Hello sweet possums o'mine, it's good to see that you're still there! Me, I still think about you guys almost every day, I want to come back and I feel you have all made it easy for me to say that.
BUT (ain't there always a big one, with a varying number of T's to it) it's just not working out computer-wise. My assortment of ailments has long since made it virtually impossible for me to rub two dimes together, so the prospect of getting myself geared up from home just isn't realistic at this time. Ironically, that would of course have been cheaper in the
long run than haunting this internet cafe, but poverty
is ironical, innit... We have a saying - don't know if you say it too - that it's dear being poor. Truer words were never spoken.
Won't go into boring detail, but right now and for several months ahead I'm swamped with time-consuming internet errands (for one thing Yahoo are closing their photo accounts were I've kept billions of photos with accompanying notes!) that I need to prioritize. Trust me I'll come back when I can, 'cos you guys are a poison and a wicked and wonderful one. In the meanwhile: As you were, soldiers. No more waving necessary
Vinny or I fear that my absence will become like an annoying presence in itself, ha ha...
Maggie, I'm the whippersnapper (lol
Robinia) they call Kit and I hope to get to know you later on. Unless of course you're all besmudgingly wiped off the face of the AB... jaysus... life is
so short, for heaven's sake.
energy well spent
bye now from the ramshackle whippersnapper