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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Aw bless motoring have diagnosed my car engine prob :-( now all I have to do is a) convince Mr N that there is something wrong, and b) it was not caused by my bad driving ( as if.... )
Perhaps your car needs some Cillit Bang Neti :)
Barry's on his way
Oh nice and bright and shiny. You're not a driver are you Shaney??
someone has been named on twitter as the lovers but I personally do not believe it, well of one of them I would! Think it's a joke.
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Yes I've read odds and ends, here and there ...I have to say they both crossed my mind when I first heard about it but singularly, not as the actual couple. It'll all come out in the wash...scrub 'em with cillit bang :) I don't know when DC was informed about it but there was one day around the time of the local elections I thought he looked absolutely ghastly... maybe he'd just had a dodgy kebab.

Well this weather is a tonic, the aches and paind don't miraculously disappear but it's easier to cope when you're not all tense and frozen.
I am back from the Physio (who was a 'he') and called in the garden centre on the way home. Again I have been told I am extremely hyper mobile, especially my hips apparently. I have been give some ultra sound treatment and shown some exercises and been registered in a Pilates group (albeit the other side of Holt) for six sessions, which is taken by a physiotherapist who treats old crocks like me very gently. Am to go back to the physio in a fortnight to report back on my exercises. Again, they are extremely gentle because of my hypermobility. I am sure I will end up in a wheelchair one day, but I will do my best to fight it.

The good thing is that as from next week I will have use of the swimming pool which is part of the holiday barn complex which is just a couple of hundred yards away. My next door neighbour's Dad has bought one of the cottages on the complex and he has said I can swim there any time I like!! I don't really like swimming, but apparently it's good for me and at least I am likely to have the pool to myself for most of the year.

Robi, the exercises all involve laying on the bed!!! The sort of exercise I quite enjoy :o)
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oh yes, staring at the ceiling while you go through the next your mind. I can't swim much at all, I panic and get breathless but I'd quite fancy bobbing around hanging onto an inflatable :) My poor grandma was on crutches by my age and in a wheelchair when she died just past her mid sixties. I don't want to get that bad either. I really should start doing my back exercises regularly again.
I am a lousy swimmer Robi. I hate my face getting wet for one thing (Funny that because I am happy under the shower). I can only do breast stroke and hate being on my back. I just hope this pool is heated to a very pleasant temperature. The pilates is free on the NHS!! That is one good thing..
I wish I could get some sort of treatment .All they do for me is give me more painkillers .I have a job to walk from A to B without being in crippling pain in my lower back and hips .I was coping with it but it's got a proper grip on me now .
All I got last time I asked at the the doctors ( from the practice nurse) was 400mcg three times a day interspersed with paracetamol .,and I can't function on drugs day in day out .They bugger my insides up .
I like doing backstroke, Lottie, keeps my face out of the water.
Shaney, can you ask to be referred to a NHS physio. This is what my doctor did for me. It's just not on that you aren't getting help with this. I have been taken off my arthritis drugs and told not to take ibuprofen because of my stomach/bowel problems. Can you discuss it with the doctor and say you are not coping. This is what I did - in fact I actually told him that my life wasn't worth living because of all the pain and the lack of being able to do much. I actually cried at the doctors which isn't like me at all.

I asked for a double appointment with my own doctor because I just couldn't go on and needed the time to discuss it with him.

Do try again. x
jno. I just panic and sink if I am on my back!!
I'm going to have to do something Lofty .Last time I went for my review ,which is just mainly for my thyroid medication and the bloody cholesterol lecture I saw the practice nurse .I told her all about this but she wasn't very sympathetic and just said ,lose some weight ( easier said than done when you can only get about with difficulty anyway ) and take anti imflammatories on a regular basis .
I think I might make an appt to see my actual GP and put my parts on :)
I am a bit overweight but not terribly so and I do try to cut down .
Oh biddies, we are so well matched, I am terrified of water, cannot put face under the shower, and not a good swimmer and certainly cannot put face in water, or float on my back. If I am watching something underwater on the telly I gasp and can't breathe.

I feel OK lately, just not the energy that I had last year, but 2 bouts of bronchitis, a broken toe and gout is to blame.
another couple have also been hinted at but am not a bit surprised at that old redheaded tart!
I knew it, Mr N is blaming me for the stupid car, forget the fact that he drives down the drive in reverse on the clutch, and he has the cars 7 days a week usually and I only had it once! Men!!!!@+**@@
Make that appointment Shaney!!! I agree about the weight thing. How the hell can you do what is necessary to lose weight when you can hardly move. I can't go on any more walks and gardening which I love is now a nightmare. I do try but I end up crippled even doing gentle stuff. Forget about the wretched cholesterol. Yours isn't high. Your mobility and pain is far more important;. x

And Neti, I am off bloody men today. Me and Mr LL have hardly spoken since having 'words' this morning. It was an argument about the bloody hose pipe of all things, apparently I unravelled it incorrectly!!!
Hi All. Hope you've all enjoyed the lovely weather we're having.
Lottie I hope the Physio works for you it sounds so relaxing - Especially the swimming. I'm not a great swimmer. I used to be scared of water but can do about 2 lengths breast stroke now but rarely go anymore.
Shaney I hope you get some help with your aches and pains. It sounds good, what Lottie is doing, so I'd have a go if I was you.
I'm not so bad but still have some mornings when things revert to the usual '3 or 4 times'before breakfast. Going back to the Drs. in 2 weeks -He gave me an apppointment last Friday.
What a blinking performance this morning at the clinic. My own fault I realized about 10 minutes before they started that I'd forgotten my paper so I made a mad dash back home in the car (you know which clinic I'm on about Robi?!) Grabbed my paper and drove back at a little bit above the speed limit..When I got in I looked at the numbers on the gadget and the one after mine was up so I just dived into the room where they take your blood and they let me in. Wasn't I lucky.
I was third in the waiting room when I first got there earlier and when I got back with the paper it was full and I think some people weren't happy about me going straight in but the nurse was fine about it.
When I got back I had the biggest breakfast and then worked in the garden all day. I've had a lovely shower and washed my hair and now I'm going to
totally relax and listen to the Blackbird singing.
Oight Oight Biddyfriiends. See you tomorrow.
There really is a blackbird outside and he sings all it!

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