin later
Morning all. Am sitting in waiting room at the hospital. Hundreds of people. But rest of hospital is deserted.j
Question Author
where did my post go?! I made one, I'm sure I did, it must have gone straight into the brown bin :o)

erm, anyway...moningtaim all, where's me tostim?
it's a glorious morning, the grass is well riz again & the mowerer won't be here until Friday

That's the way to be a neighbour jno. We never had many parties here but we invited our neighbours (who would have been around 60 I guess) and they had a whale of a time :o)
Gosh am home again, was called in on time, told the doctor what was wrong, he gave me a date to remove offending wart (June 10th) , and here I am!!
i think the ed is being sensitive this weekend...I posted on a question about someone trying to conceive...the advice ws polite enough but prob not what the poster wanted to hear...anyway the question is gone....
Well that is silly woofy, we cannot all agree on here, but if they ask for advice then they must accept what others say, whether they want to or not!

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