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Trying to work out sizes of my shed!

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lindylou16 | 17:03 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | How it Works
72 Answers
I'm Sugar at maths, especially working out decimals.But that's beside the point.
Which is the easiest way.


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im still awake

Right heres what you do

fill the shed with water

see how much water it takes to fill the shed

then for every 100 kilogram of water it is equal to a square metre

Hope this helps
Walk into Garden centre, hold arms out either side of you and say, I want a shed this wide, then take four big steps forward and say and this long!
the easiest way is this one (see link) I hope you didn't buy a gazebo in the mean time.
just find one the same size as the one you already have and look at the label.
wildwood - I have 2 concerns with your excellent instruction

1) she may lay down with straight legs but will she be able to keep a straight face and will this affect the depth?

2) as the NMO is in Teddington, Middx. and lindylou may not be able to get there personally, do you think that sending the sticks by second class mail is a feasible option or do you think they would be able to work from a photo of the sticks taken against a matchbox for scale?
The Blue Whale suggestion is still the best...
no I reckon the Large Hadron Collider - if she can borrow a drill of course....
There have been 67 answers so far but we need more information before we can accurately answer this question. Is it a wooden, plastic or metal shed?

The measurements will vary with temperature at a different rate for the different materials.
don't worry I've still got the old bi-metal strip for emergency heat expansion testing...
1. It is a scientific fact that smiling makes one's hair stand up so lindylou16 should keep a serious face when doing the measuring.

2. If lindylou16 does in fact live in Timbuktu, this is a problem I had not foreseen, and I would like to thank you for pointing out this potentially disastrous scenario. I have consulted with 'my people' on this geographical problem and we have come up with an ideal solution with only one minor hiccup.
In these times of fear and terror, surely British post will have a package with a long pointy content blownup in case it is a AK47. So, instead of sending the sticks the team has come up with a brainstorm which is that the actual shed is posted to the NMO so no mistake can be made with the crucial measurements. The one snag is that it has not been decided where is the best place to stick the postage stamps and address label, the roof or on one of the walls. How tall is a postie?
Someone asked a similar question before - http://www.theanswerb...6.html#answer-2778806

Read Tetjam's response, Mamjet made me laugh out loud every time I read his posts. I miss reading them. lol
how tall is a postie? I think you may have to start a new thread for that one....

but as to the stamps and label gosh...another conundrum inside an enigma inside a fish & chip wrapper I fear......

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Trying to work out sizes of my shed!

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