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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
1777 Answers
Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Oh Robi I could not live on gravy dinners, yuk, I like exciting and stomach upsetting foods. When it's wet and cold then I love a Lancashire hotpot and dumplings and roast lamb, but not too often!
The man in the moon came down too soon and asked his way to Norwich. He went by the south, and burnt his mouth with eating cold plum porridge.
It's raining here now ,thick cloud and there's about as much chance of seeing this moon as pigs flying past .
Bldy weather ...Grrrrrr.
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yes, same here shaney. There's lots I could/should be doing but I've lost the will so I've been messing about on the computer and eating tuc biscuits with butter and cheese on top...the butter stops the cheese from falling off :). Gravy dinner later.
Robi, I ha a look at that thread but had no ideas at all. I now have a stuffed freezer and a stuffed tum, dogs as well. I bought three new shirts and yet another scarf as well....well you have to don't you? We are now all digesting quietly. Weather is still windy and unpleasant.
Another vote here for gravy dinners and cheese and biscuits with butter...and paella...and a big slice of cold pizza, which is what i just had for lunch. It was from the bakery in Marks, covered in vegetables so very healthy.
I like cold pizza and I love cold curry. Hija has eaten the "tasetless" dinner but she was hungry. Now off to airport in a few mins. Am missing my lunch out :-( (Mr N of course is enjoying it!)
I've just had toast and a cuppa soup .
Some of these foxgloves are taller than me
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They're lovely shaney, they're doing very well this year, some of mine must be almost 6ft too...this one has been a stunner, a very pure white tinged wth lilac and purple spots. The gardener was terrified when he strimmed round it, and so he should have been, I was watching him like a hawk... haha
Oh that's a really pretty one Robinia ..shake a few seeds my in my direction when it dies down :)
Even I can appreciate those foxgloves shaney, very lovely.

Back from airport, yea gods it is heaving. Just had two boiled eggs and soldiers andf a cuppa and a choccy biscuit. Will do all the tidying up and cleaning tomorrow. Still rather tired today.
Sorry Robi didn't see your link, yes also very nice, do they have a nice smell?
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no neti, they're not fragranced and it's best not to test them, there's often a bee or two up the trumpets :)
OK I've waited long enough, off to see Gene ♥
No smell and lurking bees, sounds iffy to me, do 'elf and safety know they exist!!
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shaney I was thinking of calling the RHS to see if I can cash in on it...I'd call it biddy moon magic :) I'm definitely going to save the seeds but I'm not sure what the chances of a repeat performance are.
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if it's smell you want neti get your nostrils in here...
I recognize that I think we get it here. What is it?
That's a lovely honeysuckle .
I haven't a clue where these foxgloves came from.There's always been a lot in the back but never down that side bit .It was funny really .When next door did his drive and fence he asked me if it was ok to dig out that strip pro tem as he was laying new pipes as well .
When it was all finished up they popped followed by ornamental poppies !
Perhaps they had laid dormant all that time under the horrible creeping stuff that was originally there and was always full of snails .
foxgloves do that, like the flanders poppies did...they are stunning foxgloves. I used to have them but have lost them, must try again.
I've got good honeysuckle in my front garden this year and the rose and fuchsias are pretty goos too, I will do a photo. My sister calls my front garden Sleeping Beauty's Castle but i like it.
I want some roses for the end of July for the local show so am going crazy cutting the first flush. They aren't great, very weather damaged, but smell lovely
The moon is beautiful, can any of you see it?

Watching Marple, I do enjoy it.

Will say oight oight.
going out to look but I doubt it, its very cloudy here

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