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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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good morning, a good start to the day here. Dogs have gone back to sleep and I am enjoying a cup of tea.
gollee, the sun is shining here, a sure sign that I have a holiday booked for tomorrow. I always know that if I go away somewhere it will ensure that those I leave behind get good weather. But it is going to be up to 100 in Georgia.
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Morning all...yes, it's sunny and warming up here too.
Hopefully it'll recharge my battery again as it ran down to nothing yesterday. I slowly descended to to a standstill, felt horrendous and went to bed not long after the sun decided to appear and the birds were singing. Then I was awake at 3am so I had a drift around ab corridors...oooh, it's quiet intit? I didn't sign in, I thought the sound of squealy music and flashing lights that usually accompany my appearance might cause a disturbance.

I watched the tennis, oh dear, ta ta pumpkin butt...not very happy was he?

Is that the Georgia as in 'the devil went down to' or the other one jno?
it's the other one, as I'll be going to Armenia too. Darn hot in the Caucasus among all thsoe Caucasians
Morning all
Looks to be a fine day ahead .Sunny here atm and warm .Will it last ?
Hope you are all ok .
The Amercians is very good Neti .I managed to stay awake .It's repeated tonight until Thursday then I can watch it every Saturday from episode five although will probably be relying on matchsticks by then to keep my eyes open .
That sounds very hot Jno,perhaps there will be some rainy nights in Georgia to cool it down a bit .
oh ha ha Shaney, seems like its raining all over the world. The sun has gone away here, it was lovely at 6am.
Morning/afternoon tick as appropriate. Yes sunny here also.

Glad you enjoyed it shaney, I loved it. But think I like Life on Mars more!!

Yes poor Rafa but he didn't blame anyone or anything, even though his knee was hurting, bless, a true gent.

Finally got Mr N to move my whirlygiog back tothe side of the house and to erect the parasol over the pool. Then I said if I gave him my trusty breadknife would he kindly kop off a couple of rubber tree branches (we have a huge grown from a teeny cutting), hand on said he, I have a proper saw thingy for that very job, he'll show me how to use it, (??) so I pointed out several branches from Carob ree and rubber tre and said there's no way I can do it, but he was only showing me, didn't expect me to do it, so he happily lopped of a few branches in lightning time I have to say, way quicker than my breadknife. Think he now realises that he actually has to chop some of the trees back.

Just eaten egg andf chips cos I was thinking of dieting, so I didn't, then had a lime lolly, ooh love them. Have cleaned my taps again with ( Hi my name's Barry Scott!) cillit bang and a bit of wire wool and theya re spotless. Also done all my ironing.
Ah well clouded up here after that lovely start so there was no lounging dans le jardin pour moi .I did do a bit of snipping here and there though and some domestic engineering .
There's a blackbird out there now singing away merrily and getting closer and closer to the back door . He must know I have an apple that's seen better days .

Not sure what happened here today, we all spent quite a lot of it asleep. Anyway have descaled my kitchen and downstairs loo sinks (neither are on the water softener) and nice man has just delivered me some new clothes and glasses (drinking( from m and s sale. It keeps coming over grey but no rain so hose is coming out later
Hi all at last I've made it back. Been washing cleaning shopping sorting out with the plumber a New mixer tap as my one is dripping. The Tai chi and a lovely lunch. Then a bit of necessary gardening. Watching tennis.
Anyway I've caught up with your posts.
I hope Robi that you are feeling better now and that the rest of my boyfriends sure battling on. I'm still taking the tablets which has go me down to going you know where about 4 times in the mornings. So that's an improvement.
Jno have a good holiday. Hope there'll be no dental appointments required.

Sorry about Nadal Neti but I think it might make Andy Murray s chance of winning a bit better.
Have a good evening all. Laters 'gaters.
Please excuse errors doing this on phone x
Boyfriends should have read Biddy friends. It's this predictive text I use its really quick but you have to watch what you're doing instead of watching tennis !!!
here's my garden. Sis calls it the Sleeping Beauty's castle look. The honeysuckle smells delicious
Beautiful Woofy .My sort of garden .Lots of lovely greenery and shubbery interspersed with interesting bits ..lovely. :)
Woofy is that all yours? Lovely; I love the brick driveway, but get rid of some of that foliage, just imagine what may be lurking in there!!!
Yes its mine but only the best bits. Not the tatty shrubbery which looks lovely in the autumn, or the gappy rose bed where the dogs have racetracks in and out of the roses, or the gappy grass ditto.
Neti the stripey rose will get cut back when it finishes blooming and the rest in the winter. the birds nest in there during the spring and summer.
Just back from collecting hija from airport, police everywhere and we could here the word hashish being bandied about, we were both so tired we really didn't need an airport run but hey ho. I missed the final episode of Mad Dogs (John Simms and Philip Glenister) so am waiting up for it on +1 which luckily is one of the +1 channels that we can get. Hija has eaten and is having a snooze then she of off out yet again. I've just eaten some crusty bread with clover, simple things in life sometimes are the ebst, (but I'll suffer in the night!!)

I'll say oight oight, oh and hello jude x
Hi Neti and Oight Oight :) x
We (Shughy and me) are sitting up a bit tonight as we all had late dinner. Rab has hurt his shoulder yet again and is a little lame so we won't be going out in the morning. Rab stayed up till he had scammed me out of a share of my dinner and he is now upstairs sprawled out on my bed.
Oight oight all

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