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Trying to work out sizes of my shed!

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lindylou16 | 17:03 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | How it Works
72 Answers
I'm Sugar at maths, especially working out decimals.But that's beside the point.
Which is the easiest way.


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Ewan McGregor was a bit annoying...
Was he in the shed too?
What amperage do you think will be OK for the LHC?
I thought Anchorage was in Alaska - is this a wooden shed or more like an igloo please?
is in Ac or DC (see I do know tech stuff) - does it not go on-off-on-off, or is it just Whoosh?
did Angus Prune play guitar for AC or DC? i can never remember which
You're confusing me now boxy - is that like red, red-amber, green-red, ambergris....... told you I was confused
''I thought Anchorage was in Alaska - is this a wooden shed or more like an igloo please? ''

They'll be able to help:
Well done snags - that is exactly what lindy was searching for - where is she ?
Hang on - I'll ask her.
LOL @ snags - this is a brilliant thread for a sunny evening, thank you lindylou!
A shed load of laughs then?
I don't know why this came to mind...
The standard unit of measurement for a garden shed is a PeterCrouch. For a more accurate measurement he will roll into a ball to provide a smaller scale and I understand he will do this for a couple of chocolate hobnobs.
How many sizes does your shed it a bit of a Tardis?
But you wanted want it to be any bigger than it needs to be to house the posters in News would you?
Using the PeterCrouch method is all very well, but surely calling on the expertise of Chelsea FC's hooligan football firm of the early 80's, the Chelsea Shed Boys would be a better bet...
But the Shed Boys are well known consumers of jammy dodgers and the local shop have already run out of them.
if the Chelsea Shed are in need of assistance the Millwall Boot Boys are apparently happy to pass on the knowledge they have gained from decorating The Den.
According to Harriet Beecher Stowe her mother's brother's is this big:

Will that do lindylou?
Now that all the comedians are in bed you’d probably appreciate a sensible answer.

First lay down in your shed and if you can do that with straight legs and without having to bend your head, your shed in longer than you. Now take two pieces of garden stake the same size as you are tall and lay them on the shed floor making sure the ends of each stick touches each opposite wall. Now you can nail/tape the two stakes together and you’ll have the exact length of the shed. Now do the same procedure between the other two walls so you’ll have another stick the depth of the shed.

Now take the two sticks to the NMO (National Measurement Office) and they will measure them for you free of charge. To get the shed’s ground area they will need to multiply the length with the depth so don’t get the two sticks mixed up.

Hope this helps.

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Trying to work out sizes of my shed!

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