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Trying to work out sizes of my shed!

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lindylou16 | 17:03 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | How it Works
72 Answers
I'm Sugar at maths, especially working out decimals.But that's beside the point.
Which is the easiest way.


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oh bibble - I wouldn't worry about the odd 100gms!
100gms equals approx. 3.5 ounces... not to be sniffed at in certain circles...
Or about an 8th ;)
damm I need to look closer...

an 8th will be about 3.5grams, not ounces! LOL
Eh? 28g = 1 oz...
Are you looking through 'chinese eyes'? ;-p
not in circles obviously but across the diameter, or just a radius if you're a bit hard up, is another thing entirely!
If you want to measure the length of your shed then you will need to drill a small hole in each end. Then hire the Large Hadron Collider for just one day (or maybe two just to be safe), and position your shed in the middle of tunnel. Now when the protons get up to an energy of 7 TeV time how long it takes each proton to go in one hole and come out the other - I have always found Casio watches to be reliable. Since the protons will be travelling at 0.999999991c it is an easy matter to work out the length of your shed (incidentally, Casio make some rather super calculators too!).

Of course that depends on whether you can borrow a drill or not.
Blimey... might lindylou need a Flux Capacitor as well?
Has the Large Hadron Collider got a plug on the end and if so will lindylou be able to use an extension lead to plug it in through the kitchen window (if she doesn't have a socket in the garden - I presume she couldn't plug it into a socket in the shed itself because of the vacuum)?
Lindy, is this a shed you've already got, or have we put you off altogether getting a new one?! May one ask, why you want to measure it?
yes, forgot about that so don't forget to collect a lot of 50p coins for the meter
Superb thread. Thanks for starting it lindylou16. Has it helped?
at the risk of being a spoilsport, I don't think sheds have been decimilised - they still come in imperial i.e. a 5 by 7, 6 by 8 or 7 by 9.

Are you trying to find out what size you've got, what size you want to buy, or the size of shed you need based on how much stuff you have or the size of the space you have to fit a shed in?
It will be a European plug if it has so will need an adaptor, either French or Swiss, depending on where they plug it in normally.
Dan Brown included the LHC in one of his books, was it Angels & Demons or one of the others? You could read that while you're waiting.
I watched Angels & Demons the other night... not from my shed though as it is too small. How do I know? I measured it.
Will the shed be taller if it is sited on a deep concrete base opposed to paving slabs?
Yep, angels and demons.
I don't really want to bring Health and Safety into it but she should also get one of those circuit breaker things just to be on the safe side when she orders the travel plug adaptor - boring - but safety is paramount!!

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Trying to work out sizes of my shed!

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