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Leather shoes

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shaneystar2 | 21:51 Sat 23rd Sep 2006 | Home & Garden
486 Answers
i recently bought a lovely pair of leather pump style shoes.They are my size and fit nicely ..but the leather is so hard ! I have been rubbing Renapur into them with no effect . I have worn them once and got a blister for my trouble .What else can I do to soften them up ?


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Oy! this is me that you are talking about!!!
<whispers: Kit, don't let her near the Swedish sangria or she'll be up those roofs without a hat, and her inhibitions dropping like flies>
Another day and no Vinny or Robinia where have they got to I wonder? I don't believe her puta's down, methinks they had run off in his pea-green boat again!!! Come back ....all is forgiven. Morning to the rest of you.
Morning peeps...!
I couldnt post over the weekend....couldnt sign in ..but the ED and techies sussed it out....thats the wonder of E.Mail yer need to shout from the roof tops on suggs..!
I sent robbi an e.mail....she's bin arrested fer shop lifting at the pound shop again....tut...! yep..a tin of bisquits fell out of her drawers....oh crumbs..! ...only joking of was the ryder shop...hahaha.(:O)erm...hope nothing serious has happened.Im feeling sorry fer stockholm already....oh no..! nettis coming..
oh dear (:O)
later dudes.!
Am signing off for now as probably won't be able to get on again today. Hopefully I'll log on sometime in the coming days, fear yea not, I will have a brill time and will be sitting outside a cafe every morning with coffee and choux bun if anyone wants to join me. Love to you all, keep the Biddybank going. Love ya xxx
Evening Biddy friends and all the best Neti
I' ve emailed Robi but no reply as yet. Wonder what's up. I'm suffering from a bad cough and cold at the mo so I'm a bit mizzo. Dosing myself with paracaetamol and buttercup syrup. Not many of us on today is there.
I had a good time on Saturday at the show It was very funny with Joe Pasquale and Russ Abbott. then we had a meal at the Slug and Lettuce in Derby and then went round the pubs. It was a lovely day with sunshine all day. The youngsters went on to a night club and I came home in a taxi and I've been bad ever since! Not with the booze I might add but I did have a lovely cocktail which had Baileys, Kalua, Vodka and Ammaretto in - loverly. Probably wont get much time to come on tomorrow as it's Tai Chi day and my brother-in-law's funeral. So I'll see you all soon Bye for now xx :o)

I do love the historic British countryside
Thought i'd beat Vinny to it Jno. It looks like Homer is playing hoop-la !
according to Wikipedia, the giant is believed (by some) to be a 17th-century cartoon of Oliver Cromwell. So there you are, two great cartoon characters together.
quiet in here... looks like everyone's gone off on the Biddybanc without me... 1043.jpg
Hello All don't know what's up with us all. Where is everybody?! I have just got back from the wake. There were about 125 people at the ceremony and my sister's house was full of people around 50 or so. See you tomorrow if anybody is here....:o)
Sorry puzzlesRus and Jno didn't mean to ignore you
Good morning peeps..
havent been on much..Ive got some sort of bug...still have to work,but its an effort to do anything.
still...worse things happen at sea...! apart from not be able to sign in over the weekend,the bloomin AB kept timing out on me.I expect robinia will be back soon.on a new putta.she's got loads of stamps saved up...!..,I havent got the heart to tell her green shield shut down years ago hehe..!
hiya brian,nice to see you .hope your day wasnt to heavy dolly keeping okay..!
it wernt my fireworks misses...(:O)
im trying to think of a catch phrase fer jnos piccy..seeing some one pinched my one ..hehe..!(:O)
catch you later dude's.whoosh>>>
Vinny Don't know about a catchphrase but this would seem appropriate
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hiya PuzzlesRus
cant seem to open any youtube it my puta,or the ole AB.Will try again later.Just thinking about when we can use avatars...I think jude's got a good-un...hahahaha..! ooops sorry..did say I wouldnt mention it again...hehe..!(:O)
ah me, tipping down with rain at the mo. Never mind, I am packing for a weekend away in the east... well, eastern Europe anyway... but oh dear, it is going to be 100 degrees everyday. I'm ok with 90, just about, but 100 is kinda hot, I feel a lot of iced drinks coming on. I shall probably spend the weekend pining for the cloudy 70s of home...
'ere I am everyone, had a lovely journey until I hit Gatwick and then the rain poured down, but as soon as I got to Eastbourne it was dry and sunny Lovely. Have been to Primark, and Argos and got a super slim digi camera and a mp3 player and a lovely pink slide Samsung mobile phone (unlocked), was for daughter but now it MINE ALL MINE!!! Am feeling a bit tired. Ate my choux bun and coffeee and none of you joined me. Hope Robi,<\B> is Ok am missing her. Very difficult using another keyboard as nothing is in he same place as on mine!! WSill try to log in again tomorrow, when I,ve done some more shopping.
Ooooh dear, sorry, can,t find all the right symbols on here!
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Well ..I am jolly pleased you have landed safely Neti ..Primark must be clapping their hands !
No wonder I couldn't get any of those striped leggings ...all sold out ...Hmmm !
Seriously ...have a lovely time as many choux buns as you can . Shame I am too far away to have a coffee with you .Have a good trip Jno ..bring some of that heat back please .

I have been descended upon by the Germans so have been up to my knees in sauerkraut . I love them though !
They are wending their merry way to Wombledon at the moment . This is a sort of drop off point for food and washing ..or that's what it feels like !
Mr S and I are going to collapse asap with large gins .

Love to you all and Yohoooo Brian ..lovely to see you .
Where is Robinia ..locked in that custard shop I suppose ..either that or she has gone all spiritual .
Oooh...yikes .. .don't tell me she's had a psychic moment and run away with Donovan .

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