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phleb | 10:24 Wed 05th Nov 2014 | Jobs & Education
109 Answers
Hiya, i know i can rely on you all. what is £450-10%? i have set percentage on excel. but answer comes up as 449.90. thanks x


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Yes, prudie's suggestion will also work. There is a direct equivalence between percentages and fractions and decimals, which works in the following way. 10% really just means "10 per 100", or "10 divided by 100". Thus all percentages can instantly by converted into a fraction by taking the number that's the given percentage, and writing it instead as a...
10:58 Wed 05th Nov 2014
No problem. I despise unwarranted attacks.
'Unwarranted attack', 'arrogant git' - obviously hissy fit day. I was trying, obviously unsuccessfully, to be supportive to Phleb (sorry Phleb). Yes Jim, we all know your very clever at something (now known to be physics). Some people aren't good at maths, hardly the end of the world.

Sherrard... I never attacked anyone in this thread. I tried to help phleb and she's apparently apprciated that help. Retrochic came on and moaned about the question being asked and I dismissed that as well. Apparently your ex was smug and I criticised that behaviour.

So exactly why I'm getting this treatment from you I have no idea. It's completely unfair and utterly unwarranted. And makes assumptions about my life and personality that, if you really knew me, you might soon learn to regret. I'm not throwing a hissy fit. I don't think anyone would be pleased if they were asked what they did and then instantly had that thrown in their face, as if somehow being good at physics automatically makes me a not very nice person...
bet phleb didn't expect that 90% of the thread wouldn't be about calculating 90% of £450
Jim: Wrong person regarding the 'smug ex' bit.
Ah, yes, darn it. lardhelmet's ex. Whoever's ex it was they were still far too smug when they never should have been.
Jim, attack refers to Zacs, I don't have a smug ex (that was someone else), I doubt I will 'soon learn to regret' anything from you (v nice by the way - everyone loves a veiled & empty threat), my experience of people who are good at maths shows them to be intolerant of those who don't get maths. Didn't say you weren't a nice person - ah, the joys of the Internet.
bibblebub: Actually 89.8% but you're good :)
There's no threat there. But your lumping me in with whatever generalisation you want to make is unfair and you would realise that if you really knew me.

I'm absolutely not intolerant of people who struggle with maths. It's a totally unfair comment and you really ought to retract it, or at the very least stop repeating it.
bibblebub: Yeah I'm that sad that I counted all the irrelevant or hateful posts and devised the percentage up to your comment. If I include yours then it's 89.91%, I could round up :)
Yes jim my ex was smug, intolerant and patronising but nobody's perfect.
Oh ..... F F S

You are all nice people but some have got the wrong ends of assorted sticks - sometimes I hate what the interweb can do

[ group hug please ]
jim -I did not moan about the question I was making an observation which obviously was a jolly good excuse for the 'group huggers' and patronizers to come out and have a good scrap. wow 95 replies to a sum my kids could do at 4 years old -but its not about that is it? its about picking through the bones of certain posts so one can reply 'outraged' or 'sympathetic' or go into minute details showing how very much more intelligent they are. Truthfully, would anyone employ an admin clerk who said 'Hiya...what is $450 -10%...anyone... -seriously? I suggested she got some lessons in Excel and Word, and I'm being negative apparently,no I'm not I'm being realistic and don't need to be all fluffy bunny,condescending or patronizing. There's a big difference between being rubbish at math and unable to do even the simplest of calculations. I'm rubbish at re-wiring a plug , not a huge deal unless I decided to start up Self-employed as an Electrician, get my drift?
For all that, retrochic, pointing out how rubbish someone may be doesn't actually help the matter. Most people I've met who aren't mathematically minded are already aware of that, and don't need anyone pointing it out. Then the only question is if they care or not. Sadly, rather a lot of people don't seem to care. That's not really the case here anyway, it seems to me, so that we're left with someone who's being unfairly criticised for asking a question. And of course for that matter it's worth pointing out that phleb evidently knew that the "answer" Excel had given was wrong, and why was that, which in itself is worth commending. Far too many people trust what the computer says -- at least here that hasn't happened.

If people are bad at maths and don't care, criticising them for it doesn't achieve anything. If people are bad at maths but do care, criticising is just unfair. Evidently people's brains are wired differently so that what's easy to some is hard to others.

During my time at high school I was working with someone, one of the nicest kids, seriously enthusiastic and clearly very passionate about trying to learn about maths. And yet he couldn't seem even to work out how to factorise 70 as 2*5*7. That's not exactly a difficult thing to do. Poor kid couldn't get his head around it. Pointing out how bad at maths he was would be nothing other than mean. And it's this sort of attitude that I'm criticising, and I make no apologies for that. It's an attitude that helps no-one.
Jim I'm of the opinion that if you are struggling with something its best if its pointed out and then you can proactively do something about it. This pussy-footing around so not to hurt someones feelings is both Modern and ineffectual. My main contribution to this thread was not personal towards the OP, but to make a point that if the State Education system is spewing out adults who are incapable of moving a decimal place one digit the the left to find 10% of a number then there is something sadly lacking.

And I did not criticise, I simply made a Statement of Fact, that due to the content of the OP, the OPer would not get any work from me.
I'm rubbish at re-wiring a plug , not a huge deal unless I decided to start up Self-employed as an Electrician, get my drift?

Even my pet hamster can rewire a plug

What the hell happened to this thread it has more crossed wires than plug rewired by Retrochick.
a ^

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