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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
1777 Answers
Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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[i] italics[/i]
(waves feather duster over biddies)...oh whoops no that's not the healthy dust its what I have just wiped off the telly..... (runs off quick)
[i] italics[/i]
nope italics have got bugs as well
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the italics are too scared to lean over in case they can't get up, haha


woofy leave out the /
You learn something new every day.
ha ha
so why didn't mine work
Have washed all the bedding, hoovered through the house, rushed off to hija's bank as it ate her card and she's away to Formentera tomorrow, got her cash, rowed with two stupid german young girl tourists who thought I was pushing in just because I was sitting in the queue! I soon put them straight, I was not in the mood! Have made a corn beef hash flan, and ironed 2 loads of washing. Now just having a cuppa. Boulders all gone but back's still aching!
Was there an Eastenders last night as I cannot find it anywhere on the web?

Great relief, hija got her tax rebate (700€) so now all her bills have finally been paid off, her c/card has been hganging about for years so that has now gone, am so relieved.
Blimey Neti ,you make me feel dizzy .All I've done today is iron my face then toddle to the library and back and put a basket of washing away .
It's supposed to be pouring with rain here but it isn't yet .
It is now cold but still not raining. I have put the heating on and am reading. I have done more than Shaney, I hovered as well as put the washing away - Oh and I cleaned the sinks and loos - but I didn't go out, so perhaps she has done more than me.
No I did not hover I hoovered!!
Guess who had to go and buy a new washer today
Not a good day.Came down to a pool of water in the kitchen. Not a great deal but enough for me to 'fuffoowaffa' bout!! There's enough water from the heavens without this.
Anyway I'm so tired now I'm off. Caught up with all your posts and good to see you back again Lottie. Didn't stop hoping you'd be back soon
Oight Oight all see you tomorrow. Laters'gaters
Hooray the italics worked!
Poor jude, how do you cope on your own, I really do not think that I could, well I guess I could if I had too. Could not be without my washer!

louding over now, but that could be nighttime coming. We quite enjoyed out quiet dinner together, we had corn beef hash flan, salad and baked pots, then I cleared away, house is clean, and am now in bed (I had a bath and washed my hair at 4.30) so no need now,

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Oh no, I hope broken washers aren't the latest craze, I don't need that expense. Lol shaney, I washed my whole body but I didn't iron any of fact I've done less than all of you today. It hasn't stopped raining all day and the heatings on, grrrr.

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