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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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oight oight
Big and orangey but turning paler now.

Firework night here but all very quiet.
still no supermoon here, alas. I feel I'm missing all the fun.
I saw it at 04.30 this morning. It didn't look as big or as orange as I expected but was very clear. You could see the rabbit ever so plainly
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Morning all...gloomy and cold at the moment, hardly tennis weather but they say it's going to be a good week. I'll be glad when it settles, it's literally done my head in, I sat up in bed this morning and almost fell off the edge I was so dizzy. I didn't see the moon either, I looked out about 11.45 and it was just very dark and wildly windy. Maybe tonight will be clear.

.... where are my stabilisers?
we are sitting her not doing much, after saturday (weather panics) and sunday (shopping in town, fun but not restful) its nice....
Good day biddies, been busy busy busy. Had the best night's sleep ever. Bah to the supermoon, the weather today is cold, overcast with a spot or two of rain, just when I have a couple of hot big washes planned. Am doing it anyway. Mr N feeling sluggish and wasn't sure whether to golf or not (horrors!) so I said oh good just when I need help stuffing 7 cushions that I washed and need to stuff and sew them, oops that had him off and running to the car and gone..... I know my man and what to say.

So have cleaned hija's room and uniform and stuffed and sewn up the cushions, cleaned various holdhold things, unblocked the bath as it wasn't draining and if I asked Mr N who is a plumber, I would have first been blamed, then waited days for him to trot along and gently try to unblock it, so I did my Gene Hunt bit, sloshed lots of bicard, vinegar and hot water down the plughole, and then plunged like mad, seems ok now, had that failed I had the hydrocloric acid at the ready! Just eaten a bacon baquette. Better hoover the carpet now, before I lose interedt.

Hope you are all OK, the moon was fabulous, it was a perigee moon.
Hello all
Another dreary day at the office .Dull,windy and drizzly.
The moon passed us by in a haze of thick cloud .Never saw a dickey .It was a non moon .Hope you are all ok today .
I got a big load of washing done and dithered about in out ,in out or shake it all about .It's still in the machine .I'll have to drape it about on an airer .
Neti you make me feel dizzy :)
Well can you imagine......If you remember when I came back from England last December, I couldn't find some metal polish that I had bought (probably from the £ shop as so expensive here)n well it has just turned up in my kichen drawer and I know I searched it and searched everywhere. So just have had to clean my companion set which is really old brass and copper and dull, then had to clean all the silver photo frames and cups etc. It's sort of mop head strings, very hard to hold and clean with but works just fine, back to Gene now.
ah, sounds like one of those magicians' wallets, you put in a fiver, close it, open again and 'tis gone. (Or replaced by a can of polish.)
Nadal, wasn't he a tennis player once?

Out in the first round, tut
Umm, yes so I believe Jno, he's losing his hair aswell.

Come on Murray (ooh what a turncoat I am! I don't do losers...)
Meatballs finally eaten with spaghetti, all washed up, and put away, floor mopped, me bathed and in bed waiting for corrie, still overcast here.
Not a glimmer of sun all day ...dreary dreary .
My brother brought me some plaice fillets which were very nice buttered and grilled with salad and little spuds .I'm retiring to the lounge to slob out on the sofa and watch teevee. I may eat a few strawbs as well .
The Americans is on tonight Neti (part one repeat ) rather late ,so hope I can keep awake :)
Have a nice evening folks ..pip pip for now .
Hope you get to see it Shaney, and I hope you enjoy it.
I just cleared out the veggie drawer in my fridge....there was a liquid cucumber at the bottom :(
oh yes, what did Dr Johnson say about cucumbers... hang on...

a cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out
Well that's what normally happens in this house except I save on the condiments!!
Oight oight all
Oight oight all,

Mr N wanted to go to bed early so I came into the lounge and had a couple of episodes of Gene, now time for bed.

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