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Can anyone recommend an accredited organisation please? Some have names that give the impression they're affiliated to respected universities but I'm not sure they are.  Any advice would be... ...
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How important is education? Does your country have a good education system? ... Which countries have the best schools and universities? ... Is education only for the young? ... Henry Ford said,... ...
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A colleuge said today he think my boss (checkout manager) would be on my side if he knew and I was looking and managers wouldn't care.
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Just arrived in the UK as a student two weeks ago and didn’t know my documents need to be attested. Does anyone know a reliable translation company that can help? Or is anyone here a translator?
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I currently work part time 24 hrs a week and earn just above the minimum wage hourly rate , I also have a pension of 165 per month, my wage has a tax code of 1059T and my pension has the remaining... ...
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How important is education?
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Dad: ______ we go out for dinner tonight?

Charan: Yes, Dad. ________ We go to a restaurant where I _____ have some ice cream.

Dad: OK. Then, I ______ be home by 7 p.m. Mom and you ___ be ready... ...
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1. You may speak politely to the elders.
2. You will get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.
3. We could grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we don’t do it now.
4. Must I get your jacket?... ...
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A. Goes B. Go C. Going D. Run
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We ________________ preserve our natural resources. (duty)
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Sibi has not practised hard but he ___________ win the race. (possibility)
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_____________________ I have another glass of water? (request)
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My father ______________ play badminton in the evenings when he was at college. (past habit)
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Poongothai ______________ speak several languages. (ability in the present)
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You ______________ buy this book. It is worth buying. (advice or suggestion)
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When I was a child, I climb trees easily but now I can’t. (ability in the past)

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