I was driving down the road, when the bonnet flew up and came straight off smashing the widnscreen. The roof is now dented and the bonnet is scratched and obviosly no longer atched to the car. Phoned...
I booked a flight but I didn't book insurance. the flight is for the start of September but I know I am not going now. The airline will not refund the money I paid for the flight. Is it possible to...
In April last year my wife was involved in a car accident and the other party accepted full blame and the car was repaired. We were asked by our representative if we wanted to claim for personal...
almost 5years ago i took out a fixed rate mortgage along with an insurance against redundancy, last payment on mortgage 31.11.2012, insurance up for renewal 01.01.2013 redundancy certain within the...
Are you allowed to have more than one insurance policy in force on a car ? i.e. ,does the person selling the car have to cancel thier insurance on the car before the buyer can insure the car . Hope...
thanks for your reply never expected for insurance company to pay off mortgage just so annoying that you get insured against redundancy for what it would be much better if the insurance company paid...
Has anybody else noticed that you're not covered for European travel if you're with the Prudential unless they are notified? Seems strange they didn't seem to want to let anybody know....
hi, my husband was driving someone elses car, and this car was insured on my husband and me. we started drivin car in november 2011. in march, my husband gave the car back to his friend, we cancelled...
Saw an advert for this, which seems a little big brother to me, but I did wonder if it does offer large savings in premiums? Anyone using such an insurance scheme?...
Could you please tell me if I am entitled to make a claim for a Whiplash injury, when I was a passenger in my farthers car when he crashed? Im not sure if it matters, but I am also insured 3rd party...
Does anyone know of a source for travel cover that allows trip lengths (i.e. absence from the UK) within Europe of more than 90 days ? Ideally this would cover a couple rather than just one...
My sister-in-law has Motor Neurone Disease which is quite far advanced. She cannot talk, her left arm is paralysed and she is fed via a tube into her stomach, although she can still walk short...
Has anyone used The Green Insurance Company for there Buildings and contents insurance, looked up some reviews which were not good for the company but they all seem to be reviews for car insurance and...
My Mother in Law died in the late 80's...funeral cost £470. Mother died 2007 cost £ 1996 Step Dad died 2009 cost £2019 Clearly costs are rising so fast it has to be sensible to make...
I'm just about to start up a new business. It's linked to the promotions industry, specifically consumer competitions. My website is almost ready, my stationery has been printed, I'm almost ready to...
our former car was a T registration and found out it was going to cost near to £1k to repair when it was only worth £400 so decided to buy a new car. I approached the insurance company we...
I have to pay up front for a hotel booking for a stay in London in late September and would like to insure against the possibility of not making the trip. Where might I get this service? Thanks.
i have entered into verbal contract with swinton house insurance to renew cover but my insurance does not start till 31st july and i am still in my cooling off period of 14 days and i am wanting to...