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Tilly2 | 15:50 Sun 09th Jun 2013 | Home & Garden
29 Answers
I want to put some comfrey in my garden. I remember it being in my grandparents' garden and being used on bruises and sprains. Is it easy to grow? I was talking to my Dad about it earlier today and he said it was a pain to get rid of as it seeds everywhere.

Does anyone know any more?


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O.K. thanks, yontav. Now................................what shall I call myself?
How about Till Eulenspiegel?
Don't you have to register with Paypal as well?
That looks simpler, sandy
Got loads of it on my allotment site, which is good as it makes a good organic fertilizer. You can put the leaves in with your spuds or make a comfrey & nettle tea, which when diluted you can water on your plants.
If you joined ebay, you could call yourself Tilly the Hun!
Sure, youre dad is correct, once you have it you will struggle to get rid of it....the roots really travel...grow it in a tub maybe...the tap root will go really deep if you plant it out.
If youre a gardener, cut the plant down when its quite tall and lay it on the ground on your spuds...its very good plant food.
Gud un Sir A, personally I think Attila !.

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