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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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That'll make your toes look like Mr n's backed over them in the car know, the one you've boogered up? ducks

Just watched the coronation service, they all looked good I thought, Kate is blooming, but I saw the Duke of E start to cough at one point. Not caught it from you has he jno? We don't want you bringing any scandal to the biddy doorstep.
Hello all
Bit late on parade .I was busy polishing my tiara so I could perch on my throne in the front room and watch the Coronation service .
Very nice it was too.although the Duchess of Kent looked a bit wobbly .
I do like a bit of pomp and of course I like to see what they're wearing :)
Lovely day here but that east wind is continually on the chilly side out of the sun .
Hope you are all OK though and I hope they can do something for your cough Jno.
love that baseball cap Robi. I want these.

but they are to narrow for my feet. Aspects of the NHS around here are so bad that I wouldn't take someone else's rubber duck there so I cling on to my BUPA who treated DH very well indeed. When I had my last mammogram, I got a letter from the place that reads them saying there would be TWO MONTH delay in getting my results. I went online and found out what the national requirement was and then complained to the DoH screening department. The hospitals will comply with waiting times and so on because they must, but the post op care and other aspects including general patient care and cleanliness are dire. No point getting a fast and successful op if you pick up infections afterwards!!
hAVE JUST HAD MY WIG ADJUSTED AND IT'S ALL NICE, ASSYMETRICAL, sorry can't redo that < but there are so many different colours to my hair in layers, ie dark blonde and then a ring of silver, horrible it is, so she is going to even it all out for 20€, the front which I do myself is a lovely colour but that's cos the front is naturally whiteish. Also had eyebrows tinted -Tinted?? I now have two very dark scouse brows but they will fade over the next two days hopefully and I'll have a scrub but at least all the white ones will now be seen as they are dark.

Didn't realise the coronation was on again, I would have watched but I wasn't here. Spect it'll be repeated, and repeated and repeated.
Did anyone spot jno's OH? I mean is it the Duke?

Have seen a lovely outfit for the upcoming wedding, it is kingfisher blue/green or turquoise , just a loose A shaped dress(top) with two self coloured material flowers on the shoulder and a pair of matching legging type things. I love it but must try it on, only 85€.
Garage has called , my carriage awaits, but will have to await a bit more til Mr N comes home to convey me there. Have scrubbed eyebrows with nail polish remover and they are looking better, hope they do not fall out!
I love the blue/green palette Neti, its very flattering too. I have never had eyebrows or lashes to speak of and its too late to care now.
oh well, with technicolor hair neti

it shouldn't be difficult to find a matching outfit
jno you have too much time on your hands with your OH away being important. I probably would have multicoloured hair if I were younger.

Have just been preparing the old bikini line, as the pain of waxing was just too much last time. How on earth do you lot manage?

Will take a piccy of that outfit and see what biddies think, I may even be wearing it in the shop! Trouble is it is sleeveless and although my arms are not too bad, I still prefer to cover them up.
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prepping your bikini line?!! crikey, what sort of wedding is it going to be?
If I was 10 yrs younger ahem I'd like hair like this

and those sequined plimsolls :)
I don't need to do anything about my bikini line or under my arms, or legs or anywhere else. What little hair I had seems to have melted - except on my head where it has got thicker with age?? (and wavier).

Damn I missed the Coronation Service. I went to bed late and couldn't sleep but had to get up early because Mr LL was out and we were expecting a delivery to be signed for. Back to bed and 10.00 and slept until 12.30pm.

Have just looked at some Coronation pictures. I must admit pregnancy suits the Duchess. She looks much prettier and younger with her plumper face. I reckon it's a boy. She hasn't put on weight anywhere except her tum (and face!) and the old wives say that is it a sign it's a boy. It was in my case - from the back I looked the same and from the front - well I had a huge rugby ball.

Am now going to look through your posts.
Not in my case Lottie, I was front only and could still touch my toes with straight legs til she was born. Didn't look preggie from the back.
She did already buy a blue bugaboo pushchair I think.
Exception that proves the rule eh Neti ;o). Well I am sure it is an old wives tale. I didn't put any weight on legs arms face or bust and when I was 9 months pregnant I weighed the same as I weigh now :o(
When I was 9 months pregnant I weighed less than I do now. :-(
My carriage is snugly home again. It was the spark plugs, how can that be my fault?
We had a few more words about the hose again this morning Neti. Apparently I used the wrong hose. I should have used the one that stands on the ground not the one that hangs on the side of the garage. MEN!!!!
Oh lottie how could you use the wrong hose, I ask you!! And I locked the car with my seat belt dangling out, so another whinge, I just said, "well it gives you something to moan about" He then shut up when I reminded him that he left the car unlocked the other night, I think I trumped him! What are they like????

Just served him liver etc, and I ate half a pizza as can't be bothered to do much else!
Mr N is also very particular about how our garden hose is wound, I obviously do it all totally wrong, and forget to empty the hose first, honestly how does he put up with me? Blumming saint
haha neti, I've just had the AA man round as my car refused to start or even make a sound, and it was a slightly loose battery connection, quickly solved.

Funny thing is 40 years ago I'd have found it myself, but nowadays everything's so complicated it's pointless even lifting the lid to look; even the garages need a battery of computers to check things.

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