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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
1777 Answers
Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Morning all...fabulous blue skies, birds are singing, wish you were all here.....I need a cleaner :)

Yes, I believe cholesterol is a fasting job tests are all lumped together. No one actually tells me the exact results though, they just say all are ok, no further action needed, but I saw a comment from matron shaney on here about being borderline thyroid(?) and I wondered if my tests are very normal (as if) or any of them are on the edge. I might ask next time I'm in the surgery.

Hopefully a sunny weekend will have us all feeling human.
Morning all, my insides are playing up again, will have to see medico I suppose! Am weeing again for Britain.

Got up early to go the the Health centre and to change the address on all our medical cards, but, of course, hija cannot find her card! so wil have to do it next week too. Of to bank if they are not on strike yet again.

This desktop computer is very slow so can't see if anyone ahs said anything today! Will catch you all later and hope you are mostly WELL. oh suddenly a refreshed page had appeared, and there you are.

We only fast from midnight til the test at 8am for blood and anything else tests.
Morning all
Nice day here too .Bi t hazy atm but the sun is hopefully going to come out ,it's trying .Hope you are all fair to middling though.
I was supposed to go for a blood way back at end of Feb ,but I didn't go .I get fed up with being lectured about my cholesterol which is 6.I'll have to bite the bullet soon though because of my thyroid medication.
You can be borderline Robinia .My niece is. They won't give her any medication as it's a funny thing.Too much and you go hyper ,too little and you fall into a stupor :)You could try some kelp tablets .Have a read of this
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haha, naughty stik, I'm in devilish mood, must be the sunshine or lack of calories this week...
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sorry shaney, thanks.... I'll see if I can worm some info about my results out of the receptionist :)
Question Author
oh dear, now she's been supended and I was hoping for the denial/coincidence speech...hey ho. Better shut up before I'm strung up. :)
ah, you're performing a public service.

I do miss merciasounds' menus, though.
Question Author
well they've been as good as the originals appearing under the sous chef's name haven't they jno?

btw, not sure I like this line up of bacteria in petri dishes, every time I google I feel the need to use the hand gel
Oooh I say ! Lol....whatever will the Good Morning crew do about their cooked steak and duck egg brekkies now. They'll have to have common old Weetabix or toast !
Question Author
lol shaney...I expect a replacement will arrive before long.
She's bound to have another back up name .That one was her back up for when she got banned as Mercia if you look at their stats .I know it's a load of old fanny with her fantasy food but it's not nice for Ratter and others who were obviously concerned about the dog and got taken for a ride .
Question Author
yes, a fantasy feast is ok if that's what does it for you...I have a fantasy life myself...,0,214,314_.jpg
I can't open it Robinia .It says..referral denied .
It's not a tottering stack of cstds or sdns is it :)
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aha, that's because he's my secret lover only.... hands off my fantasy, haha
Ooooooh .Yummy :)
Question Author
especially good when lovingly drizzled with gldn syrp and chclt sce

Yes Jno The Fasting Lipid test is for Cholesterol. I asked Adrian about my 'run' and if it was stress and he said it may be a little but more likely colitis rearing it's head a bit and he made me an appointment to see him in 2 weeks.
Robi you've lost me with those links Ihave no idea what you're all laughing at. I know it's probably because I don't roam about on other questions.
It'sabsolutely beautiful here weatherwise and I'm still tidying up my garden getting rid of the old fence panels. They're nearly all gone now. Thank goodness.
Enjoy the rest of the day Everybiddy. Laters 'gaters
I hope it soon clears up Jude .Take care.
I'd better shift myself to Morrisons or there will be b all for dinner at this rate .

I've no idea either jude, what they are on about!

I was borderline thyroid for years, 7,600 and had to wait until I got up to 10,000 and hey ho, here I am underactive!

Shaney can I ask you, what happen if I take two thyroid tabs by mistake, the thing is I try to take them roughly the same time, but with all the ups and downs and coimings and goings, I think I took one earlier and then one later, should I be swinging from the chandeliers by now??
some b***** is having a bbq, the smell of greasy meat is revolting and stinking the house out!

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