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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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luckily the aren't howlers Robi, I do the howling for all of us.
The weather, and the dogs, settled down about an hour and a half ago. We had roast chicken for dinner and I had a Canadian Club and ginger ale with it. Dogs are now asleep and I am sipping creme de menthe. Phone is sorted. Big sigh.
Meatballs be damned, we've just been out for dinner, We shared a Provolone (grilled cheese), I had spaghetti with clams and Mr N had a huge calzone pizza, then I had a flakey cake and ice cream, coofee and wine, and then on way home we had an ice cream, I am stuffed.
Hi all made an impulse visit down south and will catch up tomorrow. Hope you've all had a good weekend.
Oight Oight. See yer later 'gaters!
I get very posh ads on this thread on my iPad. Jewellery, posh dresses, financial advice, all sorts of expensive things....much nicer than I get on the computer.
Oight oight all. The supermoon will have to shine without us, we are all exhausted.
I also get nice ads and there's some nice earrings.
no supermoon here, and I am going to bed.
Big moon here it' s like daylight and it's warm. Can't sleep.
4.30 when I finally went to sleep and awake again now. My nuisance family.
no supermoon, no supersun, just supergrey skies. Superrain due later.
Nice day here, sunny and breezy.We all slept well and are off to town in a bit to buy food.
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Morning all...glorious, warm, sunny and blue skies....oh no, that was in my dream, it's crip. I don't think the moon was visible here either, the sky was very dark when I crawled off to bed. I didn't sleep very well for the first half of the night and I'd have noticed it lighting up the room if it was visible. I'll be glad when it's passed, I feel very irritable and super achey.

I've had rather nice summerhouse ads following me, I'd like to think it was an omen.... I could watch rain falling on my garden from a different angle.
Here I am again. Hija went to work at 8am today and is leaving at 3pm cos she is getting the 5.30 plane to Barca, she didn't come home til 3.30 this am so I was all disturbed, plus it was hot and the shutters had to be closed cos of that brilliant moon. I had a moonlight swim at 2am and it was just lovely. Have just prepared a boring lunch of fried chicken, mash, peas and carrots and gravy for her gobb down in her rush to get ready for Barca.

Mr N is just lolling in front of the TV as per.
Also I am enjoying Life on Mars very much, I love Gene Hunt's rough justice!
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That's not boring food, it's the kind of diet I tend to stick to for fear of upsetting things. I love 'gravy dinners'....and I want none of that silly dribble of 'jus' or what ever they call it.
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Hello all
Same here ,grey skies ,very windy .I didn't see any supermoon either ,too cloudy .Hope you are all ok today though .
Just for you Neti
James Gandolfini died a couple of days ago .I was a little bit in love with him as Tony Soprano in spite of the fact he was a mobster.
Ooh ...panic ..the sun has just come out .....rushes off to find some shorts :)
Thank you shaney, he is terrific, love his quotations. Haven't watched any yet today, he will be my guilty secret for after hija goes to Barça and I can watch without being disturbed. I lov ehim with long hair.
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hehe, moon is full this minute
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d'oh! howl was silenced

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