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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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heavens, I am still going without adding to my hour's sleep during the day. I'd better sleep tonight or there will be trouble. Sorry to hear washers are breaking down, when that happens I just go down to the river and give everything a good slap on the stones there, bit of Reckitt's Blue if I feel like it, then lay them out to dry in the sun by the palm trees

oops, maybe I am dreaming after all...
I have definitely been hovering on my own steam today....washing machine now installed but sky box playing up. I have pulled myself back down to earth by reminding myself that these are first world problems. In the third world people wonder if they will eat tomorrow and here in the first world I go into meltdown because I can't watch satellite tv. Anyway sis and I watched quartet tonight, just a brilliant film.
Oight oight all sleep well and wake up happy
just trying a little multitasking to help get me to sleep...
gosh I bet he can pat his head and rub his stomach at the same time. Its a beautiful morning here and the dogs have rune mileses, got thoroughly soaked from charging through puddles and are now asleep.
Good morning all. Washer coming between 9.45 and 11.45.Well that's what it says on the Track it site. Also it tells me it's on it's way. Neti I've lived on my own for such a long time I've just learned how to cope. In fact I suppose it has made me quite independant in lots of ways. I do get a bit 'mardy' at times but I just give myself a talking to and thank 'whoever's looking after me' for doing just that.
I had a good laugh at that link Jno. I don't know where you find all these links.
Hope all Biddies are feeliing better today. I'm not so bad now. I can go out in the morning without taking imodium :)
Supposed to be going out for lunch depending on the washing machine. That's a first - me having lunch put off by an inanimate object!
Have a good day all. Laters 'gaters
Hello all
What a dreary day .Piddling with rain .
Hope you are all Ok . I hope they soon turn up with your washer Jude .The only thing delivered to Shaneytowers today was the poo sticks test .Such fun :)
Question Author
a'noon each...same here weatherwise shaney. You can play pooh sticks in the puddles :) Had some sleep last night so I was up and off to ye olde shoppes fairly early and beat the rain.
Not the perfect day for having a new washer Jude...hope you're happy with it, my washers have always lasted longer than my marriage did. Who needs a man? :) I get really fed up of having to do every damned thing myself sometimes but I pretty much did when I was married so I've never had the feeling of being looked after. cue violins, lol
What you never had and all that....

haha, love the video jno, is he for hire? he can come and help me catch up with myself.
Good afternoon. After early morning mist/fog with now have a constant mizzle, yuk - and it's chilly!!

My Hotpoint (people complain about Hotpoints) has been reliable for years and I dread it dying. I know exactly where I am with it.

Although I think I would cope living alone mentally, I am useless at doing anything DIY because I have my own live in very practical manservant who doesn't like being helped by me to do anything. I would have loved to have learned to do all those jobs, but he is a dreadful teacher. We have saved loads of money because we rarely have to get anyone to do anything, but we also have loads of unfinished jobs and I get annoyed by nuts, bolts, nails, tools etc. all over the place and in every single pair of his trouser pockets.

I have cancelled our holiday this year by the way. Just not up to airports and stuff at the moment. Want a relaxing summer at home (if we get a proper summer).

See you later. x
ello biddies, I was up at 7am getting hija off to the ferry to Formentera, she, of course leaves everything til the last minute, and she has a stinking cold, but hey!

Sunny with clouds. I do most of the repairs in the house, in fact today I have just descaled all the taps and showerhead, waiting for him to do anything is useless. I could not change the lightbulbs here cos the ceilings are so high, it involves a tall step ladder and I just can't do heights. Am making Mr N moroccan cous cous again cos he loves it, but I'm keeping of all things spicy. Seem Ok today but still do not feel 100pc (have been waiting a few mins for windows 8 to allow me to search for character map, so I could insert the pc sign, useless, gave up)

Glad you are feeling better jude.

Sounds thundery outside must go and get the washing in, laters>>>>
oh dear, have some of mine, neti


Slept like a log, though it wasn't so much trying to play 12 instruments simultneously as the Zopiclone that did it. Now I have got up and been to Waitrose. Whoop de do! You want tt hear about my two for one bags of crisps?

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go on then jno....
single or multipacks?
would you recommend them to your friends/enemies?
can I have one?
Red Sky, but I haven't opened them yet (I must be slipping)... one Sea Salt & Suffolk Cider Vinegar and one West Country Bacon & Cream Cheese. I do like my food properly sourced. I wonder if it gives the pig's name in the small print?
Oh the luxury, we only get chs & onion and occasionally salt & vinegar and plain.
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Oh very poshe...but at £1.99 a packet (unless it's a bogof) I'd expect a whole vetinary report on the pig.
At nearly two notes a packet I'd want to meet the pig personally first and inspect his trotters .I only have common old Seabrooks :)
I've scrubbed the bathroom to within an inch of it's life and my back is now screaming .
I'm having a small tot for medicinal purposes only and because it's such a dreary day :)
We pay 3.40€ a packet!
Question Author
oh dear'er mind, I'll jump on a multi pack and send them to you in a jiffy bag :)
Oh yes please Robi!

My bro Ronnie is on Antiques roadshow from Eastbourne if anyone is interested, just do not know when! He called my sisters and they went to see him.
...and boiling hot in Perth oz.
well it was a bogof, so cheap as chips...

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