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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Hi all. Awful time with the plumbing works. The washer is fitted but the stop tap is faulty and the plumber is still here 1½ hours later. Neti I put Character Map icon on my Desk Top. so it's there whenever I want it.
Apart from all this today's lunch was fine with my friend.
Got to go and do something for my plumber....Don't get any ideas :) See yer later 'gater(s)
Hi jude, yes I had it there once but it's gone again, do you have windows 8 jude, I find it so bl**dy annoying!!

for jno just because I can (now!)
^^^That is one good thing about marrying a plumber!! although as I said , today I have cleaned and descaled all the taps and showerheads!
I know what you mean Neti I was married to a joiner and I had toast ages to get things done. I'm on vista. I know people moan but I've no problem.
Oight Oight everybiddy. Sleep tight. I think I will I'm cream crackered.
Oight oight all, we had a lovely day here but busy, went out shopping and ate a huge lunch at the garden centre cafe.
Another cream cracker end cherub here...oight oight all, sweet dreams
Oight Oight folks .Sleep toight .
Question Author
Morning...I said MORNING!...tut, no one's up. Mind you it's not worth looking outside here, it's piddling down.
Sorry things didn't go smoothly Jude, if it's not your own pipework giving you grief it's the house plumbing. My pipes are still a bit uncomfortable but that's almost normal for me anyway.
Some sunshine's forecast for the weekend, we might be able to swap wooly vests for cotton ones.
Morning Imodium here I come. I'm p...d off now. Well actually that's the wrong word.

See yer later 'gaters
that'd be nice, Robinia, end of May and I am still microwaving my slippers. Actually, it's not really that cold, and I suspect the problem's more to do with my circulation. Maybe I should just skip the slippers and microwave my feet directly.
Morning all
Grey and dull here too .No rain as yet though .Hope you are all OK and that all plumbing problems have been resolved .I'm dithering about whether to go to Morrisons today or tomorrow and I soaked some mixed fruit last night to make a cake and now I'm not in the mood .Must get a grip .
Question Author
Oh dear Jude, not again. I'd give the slippery elm a try, it's not a medicine, it's more a food supplement. I think I'm going to order some.

Yes jno I'm still taking a micro hot pack around the house with me/to bed at night, it's ludicrous. I've just been looking at the extended forecast to see what 'the bump' is likely to arrive in....rain, heavy rain, and thunder storms! I knew I should have knitted the duck feet shoes :)
Morning all, after 2 nightmares last night (one in a Russian lift(!)) I slept in until 10am my time. then rush off to get ready to meetfriends, now back to do the ironing!

Poor jude, it's been a long time now.

Yes Robi me too just not feeling top notch anfd have a bad taste in my mouth, so something is still not right. KOT!!

Rain storm in the night and I was chilly but couldn't get up to put on pj bottoms, I did have knickers on though. Still not too warm out! Not moaning as soon the heat will hit us without warning and I dread it!

Off to do my ironing.
Afternoon all. Silly day here, grey with patches of very hot sun. Shughy was sick last night and is very tired today so we are having a not do much day. I don't think its serious, he is shedding and has been licking off the loose fur. I had to get up and clean up after him so i am tired too.
Made scotch eggs this afternoon from sratch, it's the only way to get them, so only ate one for dinner, still feel full up, Mr N of course is chomping through his cous cous still . Hija is due back at 10ish, has had a lovely time in Formentera, says it is so pretty.
Well we tried samphire again tonight. It was another box from tescos but much plumper looking and it was delicious. Its he only vegetable I have ever eaten that actually smells of the sea. We had it with basa fillet and jersies....wonderful.
Oight oight all...
I'm glad you enjoyed the samphire Woofy .It's lovely isn't it .
I haven't been out .I did make the cake though and it's very nice with butter on it :)
The end of another exciting day!
Hope you all sleep well and that your plumbing doesn't gurgle .Oight Oight .
Good morning all. Household plumbing brilliant....personal not so :-)
Was supposed to be going for my Cholesterol blood test today and I fasted for this moring but I can't find the form the nurse gave me 3 months ago so I've got to go back to the Drs.for another one. I'm now eating a big bowl of porridge and apple.
Hope you all have a good day. Going to put my washing out as it looks like a drying day.
Laters 'gaters
oh, how annoying Jude - all that fasting and now you're slim for no reason! Never mind, at least you found out in time to have breakfast.

Do you always have to fast for cholesterol tests? I ask because you've just reminded me that I haven't been for mine yet after a couple of months (because I've been coughing so badly), but nobody's said anything about fasting for it.

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