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Numatic George

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netibiza | 21:08 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
510 Answers
Has anyone got one? and if so can you please tell me how the shampooing bit works, I have managed to soak all carpets and not a drop has been sucked up. My main confusion is do I have to switch between showering water, and sucking up in the same operation? I too scared to try it in case it blows up! Easy instructions please and thank you.


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Yes jude I'm all alone again (naturally) - must bath more often.
a' are not alone.....

wey hey I'm normal!.....stop shaking your heads, BP I mean (so glad I won't have to start messing about with different medication) I'm surprised really tho' cos I dreamt about Clive Owen last night....<goes gooey eyed>....celebratory chs on tst & cstrd trts all round.
Oops sorry neti only dry tst for you & stay off the sausage....I haven't so much as looked at one for nearly 2 yrs... :o/

now then, is Jude...

a) marrying her gardener...?

b) in an 'interesting' condition...?!

c) both of the above...??

d) hanging up her overall...?

Well done Robi
All you have to do now is guess a b c or d shouldn't be too difficult :o)
Enjoy your prize I expect he's calling you on his mobile right now!!
ohh I say, well done me....thanks very much Jude, will you be running a competition every weekend? who cares about the bp? :o)
I'm hoping it's d or we'll be seeing you in the paper! ...but just in case let us know quickly - the charity shop had a window full of hats this morning.
Lol Robi You're dead right. Don't think I could stand the pace with the Gardener :o)
Not that I have tried I hasten to add!!!!
HEY! check out the Sports section, tut!'s all posh....typical!
I never go in there (anybody got a Q in there we can migrate to before it gets full of hooligans & sweaty sports socks?)
I think it's only fair that we have that plumptious nostalgia section we've always wanted now.
Disgusted of Derby.
lol Jude I believe you...

changed my mind about the new sport doo dah - too many cubicles & I didn't know how to get out - heaven help me if I ever get stuck in football, I'll need post trauma therapy.
What's with that Sports section then? Really Posh!.
I guess it's an attempt to pen all those football hooligans up together away from law-abiding citizens's all happening air ballooning .. mind you there's enough hot air on here to keep you aloft for a fortnight !
Jude has named the day and it will soon be drool .
Hope you are feeling better Neti old girl ..give those chorizos a miss next time .
Well I can't hang around chatting ....I must do a bit of wider participation or I shall get another black mark on my copybook.
Love to you all xxxx
Good mornin peeps.
I went to ibiza,and all I got was this lousy wardrobe...hehe..!
bloomin sports section....I I keep clicking the white cross to leave..and then have to restart AB....doh!...(:O)
the ole suns out again...them weather peeps keep saying its gonna be misty here....tut..!
B&S next....methinks? good on yer jude..........yocatch you later dudes..... the way...wakey wakey...>>>>>>>(:O)
a bit hazy here, or is it me & my foggy head?
are you sure they said mist in Devon Vinny?
and did you mean B&S next for us or a make-over?...oh see they've already drawn up the plans...
now they'll be able to spend all night rattling each other's

lovely, shaney a chs on tst day...was it your idea by any chance?...oh no, it would have been a month, silly me. btw, I've got...
♫..dern, dern, dernnnnn......
a microfibre duster (!) on trial at the moment & very good it is too.
Not much time & energy for cleaning tho' - it's all being spent in the garden...cherry blossom's just coming out & I see that 'I' am coming into leaf too....ooh, slow down world, I can't keep up.
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morning - miserable day here. Haven't eaten for two days, am just not hungry

eat your heart out Robi - neti is thin!!!

I think jude is having a George delivered on Saturday!
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p.s. is there a question ready for our occupation soon?
I wouldn't panic about moving neti - the way things are moving in here we'll be ok for the rest of the year....maybe we should rename it Rheumatic George.

you need some slippery elm to soothe your innards...
( that's my stock answer for all stomach upsets, but it does work)
Afternoon each I will now tell you all I have given my notice in and my last day of employment will be 20th April (next Friday). How do I feel, BRILLIANT. I t is quite a milestone in my life as I have worked all my life even when I had my babies I used to work from home doing Vat and Tax Returns for local pubs and a friend with a business. So it is nice to think I dont have to get up for work again! I went in to work and the word soon spread and it took me about an hour to get out of the place and then I had to do my shopping....
Hope everybody is ok and I'm not quite sure what is the matter Neti but I hope you feel better soon. The sun keeps goin in and coming out over here and it's not ever so warm but not too bad.
Talking about work again I have discovered I was awarded committment shares in 1999 and I can now sell them if I want so I think I may do that as it will be a nice little earner I didn't know about.
Looking forward to going out tonight for a bit ofa 'jig'. Don't know what the entertainment is but it will be better than stopping in wont it.
Take care all, I shall be back :o)
Forgot to say thanks Vinny for the cartoon. No more scanning for me thank goodness...x
Oooh I say ..Happy Retirement Jude ..may you have a long and happy one . You are annow official member of the hair net brigade ! I should coco !! Still .... feel free to annoy people and ram them with your shopping trolley .Haha!
What has happened to Sports ..I can't find any answers to my crosswords ..I relied on them to provide me with names of obscure footballers and Tiddlywinks champions .The Butler is most annoyed section on egg and spoon races or Brasso drinking contests ....and where is womens Hockey ?
Yaaay, Jude's back! not that I care You sound really happy, Jude, I'm so happy for you!

"Rheumatic George", Robinia, don't do that (don't know how many public computer screens I've spat on - with laughter - since I've been hanging out with the biddies.)

Remote-floating my pretty little camera-carrying hot air balloon accidentally over Vinny's sundeck, ha ha yes that sounds like a plan jno, only, you just went and blew my cover, didn't you. forewarned is forearmed, don't you know. Hey Vinny, the bunker rat called, he's gonna need his sombrero back! (Oh well, I tried, jno, a gal can't do more than that.)

What is this obsession with snow, Neti, were you a downhill racer before you emigrated, or what...? I don't get it, do you really and truly long for snow?

neti's fantasy VS kit's reality

I wondered what Shaney was doing. Now we know - setting up a mock web site. I suppose! Or is that entire nation of yours really that... what was it again... "eccentric but harmless"...

Gonna run a few errands now, will drop by again to say good night.

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