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Stain removal

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Lindylou | 13:00 Mon 20th Jan 2003 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
Red wine stain out of cream carpet


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vanish power shot
Probably no good in this instance but for future reference..... immediately after spillage of red wine soak up the excess and then pour on a good quantity of white wine. Dab this up and it should remove the stain.
That Oxy Clean stuff purports to be good - I guess it's just hydrogen peroxide though - I saw it for sale in Asda recently.
Cover it with a thick layer of salt ( so thick that you can't see any carpet or red wine). As the salt soaks up the red wine, cover any red bits of salt with more clean salt. After 24 hours vacuum it up. This worked for us, but if there's any left over, try soaking in white wine or vanish as above
Simple Solution. Its mostly meant for animal type stains and odours, cat urine etc... but it removes just about anything. Took black coffee stains out of our carpet completely anyway. Quite cheap, from Pets at Home/Pet City type places.
rekstout is correct about oxyclean - not only got red wine out of my carpet but a whole spilt carton of orange coloured sweet and sour sauce that I had hidden under a rug for a year!
Question Author
Thank you everyone!! Simple Solution and Oxyclean did the trick.....

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